Author: iz4wnp

L’oro in radio con Tera
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L’oro in radio con Tera

In occasione dell’inaugurazione della ristrutturata miniera d’oro di Sessa – Canton Ticino, dal 1° Aprile al 1° Maggio 2018, i Soci del Tera Radio Club,…

Gestione batterie con LTC1325
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Gestione batterie con LTC1325

LTC1325 prodotto da Linear Technology è un componente in grado di eseguire, con l’ausilio di un microcontrollore, la ricarica, il condizionamento ed il controllo della capacità residua di…

Review of RigExpert AA-55 ZOOM Antenna and Cable Analyzer
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Review of RigExpert AA-55 ZOOM Antenna and Cable Analyzer

“This video is a comprehensive review of the functions and operation of the RigExpert AA-55 ZOOM Antenna and Cable analyzer. This lightweight portable analyzer can…

Review and Tutorial on Radioddity/Baofeng RD-5R DMR Dualbander
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Review and Tutorial on Radioddity/Baofeng RD-5R DMR Dualbander

“Two Chinese companies, Radioddity and Baofeng, have teamed up to bring you the US$75 dual-band FM/DMR radio housed in the old UV-5R package. The video…

Storm spotters using ham radios
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Storm spotters using ham radios

The National Weather Service will use the information these radio operators report when issuing or canceling warnings. by : Cory Reppenhagen With the arrival of spring,…

Icom ID-31E PLUS – A Great Entry Point into D-STAR
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Icom ID-31E PLUS – A Great Entry Point into D-STAR

The ID-31E UHF digital D-STAR handportable provides a great jumping on point into the fabulous world of D-STAR Digital Amateur Radio. This radio will allow…

Hospital Ship Crew Members Get Amateur Radio Training at Sea
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Hospital Ship Crew Members Get Amateur Radio Training at Sea

On February 21, US Army civilian contractor Tim Millea, AJ7UU, and MARS Volunteer Doug Smith, W7KF, embarked on the hospital ship USNS Mercy from San Diego to…

President BILL CB Radio
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President BILL CB Radio

President BILL CB Radio First look…the “Bill”. Super compact AM CB radio. European version shown. The U.S. version will have AM (no FM) and Weather…

La Stampante 3D Renkforce RF100 XL con filamento
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La Stampante 3D Renkforce RF100 XL con filamento

La stampante Renkforce RF100 XL è la sorella maggiore della RF100  v2 con diversi modelli in 3D già pronti e la possibilità di ottenere rappresentazioni grafiche…

Ottimizzazione dei sistemi di storage per l’energy harvesting
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Ottimizzazione dei sistemi di storage per l’energy harvesting

Per anni, i produttori di dispositivi elettronici hanno fatto affidamento su diverse tecnologie per l’immagazzinamento di energia offline: in particolare batterie agli ioni di litio e supercondensatori. Entrambe…

Huge Coronal Hole Darkens the Sun: Solar Storm Forecast 03-22-2018
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Huge Coronal Hole Darkens the Sun: Solar Storm Forecast 03-22-2018

“Solar storming has subsided momentarily, but a coronal hole connected to the one that sent us fast wind last week is still very much a…

HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen Puts Scouts in the Spotlight
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HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen Puts Scouts in the Spotlight

“Radio Scouting — The Adventure of Youth Amateur Radio” is the theme for the 43rd edition of the international Amateur Radio exhibition, HAM RADIO, in Friedrichshafen,…

FTM-7250DR FCC Certification
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FTM-7250DR FCC Certification

FTM-7250DR FCC Certification Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division FTM-7250DR A. Part 15.19 & 15.21 Compliance Statement Drawing: l. Changes or modifications to this…

Il kit di sviluppo per l’Energy Harvesting
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Il kit di sviluppo per l’Energy Harvesting

Il kit di sviluppo “Energy Harvesting Solution To Go” che andremo ad analizzare in questo articolo permette un facile accesso alle tecnologie di energy harvesting, aiutando…

Guida autonoma: meno incidenti, più sicurezza
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Guida autonoma: meno incidenti, più sicurezza

Apriamo la portiera della nostra automobile, sediamoci comodamente, un giro di chiave nel cruscotto e via… partiamo leggendo un libro e ascoltando musica. Come? Siamo…

North West Net 2nd Anniversary
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North West Net 2nd Anniversary

News that the UK’s North West Net celebrates its 2nd anniversary on Wednesday 28th March. So if you fancy taking part in the celebrations listen…

President Bill First Look Photos
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President Bill First Look Photos

Seen on the President Electronics USA Facebook page are these new photos of the President Bill mini CB Radio: – 40 channels AM / FM –…

T31T Kanton Island Announcement. From
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T31T Kanton Island Announcement. From

Following our DXpedition to Kanton Island (Central Kiribati) in 2016, we decided to come back to this extraordinary place this year – with a new…

TO5GI Guadeloupe. From
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TO5GI Guadeloupe. From

Pascal, F6ASS will be active as TO5GI, from Guadeloupe, IOTA NA – 102, 23 March – 6 April 2018., TO5GI Guadeloupe. From, ,

H44XG Solomon Islands. From
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H44XG Solomon Islands. From

Haru, JA1XGI will be active as H44XG, Guadalcanal Island, IOTA OC – 047, Solomon Islands, June – July 2018., H44XG Solomon Islands. From, ,

Uniden SDS100
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Uniden SDS100

Uniden SDS100 The Uniden SDS100 is a digital TrunkTracker communications receiver that incorporates the HomePatrol database of all known radio systems in the USA and…

Supercondensatori: Energy Harvesting con nanotecnologie
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Supercondensatori: Energy Harvesting con nanotecnologie

La crescente diffusione dell’IoT e dei dispositivi Wearable ha portato a nuovi apparati alimentati a batteria con la necessità di sfruttare e migliorare le tecniche…

Venerdì 23 a Varese con la Valigia!
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Venerdì 23 a Varese con la Valigia!

“La radio in valigia” Gabriele Villa, I2VGW, presenta il suo libro ad ARI-Varese Il fascino intramontabile dell’attività di radioamatore farà da sfondo venerdì sera, 23…

Radio Amateurs Pitch In to Help as “Hat Trick” of Major Coastal Storms Hit Northeast
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Radio Amateurs Pitch In to Help as “Hat Trick” of Major Coastal Storms Hit Northeast

Amateur Radio volunteers with WX1BOX at the National Weather Service in Taunton, Massachusetts, and various ARES groups had their hands full during March, as Mother Nature’s hat…

Ham-Astronaut Part of New Space Station Crew Heading into Space on March 21
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Ham-Astronaut Part of New Space Station Crew Heading into Space on March 21

Two US astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut are ready for their journey to the International Space Station (ISS), which will begin on Wednesday, March 21….