According to the latest edition of The 5 MHz Newsletter, regulatory agencies in an expanding list of countries have granted amateur radio access to a 60-meter band….
Le skills dello sviluppatore non sono solo le abilità nello scrivere codice sorgente, ma un bravo sviluppatore deve possedere anche capacità di analisi critica su…
The latest IARU-R1 Monitoring System newsletter reports the Russian Over-The-Horizon Radar Contayner has been active in the 7, 10, 14 and 18 MHz amateur radio…
Gli ambienti di virtualizzazione rappresentano le risposte più decise ai requisiti di sicurezza e di affidabilità: elementi essenziali e richiesti sempre con maggiore insistenza dal mercato. La virtualizzazione, in…
HRD Software is proud to serve over 30,000 ham radio customers in 136 countries. Thank you to our customers in Afghanistan, Anguilla, Argentina, Australia, Austria,…
Participants at the 45th meeting of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Administrative Council (AC) in late September discussed the organization’s role in advancing amateur…
SARL News report that Eric Tichansky, NO3M and Roger Crofts, VK4YB, are claiming a new world distance record on 630 meters (472 to 479 kHz). They worked each…
Non è la prima volta che si parla di OpenScad. Ormai sull’argomento è stato scritto abbastanza da sapere che senza troppe difficoltà è possibile realizzare…
Well-known contester and DXpeditioner Paul H. Newberry, Jr., N4PN, of Macon, Georgia, died on November 5 after suffering a massive heart attack. An ARRL Life…
What is P25? P25 is a standard for the manufacturing of interoperable digital two-way wireless communications products. Sometimes also known as Project 25…
December 11 marks the 98th anniversary of the success of ARRL’s Transatlantic Tests in 1921, organized to see if low-power amateur radio stations could be heard across…
On November 6, the new firmware was released on the following six models (the version name of the released firmware in parentheses). In addition, new firmware…
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