Author: iz4wnp

Powering Your Ham Radio Shack with MFJ and Anderson’s
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Powering Your Ham Radio Shack with MFJ and Anderson’s

“Something you’ll stumble onto is the need to power more and more devices in your shack. This particuarly happens when you start buying more and…

Best portable radio setup ever?!? Yaesu FT891, MFJ-939 Tuner, PackTenna Mini, Bioenno 20AH battery.
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Best portable radio setup ever?!? Yaesu FT891, MFJ-939 Tuner, PackTenna Mini, Bioenno 20AH battery.

Antenna HF Antenna In An HOA, Chameleon MPAS 2.0 Is Discrete!! March 22, 2020 No comments Chameleon MPAS 2.0 1.8-54 MHz Modular Portable Antenna System…

Deep Learning con Keras sul Raspberry Pi
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Deep Learning con Keras sul Raspberry Pi

Se si vuole eseguire un modello di rete neurale su un sistema embedded, il Raspberry Pi rappresenta senza alcun dubbio la migliore opzione attualmente disponibile….

J88PI Palm Island Saint Vincent and Grenadines. From
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J88PI Palm Island Saint Vincent and Grenadines. From

Brian, GW4DVB will be active again as J88PI from Palm Island, IOTA NA-025, 6 – 15 April 2020., J88PI Palm Island Saint Vincent and Grenadines….

VP2V/W9DR Anegada Island British Virgin Islands. From
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VP2V/W9DR Anegada Island British Virgin Islands. From

W9DR will be active again as VP2V/W9DR from Anegada Island, British Virgin Islands, 17 – 24 June 2020., VP2V/W9DR Anegada Island British Virgin Islands. From…

International Amateur Radio Union Adjusting to COVID-19
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International Amateur Radio Union Adjusting to COVID-19

The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) has reported on how it is addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, given the various restrictions in place to slow the…

The Sun Blows a Smoke Ring | Space Weather News 03.24.2020
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The Sun Blows a Smoke Ring | Space Weather News 03.24.2020

Review Replacing a bad PL-259 Connector March 24, 2020 No comments “Since we all need to stay at home anyway, let’s fix up the station!…

Replacing a bad PL-259 Connector
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Replacing a bad PL-259 Connector

“Since we all need to stay at home anyway, let’s fix up the station! I need to review a new mobile radio, and the connector…

Ofcom engineers shine a light on interference issue
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Ofcom engineers shine a light on interference issue

Ofcom’s spectrum assurance team recently solved a sky-high interference case that took more than a little detective work to crack. The team were contacted by…

Elettricità nel mondo: perchè in America si usa la 110V e altrove la 220?
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Elettricità nel mondo: perchè in America si usa la 110V e altrove la 220?

Sul nostro pianeta non viene usata ovunque la stessa tensione per le nostre case ed uffici. In diversi paesi, Italia inclusa, si utilizza la 220V,…

L’Intelligenza Artificiale nell’Ingegneria Aerospaziale
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L’Intelligenza Artificiale nell’Ingegneria Aerospaziale

I Sistemi Intelligenti sono ispirati alla natura, matematicamente affidabili, sono potenti strumenti di calcolo e metodologie di risoluzione dei problemi, diventati estremamente importanti per l’incremento…

DXCC Most Wanted 2020. From
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DXCC Most Wanted 2020. From

DXCC Most wanted countries 2020 Club Log version. Updated 22 March 2020., DXCC Most Wanted 2020. From, ,

Radio Amateurs Team Up to Help University Design Low-Cost Ventilator
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Radio Amateurs Team Up to Help University Design Low-Cost Ventilator

Amateur radio volunteers from around the world have volunteered to assist University of Florida Professor Sam Lampotang and his engineering team in their quest to…

JH1AJT Amateur of the Year
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JH1AJT Amateur of the Year

INDEXA is especially proud to have one of its members and principal donors named as the 2020 Amateur of the Year by the Dayton Hamvention….

Another UK CB Radio Net
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Another UK CB Radio Net

So here we have news of yet another new CB Radio net here in the UK. The ‘South Of The River Radio Bandits DX Group’…

DX Engineering Ladder Line Surge Protector DXE-LLSP
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DX Engineering Ladder Line Surge Protector DXE-LLSP

Built by popular demand, the DX Engineering Ladder Line Surge Protector is ready to be placed in line with your balanced feedline antenna system! For…

Official QO-100 International Emergency Frequency!
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Official QO-100 International Emergency Frequency!

Official QO-100 International Emergency Frequency! In order to coordinate potential emergency communications during the actual or any other crisis, the following frequency will be assigned…

HF Antenna In An HOA, Chameleon MPAS 2.0 Is Discrete!!
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HF Antenna In An HOA, Chameleon MPAS 2.0 Is Discrete!!


Dispositivo di ventilazione open source low-cost
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Dispositivo di ventilazione open source low-cost

Questo articolo spiega come l’elettronica ed il making possano fornire un valido aiuto in situazioni emergenziali. E’ possibile, infatti, costruire un ventilatore rudimentale a basso…

Emissioni di CO2 in Cina: cosa è cambiato
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Emissioni di CO2 in Cina: cosa è cambiato

Le emissioni di CO2 in Cina si riducono del 25% come conseguenza di una delle più gravi epidemie virali del secolo. Il consumo di energia…

16′ DX Flagpole Antenna, Stealth HOA Vertical Antenna No Radials 80-6M
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16′ DX Flagpole Antenna, Stealth HOA Vertical Antenna No Radials 80-6M

Greyline 16-foot DX Flagpole Antenna, a real Flagpole approved for ham radio in HOA, smart design for Stealth, No Radials, OCF vertical antenna, a vertical-dipole,…

Amateur radio satellite spreads Fight Coronavirus message
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Amateur radio satellite spreads Fight Coronavirus message

Indonesia’s national amateur radio society ORARI reports the ham radio satellite LAPAN-A2 (IO-86) is being used to send a Fight Coronavirus message using APRS. A translation of…

YouLoop HF loop antenna
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YouLoop HF loop antenna

HF loop antenna HF Portable & Flexible Receive Loop Antenna Covers HF frequencies (10 kHz to 30 MHz) Usable on VHF up to 300 MHz…

Scientists create quantum sensor that covers entire radio frequency spectrum
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Scientists create quantum sensor that covers entire radio frequency spectrum

The Army Research Laboratory Atoms in a glass vapor cell are excited with laser beams to Rydberg states. They detect the electric fields (coming from…

Spada Laser: si può fare, ma quanto consuma?
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Spada Laser: si può fare, ma quanto consuma?

Per i fan di Star Wars, è un sogno proibito avere una spada laser. Ormai sono ben note ai fan del settore le repliche in…