Author: iz4wnp

“Dummy Loads” is the topic of the new (August 16) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In” podcast. Listen…and learn!
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“Dummy Loads” is the topic of the new (August 16) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In” podcast. Listen…and learn!

“Dummy Loads” is the topic of the new (August 16) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In” podcast. Listen…and learn! Sponsored by DX Engineering, “ARRL…

FT8CALL – The NEWEST HF Digital Mode, Introduction and Demo
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FT8CALL – The NEWEST HF Digital Mode, Introduction and Demo

  FT8CALL “FT8, as we know, has dominated the airwaves for over a year now. Imagine the ability to have keyboard to keyboard ragchew, with…

RigExpert AA-55 ZOOM Option Bluetooth is coming
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RigExpert AA-55 ZOOM Option Bluetooth is coming

“Dear Partners & Customers, As a rule, unexpected discoveries of the modern world take place at the intersection of technologies. We implanted Bluetooth technology in…

10m Band – UK to USA on 10 watts
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10m Band – UK to USA on 10 watts

Video:YouTube/AMATEUR & 11M RADIO TIM Congratulations to Tim who shows that even at this low point in the solar cycle it is possible to make…

FCC Says NO to FM CB Radio and Increases Power Output on FRS
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FCC Says NO to FM CB Radio and Increases Power Output on FRS

The FCC has published an update to it’s Part 95 rules which mainly concern personal radio services such as the Family Radio Service (FRS), the…

Dave Popkin, W2CC/AAR2BU Receives Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award
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Dave Popkin, W2CC/AAR2BU Receives Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award

A New Jersey radio amateur and Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) member has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from President Donald Trump. ARRL Charter Life…

AE4FH Interviews Hans from QRP Labs About the QSX SDR Transciever Kit
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AE4FH Interviews Hans from QRP Labs About the QSX SDR Transciever Kit

“YOTA 2018 South Africa is now over, and one of the highlights of the youngsters’ week were the kit building sessions. They had the opportunity…

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HDSDR is a freeware Software Defined Radio (SDR) program for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Typical applications are Radio listening, Ham Radio, SWL, Radio Astronomy, NDB-hunting and Spectrum analysis….

Interrupt Intelligenti
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Interrupt Intelligenti

Normalmente il firmware realizzato per una scheda embedded contiene sia i driver di basso livello per la gestione delle periferiche hardware, sia il programma applicativo. Questa soluzione non sempre…

Ailunce HD1 Firmware Update (August 2018)
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Ailunce HD1 Firmware Update (August 2018)

Ailunce HD1 Software v1.98 and Firmware V1.53 1. Radio screen can display below 4 modes. Display VFO-A | VFO-B Display VFO-A | CH-B Display CH-A…

A Pair of Coronal Holes & a Probe: Solar Storm Shortie 08-14-2018
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A Pair of Coronal Holes & a Probe: Solar Storm Shortie 08-14-2018

“Be sure to watch to the end for a Parker Solar Probe Dedication! aurora shows, especially at high latitudes. Two coronal holes are rotating through…

W6NBC Wins the August QST Cover Plaque Award
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W6NBC Wins the August QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the August 2018 QST Cover Plaque award is “A Novel Approach to Using Window Line” by John Portune, W6NBC. The QST Cover Plaque Award —…

New FCC Part 95 Personal Radio Services Rules Published in The Federal Register
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New FCC Part 95 Personal Radio Services Rules Published in The Federal Register

Reorganized and updated FCC Personal Radio Services (PRS) Part 95 rules have been published in The Federal Register. Among other things, the PRS covers the Family Radio Service…

Storm Takes Down Antennas at Memorial Ham Station on Swedish-Norwegian Border
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Storm Takes Down Antennas at Memorial Ham Station on Swedish-Norwegian Border

The SJ9WL-LG5LG Morokulien memorial station on the border of Sweden and Norway is off the air after a large tree, brought down during a severe storm on…

HAARP’s WSPR Research Campaign Yields Hundreds of Reports on 40 and 80 Meters
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HAARP’s WSPR Research Campaign Yields Hundreds of Reports on 40 and 80 Meters

Just-completed research at the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitters in Gakona, Alaska, successfully took advantage of the WSPR digital protocol and the Weak…

Accessino: sistema di accesso RFID con ESPertino
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Accessino: sistema di accesso RFID con ESPertino

La problematica del controllo degli accessi è sentita sia in caso di edifici residenziali (condomini o case singole), sia in caso di edifici commerciali (aziende,…

Circuiti per la misura della temperatura
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Circuiti per la misura della temperatura

In questo articolo saranno mostrate alcune soluzioni circuitali per la misura della temperatura che sfrutta circuiti integrati della Linear Technology/Analog Devices. Cominciamo con il definire cos’è un sensore di temperatura. Si tratta di…

Le correnti di dispersione
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Le correnti di dispersione

I filtri di linea (filtri EMC) spesso sono visti come una scatola nera e, giustamente, l’utilizzatore non si preoccupa di conoscere il loro funzionamento interno. Tuttavia, per un uso efficiente dei filtri, è…

NIST FY 2019 Budget Would Eliminate WWV and WWVH
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NIST FY 2019 Budget Would Eliminate WWV and WWVH

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) FY 2019 budget request includes shutting down “NIST radio stations in Colorado and Hawaii” — in other…

Sistemi di sviluppo per LPC2000
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Sistemi di sviluppo per LPC2000

Esistono diverse proposte commerciali che permettono di sviluppare codice in ambiente ARM, in questo articolo è presentato l’ambiente MDK-ARM che ha il pregio di fornire una serie di utility attraverso un unico workbench. La proposta MDK-ARM…

SwiftX: Un cross compiler per sistemi embedded
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SwiftX: Un cross compiler per sistemi embedded

Scopriamo in questo articolo il cross compilatore SwiftX, un sistema di sviluppo interattivo basato sul linguaggio Forth in grado di supportare un’ampia gamma di microcontrollori. Il cross compilatore SwiftX è prodotto dalla società americana FORTH…

Albertas, LY5R – The WRTC2018 Champion Assistant. From
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Albertas, LY5R – The WRTC2018 Champion Assistant. From

The radiosport has become a very specialised branch of Amateur Radio. A contest radio operator is most often gifted in rather narrow capabilities., Albertas, LY5R…

Story of 3B7A from Saint Brandon archipelago by Diégo F4HAU. From
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Story of 3B7A from Saint Brandon archipelago by Diégo F4HAU. From

I’m gonna try to tell you the marvelous adventure of 3B7A on the island “île du Sud” on the archipelago of St Brandon through my…

Jurgis, LY9Y – The Radiosport Veteran And A Commendable Father . From
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Jurgis, LY9Y – The Radiosport Veteran And A Commendable Father . From

He is of the same age group as myself. In 1961 when he was 14 years old, Jurgis discovered a radio club in the school…

Updating the Firmware – Icom IC-7610 [ VIDEO ]
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Updating the Firmware – Icom IC-7610 [ VIDEO ]

Step by step instructions showing how to update the firmware using a USB thumb drive Faint signals are no longer a challenge for DXers and…