Author: iz4wnp

Exam flexibility during the coronavirus situation
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Exam flexibility during the coronavirus situation

With the reported increase of positive cases of Coronavirus, it is inevitable that some exams may need to be postponed. If it becomes necessary for…

Tubi Nixie: cosa sono e come funzionano?
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Tubi Nixie: cosa sono e come funzionano?

Prima dell’avvento dei cristalli liquidi e i display a sette segmenti, si usavano strade alternative per creare sistemi di visualizzazione, specialmente per i numeri. I…

Vinci la lampadina WiFi multicolor da 10W (una al giorno)
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Vinci la lampadina WiFi multicolor da 10W (una al giorno)

Ecco in arrivo un nuovo avvincente contest su Elettronica Open Source. Un nuovo emozionante contest è in arrivo dopo il grande successo dell’iniziativa “Una Scheda…

L’Intelligenza Artificiale per la prevenzione degli incidenti aerei
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L’Intelligenza Artificiale per la prevenzione degli incidenti aerei

Nonostante gli enormi progressi tecnologici nel settore dell’avionica, sebbene il miglioramento degli standard di sicurezza abbia contribuito a ridurre il numero di incidenti, gli schianti…

CE0Y/VE7ACN Easter Island. From
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CE0Y/VE7ACN Easter Island. From

Mike, VE7ACN will be active as CE0Y/VE7ACN from Easter Island, 19 – 30 March 2020., CE0Y/VE7ACN Easter Island. From, ,

Diamond K-400 Mobile Antenna Mount, Tarheel Antenna Update
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Diamond K-400 Mobile Antenna Mount, Tarheel Antenna Update

Deluxe heavy duty trunk lid/hatchback mount. Strongest, most universal mobile mount available. 2-axis adjustment gives flexibility in mounting location, i.e. trunk lid, hatchback, vertical door,…

Building the v6.1 Micro BITX from India
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Building the v6.1 Micro BITX from India

“I build the new version 6.1 uBITX HF QRP SSB/CW transceiver fromm in India. For an extra US$50, they include a case, another extra…

Modulo RF 868 MHz TR-52B
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Modulo RF 868 MHz TR-52B

Esaminiamo in dettaglio il TR-52, un modulo transceiver di IQRF basato su microcontrollore on board molto completo e dotato di tutto ciò che necessita allo sviluppatore. Estremamente versatile, si rende utile…

Una libreria per applicazioni MEDICALI
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Una libreria per applicazioni MEDICALI

Realizzare applicazioni medicali è oggi più semplice grazie alla libreria Medical Connectivity Library. Il settore medicale ha visto una rapida crescita dell’utilizzo di apparecchiature elettroniche per la…

VP2VB Anegada Island British Virgin Islands. From
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VP2VB Anegada Island British Virgin Islands. From

VP2VB Team will be active from Anegada Island, IOTA NA – 023, British Virgin Islands, 10 – 16 March 2020., VP2VB Anegada Island British Virgin…

Dayton Hamvention Canceled
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Dayton Hamvention Canceled

“The Hamvention Executive Committee has been monitoring the COVID19 pandemic. We have worked very closely with our local and state health Departments. It is with…

Low Cost EFHW Antenna Matching Transformer
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Low Cost EFHW Antenna Matching Transformer

Equipment L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-152A Wideband Networking Handheld Radio March 14, 2020 No comments Handheld Radio The L3Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-152A provides simultaneous voice, video…

Machine Learning: la rivoluzione del Cognitive Computing
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Machine Learning: la rivoluzione del Cognitive Computing

Il successo dell’Apprendimento Automatico, noto anche come Machine Learning, si basa sulla scalabilità. Con l’avanzare del Machine Learning gli ingegneri dovranno progettare sistemi in grado…

Progetto Genoma Umano: il dna umano sintetico
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Progetto Genoma Umano: il dna umano sintetico

Notizia forse ai limiti della realtà e che ha dell’incredibile. Si è tenuto tempo fa a Boston un incontro alquanto “segreto” che aveva come oggetto…

The ‘Almost Spring’ Net 14/03/2020
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The ‘Almost Spring’ Net 14/03/2020

Tonight is the night for The ‘Almost Spring’ Net live from Winter Hill here in the UK, so why not get on the air and…

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Another interesting handheld radio, the QYT KT-8R, priced at around £55 and looking like a beefed up Baofeng! Main features: Quad frequency Fashion colour screen High…

TU2R Cote dIvoire Ivory Coast. From
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TU2R Cote dIvoire Ivory Coast. From

TU2R Team will be active from Cote d’Ivoire, (Ivory Coast), 23 March – 3 April 2020., TU2R Cote dIvoire Ivory Coast. From, ,

PY0F Fernando de Noronha Islands. From
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PY0F Fernando de Noronha Islands. From

PT2FM will be active as PY0F from Fernando de Noronha Island, IOTA SA – 003, in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest, 28 – 29 March…

FCC To Hire ‘Substantial Number’ Of New Agents To Capture Radio Pirates.
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FCC To Hire ‘Substantial Number’ Of New Agents To Capture Radio Pirates.

“Broadcasters would likely call it money well-spent, but it’s still cash coming from the federal government’s hands. The Federal Communications Commission estimates it will cost…

L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-152A Wideband Networking Handheld Radio
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L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-152A Wideband Networking Handheld Radio

Handheld Radio The L3Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-152A provides simultaneous voice, video and high-speed data in a highly portable form factor. Employing the Soldier Radio Waveform…

HF RX SWL Antenna For Small Spaces And Apartments RTL SDR
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HF RX SWL Antenna For Small Spaces And Apartments RTL SDR

This antenna has internal loaded wire traps to act as a great alternative to a long wire. Ideal for those who want to listen to…

Google IoT Platform: Una piattaforma infinita per la tua rete IoT
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Google IoT Platform: Una piattaforma infinita per la tua rete IoT

Se hai la necessità di gestire un progetto IoT composto da tanti nodi, Google IoT Platform è il sistema che fa per te. Non è…

La blockchain ridefinisce il tempo
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La blockchain ridefinisce il tempo

È possibile sostituire i rapporti secolari e millenari tra le persone, forzatamente legati alle circostanze, con un sistema automatico e libero di generazione della fiducia?…

NOISIAMOARI anche contro il Covid-19
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NOISIAMOARI anche contro il Covid-19

Lo screen-shot che qui vedete è la fotografia del messaggio che appare sul sito ufficiale dell’ARRL. Per il nostro CDN e per tutti  i Soci…

ARRL Suspending Tours and Guest Visits to Headquarters
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ARRL Suspending Tours and Guest Visits to Headquarters

As part of efforts under way to help protect the health and safety of ARRL Headquarters employees and volunteers from the impacts of the coronavirus,…