Another interesting handheld radio, the QYT KT-8R, priced at around £55 and looking like a beefed up Baofeng! Main features: Quad frequency Fashion colour screen High…
“Broadcasters would likely call it money well-spent, but it’s still cash coming from the federal government’s hands. The Federal Communications Commission estimates it will cost…
Handheld Radio The L3Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-152A provides simultaneous voice, video and high-speed data in a highly portable form factor. Employing the Soldier Radio Waveform…
È possibile sostituire i rapporti secolari e millenari tra le persone, forzatamente legati alle circostanze, con un sistema automatico e libero di generazione della fiducia?…
I felt cheated this week when a much-anticipated sunspot only appeared just briefly, disappearing after two days. Sunspot region AR2758 only appeared on March 8-9,…
Employed for experimentation and communication between astronauts on-board ISS and school students around the world JVCKENWOOD Corporation (JVCKENWOOD) is pleased to announce that its Kenwood…
Blockchain e Internet of Things (IoT) sono due tra le più importanti tecnologie in grado di guidare e implementare le soluzioni digitali più innovative. In…
Quest’anno ricorre il 125° anniversario dell’invenzione della radio da parte di Guglielmo Marconi, e proprio in occasione del Marconi Day, che cadrà il 25 aprile,…
New Controller for ANANs/OpenHPSDR, compatible with all ANAN radios! **Dual Receive with independent Panadapter/waterfall **PureSignal Predistortion Supported **Diversity Receive **Supports latest Noise mitigation NR2 &…
t last! A large screen panadapter for your IC-7300! Radio Analog PTRX-7300 IF Interface Modules provide an innovative method to sample filtered receive and transmit…
Today we would like to recognize and congratulate all the girl scouts who have earned their Radio and Wireless Technology Patch. The patch supports the…
Are young people involved in Amateur Radio? That’s an existential question because if they’re not, there’s no future in ham radio. But, fortunately, Jay Silber,…
Ti immagineresti mai che su un chip così piccolo come l’AtTiny85 sia possibile integrare il machine learning? Parliamo di progetti il cui peso in termini…
In un precedente articolo avevamo introdotto Weka, un workbench open source per l’apprendimento automatico che consente anche ai neofiti di avvicinarsi fin da subito al…
News IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter February 2020 March 11, 2020 No comments The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter February 2020 is now available. Click on the link to read…
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