The 16th annual Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE) will take place March 8-11 at the Pasadena Convention Center. SCaLE began hosting Amateur Radio presentations in…
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 Executive Committee has named Dennis Stice, WI5V, of Oklahoma City, as the new HF Beacon Coordinator for…
Commissioning and testing continue of the L-Band Downshifter and the University of Iowa’s High-Energy CubeSat Radiation Instrument (HERCI) on the new Fox-1D (AO-92) CubeSat. AO-92…
Sebbene l’IoT stia crescendo, la sua adozione fino ad oggi è stata distribuita sproporzionatamente attraverso le industrie. Alcuni – dalle industrie “pesanti” – hanno investito…
Lifelong learners will welcome Volume 3 of ARRL’s Hands-On Radio Experiments, assembled from the past four years (2013-2017) of QST’s monthly “Hands-On Radio” column, written…
For many years, unidentified radio broadcasts have been transmitting coded messages, using numbers, such as “6-7-9-2-6. 5-6-9-9-0.” Even today, tuning across the HF spectrum typically…
Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo Father of DOVE Satellite Junior Torres de Castro, PY2BJO, SK su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur Radio |…
Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo AREDN Donates Mesh Networking Equipment to ARRL su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur Radio | HamRadio | Radio.
Renesas ha messo in evidenza lo Starter Kit R-Car V3M per semplificare e velocizzare lo sviluppo delle applicazioni per telecamere frontali, sistemi di visione surround…
Switchercad III è una realizzazione della linear technology (ora Analog Devices) che unisce alla potenza di s.p.i.c.e. la presenza di un efficace editor grafico per il progetto e la simulazione dei…
Incumbent ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, has been re-elected by the League’s Board of Directors for a second term. The Board convened for its Annual…
ARRL International Grid Chase (IGC) participants are encouraged to make sure that that each Logbook of The World (LoTW) station location in TQSL includes your…
Il continuo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie ha portato innovazioni in svariati settori, tra cui quello della domotica. La domotica è un particolare aspetto di questa evoluzione tecnologica: cambia l’interazione tra…
Toru, JH0CJH informs, that he will be active as KH6/JH0CJH from Honolulu, IOTA OC – 019, Hawaiian Islands, 21 – 25 January 2018., KH6/JH0CJH…
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