Author: iz4wnp

IOTA: come pubblicare transazioni sul Tangle con il Raspberry Pi
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IOTA: come pubblicare transazioni sul Tangle con il Raspberry Pi

IOTA, nata espressamente per supportare le applicazioni di Internet of Things (IoT), è una criptovaluta a cui su questo sito è stato dedicato un ampio…

Log4OM has been released
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Log4OM has been released

New version address some changes in the SOTA summits file and optimize many small things on external searches (qsl manager side). Features Here a brief…

Review of the new RSPdx SDR receiver by SDRplay
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Review of the new RSPdx SDR receiver by SDRplay

This new model has a metal case, three antenna connectors and several circuitry upgrades that make it the performance leader in the SDRplay line-up. Antenna…

Pi-Hole: come trasformare Raspberry in un filtro anti pubblicità GRATIS!
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Pi-Hole: come trasformare Raspberry in un filtro anti pubblicità GRATIS!

Diciamocelo, a volte un’eccessiva pubblicità può non solo crearci un gran disturbo, ma rallentare la nostra navigazione web. Ad-Blocker viene subito intercettato da migliaia di…

La tecnologia blockchain
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La tecnologia blockchain

La tecnologia blockchain sta assumendo con il passare del tempo un interesse sempre più crescente. Ciò è dovuto al fatto che le applicazioni basate su…

AMC Leap of Faith Net – 29/02/2020
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AMC Leap of Faith Net – 29/02/2020

Video:YouTube/1837 Out & About Some of the action from the ‘Leap Of Faith’ AM Net here in the UK which took place on Leap Day,…

9J2LA Zambia. From
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9J2LA Zambia. From

9J2LA Team will be active from Zambia, 4 – 15 March 2020., 9J2LA Zambia. From, ,

Motorola Wins Multimillion Dollar Theft of Trade Secrets Case against Hytera
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Motorola Wins Multimillion Dollar Theft of Trade Secrets Case against Hytera

A jury for the US District Court of the Northern District of Illinois has awarded Motorola Solutions damages of $764.6 million in its theft of trade secrets…

New Foldable Solar Panel, Ham Radio Go-Kit, Portable Power
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New Foldable Solar Panel, Ham Radio Go-Kit, Portable Power

Incorporating solid state thin-film Power-FLEX TM solar cells, the Global Solar 62 Watt Desert Camo Foldable Solar Panel (P3-62) provides an excellent choice for excursions…

Firmware 2.0 #01 – Automotive
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Firmware 2.0 #01 – Automotive

E’ uscito il secondo numero di Firmware 2.0. Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore Automotive. All’interno troverete articoli tecnici su car hacking,…

Advanced debugging su MSP430
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Advanced debugging su MSP430

La famiglia MSP430 di Texas Instruments fa parte di una generazione di microcontrollori con prestazioni e caratteristiche molto elevate. In questo articolo affronteremo le tematiche riguardanti il debugging avanzato…

Does the ICOM IC-7610 equal two IC-7300?
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Does the ICOM IC-7610 equal two IC-7300?

Does the ICOM IC-7610 equal two IC-7300? Recent Posts Does the ICOM IC-7610 equal two IC-7300? March 01, 2020 No comments Does the ICOM IC-7610…

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Comet HFJ-350M 9-Band Telescopic Antenna , HF Portable
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Comet HFJ-350M 9-Band Telescopic Antenna , HF Portable

“First look and use of this ultra portable antenna. I think I will be adding it to my Go-Kit because it is so compact. I…

New QO-100 band plan
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New QO-100 band plan

QO-100 band plan Just in time for the 1-year anniversary of the successful commissioning of the two transponders of Qatar-OSCAR 100, an encore is pending:…

Hi-Z Antennas Shack Switch 2 SS2
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Hi-Z Antennas Shack Switch 2 SS2

Hi-Z Antennas Shack Switch 2 is a modern array direction selection console with an easy to use, large manually operated knob with a continuous rotation…

Costruiamo un indicatore per la raccolta dei rifiuti con ESP8266
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Costruiamo un indicatore per la raccolta dei rifiuti con ESP8266

In questo articolo scoprirai che l’elettronica ci viene in aiuto anche nella vita di tutti i giorni per affrontare al meglio le nostre azioni quotidiane….

Bioprinting 3D: la stampa tridimensionale di tessuti biologici e organi
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Bioprinting 3D: la stampa tridimensionale di tessuti biologici e organi

Negli ultimi anni diversi gruppi di ricerca hanno dimostrato come la tecnologia della stampa 3D possa essere applicata anche nella realizzazione di tessuti biologici e…

Thunderpole T-3000 – Unboxing & Test
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Thunderpole T-3000 – Unboxing & Test

Video:YouTube/Paul McGee M0WNU Paul takes a look at the new Thunderpole T-3000 CB Radio in his own inimitable style….

Tuesday AM Net 25/02/2020
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Tuesday AM Net 25/02/2020

Video:YouTube/AMC Dougie Fresh! This time it’s action on AM with the Tuesday night AM net here in the UK….

Tuesday LSB Net 25/02/2020
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Tuesday LSB Net 25/02/2020

Video:YouTube/AMC Dougie Fresh! Here’s some of the action from a recent LSB net here in the UK…

AMC Leap Of Faith Net
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AMC Leap Of Faith Net

Happening tonight (29/02/2020) from 10pm UK time, is the AMC ‘Leap Of Faith’ Net. Making the most of the extra day this year on channel 14…

KH7M Hawaiian Islands. From
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KH7M Hawaiian Islands. From

Jim, N6TJ will be active from Hawaiian Islands in CQ WW WPX SSB and CW Contests, as KH7M., KH7M Hawaiian Islands. From, ,

NP2P US Virgin Islands. From
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NP2P US Virgin Islands. From

Yuriy, N2TTA will be active from US Virgin Islands, in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 7 – 8 March 2020, as NP2P., NP2P US Virgin Islands….

10-band HF SDR transceiver Minion SDR
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10-band HF SDR transceiver Minion SDR

SSB SDR transceiver is a shortwave, ten band, multi band. QRPver Minion-SDR. This is a compact ten-band shortwave QRP SDR transceiver (1.8, 3.5, 5, 7,…