Author: iz4wnp

New QO-100 band plan
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New QO-100 band plan

QO-100 band plan Just in time for the 1-year anniversary of the successful commissioning of the two transponders of Qatar-OSCAR 100, an encore is pending:…

Hi-Z Antennas Shack Switch 2 SS2
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Hi-Z Antennas Shack Switch 2 SS2

Hi-Z Antennas Shack Switch 2 is a modern array direction selection console with an easy to use, large manually operated knob with a continuous rotation…

Costruiamo un indicatore per la raccolta dei rifiuti con ESP8266
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Costruiamo un indicatore per la raccolta dei rifiuti con ESP8266

In questo articolo scoprirai che l’elettronica ci viene in aiuto anche nella vita di tutti i giorni per affrontare al meglio le nostre azioni quotidiane….

Bioprinting 3D: la stampa tridimensionale di tessuti biologici e organi
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Bioprinting 3D: la stampa tridimensionale di tessuti biologici e organi

Negli ultimi anni diversi gruppi di ricerca hanno dimostrato come la tecnologia della stampa 3D possa essere applicata anche nella realizzazione di tessuti biologici e…

Thunderpole T-3000 – Unboxing & Test
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Thunderpole T-3000 – Unboxing & Test

Video:YouTube/Paul McGee M0WNU Paul takes a look at the new Thunderpole T-3000 CB Radio in his own inimitable style….

Tuesday AM Net 25/02/2020
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Tuesday AM Net 25/02/2020

Video:YouTube/AMC Dougie Fresh! This time it’s action on AM with the Tuesday night AM net here in the UK….

Tuesday LSB Net 25/02/2020
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Tuesday LSB Net 25/02/2020

Video:YouTube/AMC Dougie Fresh! Here’s some of the action from a recent LSB net here in the UK…

AMC Leap Of Faith Net
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AMC Leap Of Faith Net

Happening tonight (29/02/2020) from 10pm UK time, is the AMC ‘Leap Of Faith’ Net. Making the most of the extra day this year on channel 14…

KH7M Hawaiian Islands. From
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KH7M Hawaiian Islands. From

Jim, N6TJ will be active from Hawaiian Islands in CQ WW WPX SSB and CW Contests, as KH7M., KH7M Hawaiian Islands. From, ,

NP2P US Virgin Islands. From
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NP2P US Virgin Islands. From

Yuriy, N2TTA will be active from US Virgin Islands, in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 7 – 8 March 2020, as NP2P., NP2P US Virgin Islands….

10-band HF SDR transceiver Minion SDR
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10-band HF SDR transceiver Minion SDR

SSB SDR transceiver is a shortwave, ten band, multi band. QRPver Minion-SDR. This is a compact ten-band shortwave QRP SDR transceiver (1.8, 3.5, 5, 7,…

Xiegu G90 HF SDR Transceiver
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Xiegu G90 HF SDR Transceiver

HF SDR Transceiver News 10-band HF SDR transceiver Minion SDR February 29, 2020 No comments SSB SDR transceiver is a shortwave, ten band, multi band….

The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna
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The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna

launching today The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna! Here’s a video, 150watts, VSWR 1:3:1, Details to Follow 73’s Tom #HamRadio #SOTA #AvGeek #VHF #UHF…

MFJ-993BRT Remote 300W automatic antenna tuner installation
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MFJ-993BRT Remote 300W automatic antenna tuner installation

Remote IntelliTuner is mounted in a durable hard plastic case that measures just 9 ¼” x 3″ x 14 ¼”. Covers 1.8 to 30 MHz,…

Cellulare SENZA Batteria: come funziona il primo prototipo al mondo?
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Cellulare SENZA Batteria: come funziona il primo prototipo al mondo?

L’Università di Washington se non lo sapessi, è uno degli atenei numero uno al mondo per la ricerca sull’energy harvesting. La pratica di ottenere energia…

Lo standard Ethernet nelle applicazioni automotive
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Lo standard Ethernet nelle applicazioni automotive

Negli ultimi anni il settore automotive ha subito un cambiamento radicale a seguito dell’introduzione di soluzioni tecnologiche sempre più innovative. I sistemi avanzati di assistenza…

AR5700D   9kHz-3.7GHz, Digital Communications Receiver
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AR5700D 9kHz-3.7GHz, Digital Communications Receiver

Download AR5700D Brochure AR5700D User manual AR5700D User manual addendum Go to receiver accessories. Review Testing Grounding (Earthing) with the DLG DI120 Ground Earth Resistance…

Solar Wind Pockets & Solar Orbiter Surprise | Solar Storm Forecast 02.28.2020
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Solar Wind Pockets & Solar Orbiter Surprise | Solar Storm Forecast 02.28.2020

Solar Wind Pockets & Solar Orbiter Surprise | Solar Storm Forecast 02.28.2020 Equipment L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio February 27, 2020 No…

Testing Grounding (Earthing) with the DLG DI120 Ground Earth Resistance Tester
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Testing Grounding (Earthing) with the DLG DI120 Ground Earth Resistance Tester

USB Connection for Data Uploading with software applicable in window 2000 / window XP / window Vista / window 7 ( NOT available for window…

UK Telecoms Regulator Ends Policy of Granting Two-Letter Call Sign Suffixes
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UK Telecoms Regulator Ends Policy of Granting Two-Letter Call Sign Suffixes

UK telecommunications regulator Ofcom has said it no longer will issue two-letter suffix call signs to Full Licence holders. Since mid-2018, radio amateurs attaining the…

International Space Station Resupply Mission to Carry New ARISS Ham Radio Gear
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International Space Station Resupply Mission to Carry New ARISS Ham Radio Gear

The scheduled March 7 SpaceX CRS-20 mission to the International Space Station (ISS) will include the initial Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)…

Come l’elettronica sta cambiando l’automobilismo
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Come l’elettronica sta cambiando l’automobilismo

Non ci sono dubbi su questo. Le automobili hanno cambiato il mondo negli ultimi cento anni. Comunque, la tendenza verso modelli sempre più veloci e…

Effetto serra: l’anidride carbonica diventa roccia per salvaguardare l’ambiente
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Effetto serra: l’anidride carbonica diventa roccia per salvaguardare l’ambiente

Il cambiamento climatico è uno dei problemi più discussi ormai da anni ed al quale si cerca di trovare soluzioni tendando di contrastare tutte le…

L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio
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L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio

The L3Harris AN/PRC-117G delivers breakthrough wideband data speed and legacy narrowband performance in a form factor 30% smaller and 35% lighter than any other currently…

The MFJ-1669 40-10 Meter Mobile Antenna with built-in Auto Tuner
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The MFJ-1669 40-10 Meter Mobile Antenna with built-in Auto Tuner

10-BAND HF/VHF 80-2M MOBILE ANT, 200W, 3/8-24 STUB The MFJ-1669 40-10 Meter Mobile Antenna with built-in Auto Tuner A brand new product from MFJ to marvel…