Author: iz4wnp

New TQSL Version (v2.4) Released [ LOTW ]
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New TQSL Version (v2.4) Released [ LOTW ]

A new version of theTrusted QSL (TQSL) application — version 2.4 — has been released.   The major new feature in this release is the ability to pre-set state,…

Lo standard PCI Express
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Lo standard PCI Express

Lo sviluppo di periferiche di I/O per pc sempre più prestanti e veloci, ha determinato  la nascita di un nuovo standard di comunicazione, il pci express per…

CPU Design: l’arte di dare ordini
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CPU Design: l’arte di dare ordini

L’ingegnere sa essere una creatura paradossale. Ama le cose complicate, ma non complicarsi la vita. Più il progetto è complicato e più probabilmente lo troverà…

8P1W Barbados. From
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8P1W Barbados. From

8P1W Barbados: Charles, 8P6ET will be active from Barbados, IOTA NA – 021, in CQ WW WPX CW Contest, 26 – 27 May 2018, as…

SA6G/7 Ven Island. From
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SA6G/7 Ven Island. From

Lars, SM6CUK will be active from Ven Island, IOTA EU-137, 5 – 12 June 2018, as SA6G/7., SA6G/7 Ven Island. From, ,

Second Test of FT8 DXpedition Mode Set for April 7
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Second Test of FT8 DXpedition Mode Set for April 7

The second public test of FT8 DXpedition Mode will take place on April 7, and all radio amateurs are invited to participate. WSJT-X Developer Joe Taylor, K1JT,…

MK-4 Heavy Duty – 25′ Maximum Height Fiberglass Masts
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MK-4 Heavy Duty – 25′ Maximum Height Fiberglass Masts

The MK-4 Series of masts are, by far, our most portable masts for many reasons. The masts are light weight and short enough, when fully…

KA6W Wins the QST Cover Plaque for the March Issue
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KA6W Wins the QST Cover Plaque for the March Issue

The winning article for the March 2018 QST Cover Plaque award is “A Delta Loop for 160 Meters” by Ted Algren, KA6W. The QST Cover Plaque Award — given to…

ESPertino e la domotica OpenSource: Switch a doppia uscita – Introduzione
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ESPertino e la domotica OpenSource: Switch a doppia uscita – Introduzione

Quando si parla di domotica si è portati a pensare come ad un mondo distante da noi, fatto di tecnologie avanzate e di costi irraggiungibili. In…

Video 1S1A Spratly Islands. From
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Video 1S1A Spratly Islands. From

Video 1S1A Spratly Islands DX Pedition 1973., Video 1S1A Spratly Islands. From, ,

HAARP Facility to Resume Ionospheric Research this Week
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HAARP Facility to Resume Ionospheric Research this Week

Alaska’s super-power High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitters in Gakona, Alaska, will fire up again for the spring research campaign April 6 – 14….

Commemorative Icom Hamvention® 2018 Swag Kit
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Commemorative Icom Hamvention® 2018 Swag Kit

Attention all hams. Be one of 100 lucky winners to receive a commemorative Icom Hamvention® 2018 Swag Kit. Sign up now to be entered into…

LoTW Support for CQ Worked All Zones (WAZ) Award Goes Live
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LoTW Support for CQ Worked All Zones (WAZ) Award Goes Live

ARRL and CQ magazine have announced the launch, effective immediately, of Logbook of The World (LoTW) support for CQ’s Worked All Zones (WAZ) Award program. The goal of…

FCC Seizes Equipment from Pirate Broadcasters in Boston
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FCC Seizes Equipment from Pirate Broadcasters in Boston

The FCC reports that it seized transmission equipment from two pirate radio stations in Boston on March 26. According to court documents, the seizures involved…

Il futuro delle smart home
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Il futuro delle smart home

Il costo crescente dell’elettricità è una delle maggiori preoccupazioni per i consumatori domestici. Gli elettrodomestici intelligenti possono comunicare tra loro e sono emersi come una…

Firmware 144 Speciale Energy Harvesting
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Firmware 144 Speciale Energy Harvesting

È uscito il nuovo numero di Firmware di Aprile! Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore dell’Energy Harvesting, di cui ne approfondiremo vari…

EOS-Book #3E Deep Neural Networks
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EOS-Book #3E Deep Neural Networks

È uscito EOS-Book di Aprile! La copertina di questo numero è dedicata alle Deep Neural Networks che permetteranno alle macchine di emulare il ragionamento umano….

Il protocollo IrDA con MCP2150
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Il protocollo IrDA con MCP2150

La comunicazione UART è molto utilizzata in tutte le applicazioni basate su microcontrollori. Tra gli svantaggi di tale soluzione ci sono sicuramente le interferenze elettromagnetiche e la presenza di cavi di interconnessione. Ecco come superare questi limiti mediante una…

The Big Multimode Nets 2018
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The Big Multimode Nets 2018

An early reminder that this years Big Multimode Nets will take place on Wednesday 27th June to celebrate FOUR years of legal AM and SSB…

D44CH Sal Island Cape Verde Cabo Verde. From
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D44CH Sal Island Cape Verde Cabo Verde. From

David Palma, CT1EKU will be active as D44CH, from Sal Island, IOTA AF – 086, Cape Verde, Cabo Verde, until 6 April 2018., D44CH Sal…

Status QUAD:   2/4/5 StQ 7- 2 elements 40/30 – 4 elements 20/17/15 – 5 elements 12/10
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Status QUAD: 2/4/5 StQ 7- 2 elements 40/30 – 4 elements 20/17/15 – 5 elements 12/10

Horizontal and elements rod kit On the models with 4 and more elements, we use an horizontal tie-rods kit, to prevent bending in the horizontal…

Work the World with WSJT-X – Dr. Joe Taylor
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Work the World with WSJT-X – Dr. Joe Taylor

“Dr. Joe Taylor, K1JT, author of many of the weak signal digital modes and co-author of the very popular FT-8 mode presented: “Work the World…

Moduli Bluetooth low energy NINA-B1 della u-blox
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Moduli Bluetooth low energy NINA-B1 della u-blox

Molte industrie e diverse aree applicative utilizzano soluzioni stand-alone. Questi sono dispositivi che senza necessità di interazioni vengono utilizzati per controllare le apparecchiature locali attraverso protocolli…

BTECH Power Amplifier AMP-25 Overview
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BTECH Power Amplifier AMP-25 Overview

Video:YouTube/BTECH Baofeng A quick look at Baofeng’s new power amplifier for use with handheld radios. You can read a review by John K3NXU by clicking…

Il Diploma del 70° anniversario di     RadioRivista e il RR Challenge
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Il Diploma del 70° anniversario di     RadioRivista e il RR Challenge

Come tutti saprete il nostro “magazine” compie quest’anno la sua settima decade di vita, e ci sembra doverosa una celebrazione con un Diploma ad hoc….