Author: iz4wnp

Intelligenza artificiale: il software che impara a giocare a scacchi e che in 72 ore ne diventa Maestro
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Intelligenza artificiale: il software che impara a giocare a scacchi e che in 72 ore ne diventa Maestro

Prima o poi l’intelligenza artificiale batterà l’uomo e lo porrà in secondo ordine. Parliamo di vera intelligenza, di come un computer potrà affrontare i problemi…

UK On Lockdown
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UK On Lockdown

As the UK goes into lockdown CB, PMR and Ham Radio are the ideal way to maintain social interaction, so get on the air and…

Midlands PMR Net 22/03/2020
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Midlands PMR Net 22/03/2020

In this time of crisis and social isolation it’s great to see people trying something new. David and Ryan will be out and about on…

4L8A Tbilisi Georgia. From
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4L8A Tbilisi Georgia. From

Vakhtang, 4L8A will be active from Tbilisi, Georgia in Russian DX Contest, 21 – 22 March 2020., 4L8A Tbilisi Georgia. From, ,

HamSCI Workshop – Friday, March 20, 2020- LIV
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HamSCI Workshop – Friday, March 20, 2020- LIV

Equipment openSPOT3 introduction [ VIDEO ] March 19, 2020 No comments Home » openSPOT3 ••••••••• The openSPOT3 is a battery powered, portable, standalone digital radio internet gateway…

First long-duration flare of Solar Cycle 25 – The K7RA Solar Update
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First long-duration flare of Solar Cycle 25 – The K7RA Solar Update

On Wednesday, reported a new emerging Cycle 25 sunspot in the sun’s Northern Hemisphere, but it was not yet numbered. By the next day…

Il valore della Blockchain ed il Marketplace dei dati IoT
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Il valore della Blockchain ed il Marketplace dei dati IoT

Qual è il valore della Blockchain? E perché ti dovrebbe interessare quanto un bit? Il mondo sta vivendo una grande rivoluzione tecnologica; quando vengono create…

Cosa è la Lightning Network e cosa rappresenta per il futuro della blockchain
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Cosa è la Lightning Network e cosa rappresenta per il futuro della blockchain

Nel campo della blockchain si sono sviluppati innumerevoli progetti, l’esplosione a livello di fama del Bitcoin degli ultimi anni ha di fatto creato un settore…

Status QUAD: 3 StQ 5, cubical quad 3 elements 5 band
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Status QUAD: 3 StQ 5, cubical quad 3 elements 5 band

     235,00 €  Equipment openSPOT3 introduction [ VIDEO ] March 19, 2020 No comments Home » openSPOT3 ••••••••• The openSPOT3 is a battery powered, portable, standalone digital radio internet…

Just going to run a little power to my shack – should I ground?
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Just going to run a little power to my shack – should I ground?

Just going to run a little power to my shack – should I ground? from r/amateurradio Equipment openSPOT3 introduction [ VIDEO ] March 19, 2020…

The Sun Flares for Cycle 25 | Solar Storm Forecast 03.19.2020
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The Sun Flares for Cycle 25 | Solar Storm Forecast 03.19.2020

Review A Review of the Power Genius XL – By Mack McCormick, W4AX March 18, 2020 No comments Power Genius XL Searching for the highest…

openSPOT3 introduction [ VIDEO ]
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openSPOT3 introduction [ VIDEO ]

Home » openSPOT3 ••••••••• The openSPOT3 is a battery powered, portable, standalone digital radio internet gateway (hotspot) designed mainly for amateur radio. You can talk with others…

K3YV Wins the March QST Cover Plaque Award
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K3YV Wins the March QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the March 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “Leaky” Antenna Switches by Ellwood (Woody) Brem, K3YV. The QST Cover Plaque Award — given to the author…

Sensore per i denti: come la tecnologia può analizzare le tue abitudini alimentari
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Sensore per i denti: come la tecnologia può analizzare le tue abitudini alimentari

Esistono differenti sensori nel mondo dell’elettronica: siamo giunti al punto in cui possiamo ormai ottenere misurazioni di qualsiasi avvenimento fisico. Non solo: in ambito medico…

Stable Coin: la criptovaluta progettata per ridurre la volatilità
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Stable Coin: la criptovaluta progettata per ridurre la volatilità

Ogni criptovaluta dovrebbe idealmente soddisfare quattro requisiti: scalabilità, decentralizzazione, privatezza e stabilità del prezzo. Quest’ultima proprietà, tanto migliore quanto più bassa è la volatilità, è…

TG9BBV Guatemala. From
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TG9BBV Guatemala. From

Dwight, VE7BV will be active again as TG9BBV from Guatemala, November 2020., TG9BBV Guatemala. From, ,

A Review of the Power Genius XL – By Mack McCormick, W4AX
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A Review of the Power Genius XL – By Mack McCormick, W4AX

Power Genius XL Searching for the highest performing solid state linear amplifier on the market today? If so, then the Power Genius XL (PGXL) amplifier…

Nooelec Ham It Up NANO – HF Upconverter
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Nooelec Ham It Up NANO – HF Upconverter

Ham It Up Nano – Tiny HF Upconverter w/ Black Enclosure, TCXO, & Bias-Tee Power Support A highly-portable RF (LF/MF/HF) converter for software defined radio…

Nasce prima il miner o la criptomoneta?
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Nasce prima il miner o la criptomoneta?

Uno tra gli elementi fondamentali quando si parla di criptovalute è il mining, argomento già trattato in articoli come questo, in cui si illustra la…

D4F Sao Vicente Island Cabo Verde. From
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D4F Sao Vicente Island Cabo Verde. From

Massimo, IZ4DPV will be active as D4F from Sao Vicente Island, IOTA AF-086, Cabo Verde, (Cape Verde), until 31 March 2020., D4F Sao Vicente Island…

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HF/VHF/UHF All-in-One Shack-in-a-Box
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HF/VHF/UHF All-in-One Shack-in-a-Box

“The Shack-in-a-Box HF/VHF/UHF All-in-One Shack-in-a-Box provides coverage from 160 meters through 70 centimeters in an easy-to-carry Gator Pro 4 Rack Unit Shallow Roto Molded Case. …

HamSCI 2020 Workshop Retools as a Virtual Event
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HamSCI 2020 Workshop Retools as a Virtual Event

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the March 20 – 21 HamSCI Workhop will go on, moving to an all-digital webinar workshop. Registration and participation will be free…

Morse Code Knowledge Vertical Poster
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Morse Code Knowledge Vertical Poster

Product Details Printed on 200 GSM paper Edge-to-edge print with no borders Dimensions 11 inches x 17 inches Printed in the USA This item is…

How To Program a Baofeng Ham Radio Easy and FAST With CHIRP
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How To Program a Baofeng Ham Radio Easy and FAST With CHIRP

News HamSCI 2020 Workshop Retools as a Virtual Event March 17, 2020 No comments Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the March 20 – 21 HamSCI Workhop will…