Author: iz4wnp

E51NCQ Rarotonga Island. From
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E51NCQ Rarotonga Island. From

Bob, NC6Q will be active as E51NCQ, from Rarotonga Island, IOTA OC – 013, 13 – 25 May 2018., E51NCQ Rarotonga Island. From, ,

TE6DX Uvita Island. From
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TE6DX Uvita Island. From

Radio Amateurs members of TI DX Group will be active as TE6DX, from Uvita Island, IOTA NA – 155., TE6DX Uvita Island. From, ,

FCC is Inconsistent Regarding Small Satellites
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FCC is Inconsistent Regarding Small Satellites

According to an April 10 IEEE SPECTRUM report, “The FCC’s Big Problem with Small Satellites,” confusion and erratic enforcement at the FCC is sending satellite makers abroad….

A Peek into the New Cycle: Solar Storm Forecast 04-12-2018
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A Peek into the New Cycle: Solar Storm Forecast 04-12-2018

“Fast solar wind bombards Earth this week from a large coronal hole gracing much of the Sun’s face. We have already reached storm conditions from…

Ham Radio tools on the cloud [ LogBook – Cluster – Band Map and more  ]
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Ham Radio tools on the cloud [ LogBook – Cluster – Band Map and more ]

The main aim of the project “CRXCluster” is to purpose innovative tools open to amator radio communitie and on the *cloud (*no software installation required). …

“Microphones” is the topic for the latest (April 12) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In”
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“Microphones” is the topic for the latest (April 12) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In”

  “Microphones” is the topic for the latest (April 12) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In” podcast. Listen…and learn! Sponsored by DX Engineering, “ARRL…

La stampa 3D conquista il design
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La stampa 3D conquista il design

La designer israeliana Danit Peleg ha creato la sua prima collezione di moda con stampa 3D realizzando cinque modelli di abiti a cui ha abbinato…

5 progetti IoT fai-da-te
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5 progetti IoT fai-da-te

Ecco una serie di progetti da realizzare con ESPertino, la scheda IoT progettata e prodotta da Elettronica Open Source con WiFi e Bluetooth integrati, compatibile…

ARI-Caltanissetta in Fiera
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ARI-Caltanissetta in Fiera

La sezione ARI M.Averna di Caltanissetta col patrocinio del Comitato Regionale Sicilia organizza il prossimo 21 e 22 Aprile HAM RADIO FAIR 2018 nella consueta cornice della Fiera di Sicilia…

The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas
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The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas

“There was a time, back in the 1930s and 1940s, when the rhombic antenna was the king. A remarkable antenna that had phenomenal directivity and…

Hams receive Slow Scan TV from Space
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Hams receive Slow Scan TV from Space

Radio amateurs around the world are receiving Slow Scan Television images on 145.800 MHz FM from the International Space Station. The transmissions by ARISS Russia are in…

A New Spin on JT Alert HRD Logbook and WSJT X
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A New Spin on JT Alert HRD Logbook and WSJT X

WSJT-X for rig control. There’s no need for HRD rig control to be running. Just HRD Logbook, WSJT-X and JT Alert. Review Unboxing the MFJ-998…

AT-D868UV Guía de programación codeplug
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AT-D868UV Guía de programación codeplug

AT-D868UV Guía de programación codeplug La radio D868UV de AnyTone es una radio VHF y UHF con tanto digitales DMR (Nivel I y II) y…

Il processore radar NXP ottiene l’accelerazione hardware
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Il processore radar NXP ottiene l’accelerazione hardware

Denominato S32R274, il microcontrollore combina l’accelerazione di elaborazione del segnale con un’architettura multi-core ed è rivolto ai sistemi radar con modulazione beam-forming e fast chirp….

L’Intelligenza Artificiale come supporto per l’Industria 4.0
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L’Intelligenza Artificiale come supporto per l’Industria 4.0

L’ascesa dell’intelligenza artificiale è destinata a rivoluzionare il modo in cui le aziende gestiscono le loro linee di produzione. La trasformazione digitale impiegherà nuove tecnologie…

FO/HB9XBG Bora Bora Island. From
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FO/HB9XBG Bora Bora Island. From

Walter, HB9XBG will be active as FO/HB9XBG, will be active from Bora Bora Island, IOTA OC – 067, 7 – 17 June 2018., FO/HB9XBG Bora…

ARRL VEC Conducts First-Ever Amateur Radio Licensing Exam Session in Cambodia
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ARRL VEC Conducts First-Ever Amateur Radio Licensing Exam Session in Cambodia

The first ARRL VEC Amateur Radio examination session in Cambodia was held on April 5. The session resulted in two new Technician licensees, both Cambodian…

ARISS-Russia International Space Station Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) Event Set
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ARISS-Russia International Space Station Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) Event Set

ARISS-Russia will mark Cosmonautics Day (International Day of Human Space Flight) with special SSTV transmissions from the International Space Station. Transmissions are to begin on…

Major Rove by Satellite Ops Could Make Rare Grids Squares Available
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Major Rove by Satellite Ops Could Make Rare Grids Squares Available

2018 ARRL International Grid Chase (IGC) participants take note: satellite operators Doug Tabor, N6UA, and Ken Alexander, VE3HLS, will travel to the James Bay area…

Second Public Test of FT8 DXpedition Mode Demonstrates High Contact Rates Possible
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Second Public Test of FT8 DXpedition Mode Demonstrates High Contact Rates Possible

The second public test of FT8 DXpedition Mode has shown that the mock DXpedition stations (“Foxes”) were able to work the pileups of callers (“Hounds”)…

Costruire un condensatore variabile efficiente
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Costruire un condensatore variabile efficiente

La costruzione di un condensatore variabile è stata sempre un’operazione affascinante ma altrettanto difficoltosa. Gli appassionati di radio sono stati, e lo sono tutt’ora, continuamente…

La digitalizzazione del settore industriale
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La digitalizzazione del settore industriale

L’obiettivo della smart factory digitale è ambizioso: costruire un tipo completamente nuovo di rete industriale che sia al tempo stesso resiliente e reattivo. A guidare la trasformazione…

3B9RUN Rodrigues Island. From
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3B9RUN Rodrigues Island. From

Members of FR4KM Radio Club, will be active as 3B9RUN, from Rodrigues Island, IOTA AF – 017, 11 – 16 May 2018., 3B9RUN Rodrigues Island….

L’editoriale di Aprile
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L’editoriale di Aprile

Ecco le mie idee su HF e dintorni Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ Nel subentrare a Mario Ambrosi nella gestione del Settore HF, desidero prima di tutto…

World Amateur Radio Day
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World Amateur Radio Day

Every April 18th, radio amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day. It was on this day in 1925 that the…