launching today The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna! Here’s a video, 150watts, VSWR 1:3:1, Details to Follow 73’s Tom #HamRadio #SOTA #AvGeek #VHF #UHF…
L’Università di Washington se non lo sapessi, è uno degli atenei numero uno al mondo per la ricerca sull’energy harvesting. La pratica di ottenere energia…
Negli ultimi anni il settore automotive ha subito un cambiamento radicale a seguito dell’introduzione di soluzioni tecnologiche sempre più innovative. I sistemi avanzati di assistenza…
Download AR5700D Brochure AR5700D User manual AR5700D User manual addendum Go to receiver accessories. Review Testing Grounding (Earthing) with the DLG DI120 Ground Earth Resistance…
Solar Wind Pockets & Solar Orbiter Surprise | Solar Storm Forecast 02.28.2020 Equipment L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio February 27, 2020 No…
UK telecommunications regulator Ofcom has said it no longer will issue two-letter suffix call signs to Full Licence holders. Since mid-2018, radio amateurs attaining the…
The scheduled March 7 SpaceX CRS-20 mission to the International Space Station (ISS) will include the initial Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)…
The L3Harris AN/PRC-117G delivers breakthrough wideband data speed and legacy narrowband performance in a form factor 30% smaller and 35% lighter than any other currently…
10-BAND HF/VHF 80-2M MOBILE ANT, 200W, 3/8-24 STUB The MFJ-1669 40-10 Meter Mobile Antenna with built-in Auto Tuner A brand new product from MFJ to marvel…
La seconda versione dell’interfaccia OBD (OnBoard Diagnostic), nota anche come OBD-II, è uno strumento fondamentale per monitorare lo stato di funzionamento dei veicoli, supportando il…
Information about the US Amateur Bands is available on the Frequency Allocations page as well as the frequency bands chart. Printing the band charts Download and print…
The NEMO-1 WSPR buy buoy launched by AMSAT-Argentina (AMSAT-LU) on January 30 was retrieved 12 days later by a fishing vessel. The buoy transmitted WSPR…
In a Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O) released on February 20, the FCC turned down an appeal by William F. Crowell, W6WBJ, of Diamond Springs, California, of…
George “Buck” Miner, K6RFE, of Sun City, Arizona, has been an active ham since earning his first license in 1956, upgrading to a General-class license…
Introduzione Anche quando viaggiano a bassa velocità, i tradizionali veicoli con motore a combustione interna emettono rumori. Solitamente, pedoni e altri utenti stradali usano la…
Il concept dei self driving vehicles è strettamente legato alla necessità di avere un alto livello di sicurezza nella guida, alla prevenzione degli incidenti stradali…
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