Author: iz4wnp

Corso di Elettronica per ragazzi – Puntata 3
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Corso di Elettronica per ragazzi – Puntata 3

Nel precedente articolo “Corso di Elettronica per ragazzi – Puntata 2” abbiamo parlato dell’elettricità di movimento nei solidi e nei liquidi, ovvero della CORRENTE ELETTRONICA…

Considerazioni sulla conversione AD – Parte 5
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Considerazioni sulla conversione AD – Parte 5

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Prepararsi alla prossima generazione di cyber-attacchi nell’IoT
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Prepararsi alla prossima generazione di cyber-attacchi nell’IoT

Negli ultimi 20 anni, la maggior parte dei cyber-attacchi sono stati attacchi remoti dal cloud effettuati da individui con obiettivi semplici, per vedere se possono…

Firmware 2.0 #28: Embedded Boards Design – Microcontrollers Projects
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Firmware 2.0 #28: Embedded Boards Design – Microcontrollers Projects

E’ online il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0, l’unico magazine in Italia dedicato a Makers, Professionisti e Appassionati di elettronica. Questo numero…

The 2023 ARRL Calendar
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The 2023 ARRL Calendar

Keep track of your important dates, ARRL contests, and holidays with a 2023 ARRL Calendar. This year’s calendar features Collegiate Amateur Radio Clubs. It showcases…

The Secret Government Radio Signals I Heard Today!
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The Secret Government Radio Signals I Heard Today!

The Secret Government Radio Signals Antenna What’s In The Box? DX Commander All Band Vertical April 04, 2019 No comments Read more John Stanford, KF6I…

Mount Your Mobile Ham Radio Antenna The Right Way
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Mount Your Mobile Ham Radio Antenna The Right Way

Mount Your Mobile Ham Radio Antenna The Right Way Review Difficult Grounding Issues July 12, 2021 No comments Tim Desmond, KI5OUN, inspired this video on…

Most Expensive Handhelds TESTED!
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Most Expensive Handhelds TESTED!

We’re back at the park to test the most expensive ham radio handheld radios available today. Which radio will have the strongest transmit signal, best…

Is that an ATAS on your Roof or are you just Happy to See Me?
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Is that an ATAS on your Roof or are you just Happy to See Me?

A Yaesu ATAS Antenna on the Roof? What is the Best Way to Deploy an End Fed Half Wave Antenna? Where Can You Buy A…

Radio Amateurs Support the Great ShakeOut 2022 in Puerto Rico
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Radio Amateurs Support the Great ShakeOut 2022 in Puerto Rico

Students from the Crop Protection Student Association at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez participated in a communications practice session as part of the…

Richard Brunton, G4TUT — SK
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Richard Brunton, G4TUT — SK

Our British Amateur Member Society RSGB has announced, that Richard Brunton, G4TUT, has passed away. Richard was well known for countless years as editor of…

Activity and Awards Increase at 222 and 1296 MHz
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Activity and Awards Increase at 222 and 1296 MHz

Interest in ARRL VHF and above Worked All States Awards (WAS) continues its flurry of activity, now on the 1296 MHz band. As we reported in ARRL…

Philippines Typhoon Nalgae — clear frequency requested.
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Philippines Typhoon Nalgae — clear frequency requested.

Members of the Philippines radio society ( PARA ) are currently responding to the damage and loss of life caused by Typhoon Nalgae which struck…

Dual-Band Sloper for 60 and 17 Meters- Wins the September 2022 QST Cover Plaque Award
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Dual-Band Sloper for 60 and 17 Meters- Wins the September 2022 QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the September 2022 QST Cover Plaque award is “Dual-Band Sloper for 60 and 17 Meters,” by Patrick Brannick, N2BZD. The QST Cover Plaque Award…

Now even better! Chameleon LEFS 8010 Lightweight End Fed Sloper Antenna
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Now even better! Chameleon LEFS 8010 Lightweight End Fed Sloper Antenna

I take a look at the Chameleon CHA LEFS 8010 Light Weight End Fed Sloper Antenna. This antenna gives you 8 bands, without the need…

Chameleon Remote Tuner
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Chameleon Remote Tuner

Using the Loop Remote Tuner allows you to get further away from the antenna and have more precise control over the antenna. This is advantageous…

Yaesu FT-710 AESS & FTdx10 – RX Audio Comparison 
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Yaesu FT-710 AESS & FTdx10 – RX Audio Comparison 

“I’ve had a number of requests to shoot a video series about the Yaesu FT-710 AESS, similar to my FTdx10 series. Ham Radio Outlet loaned…

Amateur Radio Operators Invited to Participate in Scientific Experiments
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Amateur Radio Operators Invited to Participate in Scientific Experiments

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) will be conducting their largest experiment and research campaign from October 19 – 28, 2022. Amateur radio operators…

ES9UKR – CQ WW SSB – Ukraine Support
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ES9UKR – CQ WW SSB – Ukraine Support

ES9UKR Team will be active from Estonia in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 29 – 30 October 2022.International Team.They will operate in Multi Two Category.QSL…

Amateur Radio Club Members Assist Law Enforcement
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Amateur Radio Club Members Assist Law Enforcement

The Wayne Amateur Radio Club (WARC) manned a 30-foot-tall mobile observational Infrastructure Protection Unit, or SkyWatch tower, at Ohio’s Wayne County Fair in September again this year….

GXP Antenna 16 elements 5 bands – Contest
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GXP Antenna 16 elements 5 bands – Contest

Antenna BEAM 16 elements 5 bands „contest” (New model 2022) Bands: 80/40/20/15/10 [ m ] Active elements: 2/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 5 [ pcs ]…

RX888 MK2 16BIT Software Defined Radio
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RX888 MK2 16BIT Software Defined Radio

Here we take a look at the RX888 Mk2 SDR Receiver which has a whopping 64 MHz real time bandwidth on HF! RX-888 MKII SDR…

M&P Silicon Seal – Strain Relief: The Ultimate Protection for Connectors
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M&P Silicon Seal – Strain Relief: The Ultimate Protection for Connectors

Self-tightening silicone rubber tubular gasket for our cables Ø 5,4 (.212”) or 7,3mm (.287”) or 10,3mm (.400”) or 12,7mm (.500”), matched to any one of our related connectors and adapters (Except 7/16…

HF 3 Band Antenna on 6 meter boom 20m 15m and 10m
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HF 3 Band Antenna on 6 meter boom 20m 15m and 10m

HF 3 Band Antenna designed for 20m 15m and 10m 3B-334HD Ultimate HF Tri-band Antenna 3B-334HD with central wide-spaced elements that can fit in antenna…

Counterpoise For Long Wire Antenna
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Counterpoise For Long Wire Antenna

Robert, KD1JG, has some questions on his options for his balun set up. I have multiple suggestions for his set up. Watch to learn more…