Author: iz4wnp

Baofeng DM-1701 Dual Band DMR HT
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Baofeng DM-1701 Dual Band DMR HT

Baofeng DM-1701 “Another DMR HT from Baofeng, this is the DM-1701, which isn’t all that unique, really. That doesn’t mean that is a poor performer,…

Yaesu FTM-300DR C4FM Dual-Band
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Yaesu FTM-300DR C4FM Dual-Band

Yaesu FTM-300DR 50W C4FM/FM 144/430MHz Dual-Band Digital Mobile Transceiver The new FTM-300DR provides stable and reliable 50W RF power output. As in recent YAESU mobile…

Cuffiette wireless: una delle cause numero uno di rifiuti elettronici
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Cuffiette wireless: una delle cause numero uno di rifiuti elettronici

Stanno talmente andando in voga, che nessuno pensa alle conseguenze ambientali di questo nuovo prodotto che sta letteralmente invadendo il mercato dei device elettronici. Le…

Applicazioni dei supercapacitor nei veicoli elettrici e ibridi
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Applicazioni dei supercapacitor nei veicoli elettrici e ibridi

I supercapacitor, un particolare tipo di condensatore caratterizzato da un valore di capacità estremamente elevato, sono componenti in grado di sopportare un numero di cicli di…

VU4R Neil Island Andaman Islands. From
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VU4R Neil Island Andaman Islands. From

VU4R Team will be active from Neil Island, Andaman Islands, IOTA AS – 001 in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest, 28 – 29 March 2020.,…

XV9DXB Vietnam. From
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XV9DXB Vietnam. From

Sven, HB9DXB will be active as XV9DXB from Vietnam, starting 10 March 2020., XV9DXB Vietnam. From, ,

ICOM IC 7300 was stolen from the ARI Ferrara IQ4FA
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ICOM IC 7300 was stolen from the ARI Ferrara IQ4FA

“We received this ugly surprise; in detail an ICOM IC 7300 was stolen, of course, of course the freshman of the apparatus has already been…

Air ‘Discus’- Low Profile Magnetic VHF 2m Antenna
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Air ‘Discus’- Low Profile Magnetic VHF 2m Antenna

Air ‘Discus’- Low Profile Magnetic VHF 2m Antenna : 145.500MHz centre, +/-4MHz Power – 100W Omni Imped – 50 ohm VSWR – 1.5:1 Gain -2dB…

Big Victory For Ham Radio vs Calfire
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Big Victory For Ham Radio vs Calfire

“I’m here today with big news on the Calfire Repeater vault issue. Seems the earlier reports by some others including the ARRL were incorrect. This…

AMSAT Files Comments Opposing Deletion of 3.4 GHz Band
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AMSAT Files Comments Opposing Deletion of 3.4 GHz Band

AMSAT has filed comments on the Federal Communications Commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which proposes to delete the 3.3 – 3.5 GHz (9 cm) amateur band, including…

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“Hello fellow radio enthusiasts, with great excitement I would like to announce the availability of OpenWebRX Version 0.18.0 as public release. This is the first…

Code Warrior
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Code Warrior

Il potente ambiente di sviluppo proposto per applicazioni embedded, non mancherà di stupirvi per la sua grande capacità di adattamento alle dimensioni del progetto. Code Warrior è un ambiente di…

Soluzioni Human Interface
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Soluzioni Human Interface

Lo sviluppo delle nuove tecnologie ci consente di interagire in piena libertà di movimento con le macchine elettroniche rendendo possibile, con un semplice gesto, il dominio…

Come costruire un Command Center per bambini
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Come costruire un Command Center per bambini

Il progetto di elettronica educativa che andremo a vedere in questo articolo riguarda un centro di comando montato a parete per bambini con bisogni sensoriali….

Tatuaggi high tech: rilevatori di parametri vitali e non solo
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Tatuaggi high tech: rilevatori di parametri vitali e non solo

Che piacciano o no, i tatuaggi sono oramai ovunque, spaziando dal piccolo tatuaggio nascosto dentro la manica al corpo interamente “marchiato”. Molti gli appassionati di…

Xiegu G90 First Look & Current Draw
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Xiegu G90 First Look & Current Draw

“Hello Operators. In this video we take a look at the Xiegu G90, Portable Ham Radio. We’ll talk about who might enjoy this rig, and…

State law protects ham radio operator, frustrates neighbors in Windsor Twp
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State law protects ham radio operator, frustrates neighbors in Windsor Twp

by Lindsey O’Laughlin, Residents of White Rose Lane in Windsor Township are upset about this amateur radio tower in their neighbor’s yard A Windsor Township…

PCB: cosa sono, come sono fatti e a cosa servono
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PCB: cosa sono, come sono fatti e a cosa servono

Nel mondo dell’elettronica è praticamente impossibile non sapere cosa significhi PCB, ma nel caso questo termine ti suoni nuovo “Printed Circuit Board” è ciò che…

Controllo del moto di una smart car con Arduino
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Controllo del moto di una smart car con Arduino

Sicuramente ciascuno di noi si è imbattuto almeno una volta in progetti smart finalizzati al monitoraggio e al controllo di sistemi più o meno complessi….

KP2M US Virgin Islands. From
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KP2M US Virgin Islands. From

N2TK will be active again as KP2M from US Virgin Islands, IOTA NA – 106 in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 7 – 8 March 2020.,…

TU5PCT Cote dIvoire. From
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TU5PCT Cote dIvoire. From

TU5PCT Team will be active from Cote dIvoire, 24 – 29 February 2020., TU5PCT Cote dIvoire. From, ,

CP6/DK7PE Bolivia. From
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CP6/DK7PE Bolivia. From

Rudi, DK7PE will be active as CP6/DK7PE from Bolivia, 25 February – 6 March 2020., CP6/DK7PE Bolivia. From, ,

Low Cost HF Portable Antennas
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Low Cost HF Portable Antennas

“HF Mobile whips can make great portable antennas. Maybe you already have some. A couple of single band models may cover your needs. Here we…

Mississippi ARES® Emergency Coordinator Credits Training for Effective Tornado Response
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Mississippi ARES® Emergency Coordinator Credits Training for Effective Tornado Response

Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) volunteers in DeSoto County, Mississippi, devoted several days in January to assisting local emergency managers in responding to tornado damage…

New World Distance Record Claimed on 122 GHz
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New World Distance Record Claimed on 122 GHz

A new world distance record of 139 kilometers (86.2 miles) is being claimed by radio amateurs in northern California. This tops the record of 114…