Author: iz4wnp

Anytone AT-D578 vs TYT MD-9600 | DMR Mobile Radio Comparison
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Anytone AT-D578 vs TYT MD-9600 | DMR Mobile Radio Comparison

News Mississippi ARES® Emergency Coordinator Credits Training for Effective Tornado Response February 21, 2020 No comments Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) volunteers in DeSoto County,…

Comet HFJ-350M Portable HF antenna -9 Bands
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Comet HFJ-350M Portable HF antenna -9 Bands

The Comet FHJ-350M, Portable 9-Band, 1/4 wave base loading telescopic antenna for HF through 6M. Frequency can be changed by means of shorting plug. Compact (less…

Il carburo di silicio renderà le auto più efficienti
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Il carburo di silicio renderà le auto più efficienti

L’efficienza nella conversione di energia è fondamentale per l’implementazione e l’adozione di nuove energie, incluse le applicazioni a energia solare e quelle alimentate a batteria….

Sistemi di ricarica veloce per veicoli elettrici
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Sistemi di ricarica veloce per veicoli elettrici

Gli impatti negativi sull’ambiente prodotti dai mezzi di trasporto alimentati a combustibile fossile stanno favorendo l’introduzione di soluzioni alternative in grado di abbattere le emissioni…

Floureon FC200 PMR446 UPDATE
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Floureon FC200 PMR446 UPDATE

It would appear that the brilliant 16 channel Floureon FC200 PMR446 handhelds have had a firmware update recently. Users are reporting the the radios no…

ZF2CA Cayman Islands. From
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ZF2CA Cayman Islands. From

Colin, G4CWH will be active again as ZF2CA from Cayman Islands, IOTA NA – 016, 12 – 15 March 2020., ZF2CA Cayman Islands. From,…

Florence Radiofest
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Florence Radiofest

Heights Tower and SteppIR DB-18 Beam at N6GR (#243)
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Heights Tower and SteppIR DB-18 Beam at N6GR (#243)

“Last month while visiting Brad Rich, N6GR, he gave me a tour of his nearly-completed 69-foot foldover tower and his SteppIR DB-18 antenna. He also…

The Inflatable Air Antenna On 20 Meters
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The Inflatable Air Antenna On 20 Meters News Coronavirus Outbreak Postpones Swains Island W8S DXpedition February 20, 2020 No comments The W8S DXpedition to Swains Island in the Pacific, set to take place…

BIG SIGNAL 6BS-70  –  432 MHz
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BIG SIGNAL 6BS-70 –  432 MHz

Specifications: Band:  432 MHz. Active elements:  6. Gain:  12.6 dBi. F / B:  23.00 dB. ·  Polarization:  Horizontal or Vertical · SWR:  1.1: 1 ~ 1.5: 1. Impedance:  50 Ohm. · Power rating:  5000…

A Mini Solar Storm with a Fast Wind Chaser | Space Weather News 02.20.2020
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A Mini Solar Storm with a Fast Wind Chaser | Space Weather News 02.20.2020

Equipment RigExpert TI-3000 transceiver interface February 20, 2020 No comments RigExpert TI-3000 is a new and powerful USB transceiver interface based on high-quality stereo codec…

WA9ZCO Wins the February QST Cover Plaque Award
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WA9ZCO Wins the February QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the February 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “CW Combo Key” by Marc Alan Winzenried, WA9ZCO. The QST Cover Plaque Award — given to the author…

MQTT cos’è e come funziona
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MQTT cos’è e come funziona

Nelle reti di sensori e sistemi embedded di piccole dimensioni, il traffico dati è solitamente molto limitato o comunque non si può fare uso di…

Transceiver CAN
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Transceiver CAN

Il CAN-transceiver è un emettitore (transmitter) e un ricevitore (receiver). Esso converte i dati del CAN controller in segnali elettrici che successivamente trasmette per mezzo delle linee del…

VP8PJ South Orkney Islands. From
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VP8PJ South Orkney Islands. From

VP8PJ Team will be active from South Orkney Islands, IOTA AN – 008, 20 February – 5 March 2020., VP8PJ South Orkney Islands. From,…

80m yagi OH8LQ
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80m yagi OH8LQ

Recent Posts 80m yagi OH8LQ February 19, 2020 No comments   Read more VHF/UHF/HF HEXTENNA DELUXE VERTICAL / DIPOLE February 19, 2020 No comments The…

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The NEW DELUXE version of the HexTenna by Alpha Antenna® is a legal limit and full size portable VHF/UHF/HF system for 2 to 40 meters,…

Students allowed to use amateur radio
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Students allowed to use amateur radio

Austrian national amateur radio society ÖVSV reports the Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology granted Martin Rafenstein OE3RQA an exception to enable students to use amateur radio…

Il sensore smart si occupa di sicurezza delle celle, diagnostica e bilanciamento delle batterie dei veicoli elettrici
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Il sensore smart si occupa di sicurezza delle celle, diagnostica e bilanciamento delle batterie dei veicoli elettrici

Ricordate la battuta nel film Crocodile Dundee: “Quello è un coltello? Questo è un coltello! “. Nel mondo dei veicoli elettrici l’espressione si traduce come…

Metodo della funzione descrittiva per lo studio di un Ring Oscillator
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Metodo della funzione descrittiva per lo studio di un Ring Oscillator

Nella realtà tutti i sistemi fisici sono non lineari e approssimativamente lineari solo per piccoli segnali. Spesso risulta inevitabile considerare una non linearità in un…

8Q7VR Maldive Islands. From
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8Q7VR Maldive Islands. From

UR9IDX is currently active again as 8Q7VR from Maldive Islands, IOTA AS – 013., 8Q7VR Maldive Islands. From, ,

W8S Swains Island. From
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W8S Swains Island. From

W8S Team will be active from Swains Island, IOTA OC – 200, 10 – 25 March 2020., W8S Swains Island. From, ,

ARI-Varese festeggia i novizi
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ARI-Varese festeggia i novizi

Sabato 22 febbraio in Prefettura a Varese saranno consegnate le patenti di radioamatore a una decina di nuovi Soci dell’ARI (Associazione Radioamatori Italiani) che le…

RSGB FT4 Contest Series
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RSGB FT4 Contest Series

1. Objective To score as many points as possible in this locator based multiplier contest 2. Date & Time (1) Monday 17th February 2020    …

AMSAT Declares End of Mission for Pioneer AO-85 CubeSat
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AMSAT Declares End of Mission for Pioneer AO-85 CubeSat

AMSAT reports that the pioneering AMSAT-OSCAR 85 (AO-85) CubeSat, also known as Fox-1A, has gone silent. “Having not been heard throughout the most recent period…