Author: iz4wnp

P40DA P4/PA7DA Aruba. From
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P40DA P4/PA7DA Aruba. From

Jaap van Duin, PA7DA will be active again as P40DA or P4/PA7DA from Aruba Island, IOTA SA-036, during second half of November 2022., P40DA P4/PA7DA…

Sfide future nella progettazione di dispositivi wearable
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Sfide future nella progettazione di dispositivi wearable

L’evoluzione tecnologica avvenuta nel mondo dei semiconduttori, trainato principalmente dalle innovazioni nel campo della microelettronica come le tecnologie MEMS, ha portato ad un forte sviluppo…

Dai LED wearables al mantello dell’invisibilità
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Dai LED wearables al mantello dell’invisibilità

La tecnologia wearable è spesso utilizzata per monitorare la salute di un utente. Dato che questi dispositivi sono in stretto contatto con l’utente, possono facilmente…

Putting Your Dipole in a Cage
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Putting Your Dipole in a Cage

Jim has a very difficult question. He is asking If you increase the diameter of the active element, in a dipole, would that increse the…

Emergency Communications Preparedness – Full Disaster EmComm SHTF Drill
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Emergency Communications Preparedness – Full Disaster EmComm SHTF Drill

Inspirational Video for local and regional Emergency Preparedness Officers and Managers and Amateur Radio Operators in how they can work together to solve complex communications…

Gli standard dei segnali video – Parte 4
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Gli standard dei segnali video – Parte 4

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

FO/F6BCW French Polynesia. From
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FO/F6BCW French Polynesia. From

Didier, F6BCW will be active as FO/F6BCW from Tahiti Island, IOTA OC – 046, French Polynesia, 16 – 21 October 2022 and 26 – 30…

The Chameleon RXL PRO Gets a New Pre-Amp
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The Chameleon RXL PRO Gets a New Pre-Amp

The Chameleon RXL small receive-only loop gets a new pre-amp. Chameleon sent me the new pre-amp, which I installed, and this complete review compares the…

Top 3 Digital Handheld Ham Radios for 2022
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Top 3 Digital Handheld Ham Radios for 2022

Digital Handheld The top 3 digital voice modes in Ham Radio are DMR, DSTAR and YSF Antenna 2m 18 elements XPOL Yagi antenna PA144-XPOL-18-5 March…

Un Energy Monitor Versatile – Prima Parte
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Un Energy Monitor Versatile – Prima Parte

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Selettore di colore su Web Server per controllare LED RGB con ESP32
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Selettore di colore su Web Server per controllare LED RGB con ESP32

In questo articolo andremo a descrivere un progetto facente uso del microcontrollore ESP32. In particolare, utilizzeremo un web server per controllare il colore della luce…

5J01EA 5K0VT Providencia Island San Andres and Providencia. From
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5J01EA 5K0VT Providencia Island San Andres and Providencia. From

HK3EA and HK3MKQ will be active as 5J01EA and 5K0VT from Providencia Island, IOTA NA – 049, San Andres and Providencia, 28 February – 5…

Firmware 2.0 #26: IIoT/Automation-Smart Monitoring
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Firmware 2.0 #26: IIoT/Automation-Smart Monitoring

E’ online il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0 dedicata a Makers, Professionisti e Appassionati. Questo numero della rivista è focalizzato sul tema…

5R8WP 5R8WG 5R8MM 5R8CG Nosy Be Island Madagascar. From
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5R8WP 5R8WG 5R8MM 5R8CG Nosy Be Island Madagascar. From

5R8WP, 5R8WG, 5R8MM, 5R8CG will be active from Nosy Be Island, IOTA AF – 057, Madagascar, 11 – 22 October 2022., 5R8WP 5R8WG 5R8MM 5R8CG…

P29RO Loloata Island Papua New Guinea. From
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P29RO Loloata Island Papua New Guinea. From

P29RO Team will be active from Loloata Island, IOTA OC – 240, Papua New Guinea, 25 October – 10 November 2022., P29RO Loloata Island Papua…

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Here we take a look at the MRQ213 17 feet telescopic antenna available from Antenna Ground Radial Wire For Vertical – Ham Radio Antenna…

Impedance and Ham Radio Antennas Explained
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Impedance and Ham Radio Antennas Explained

In this video, we talk about antenna impedance, what it is and how it’s different from resistance. Antenna IS THIS THE ULTIMATE 2M CONTEST ARRAY?…

Cheap Ham Radio Handhelds Tested – Transmit & Receive
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Cheap Ham Radio Handhelds Tested – Transmit & Receive

Cheap Ham Radio Handhelds Back to practical range testing. Today we have four popular ham radio handhelds that all sell under $100.00. Antenna Build your…

Progettare con i micro XMEGA
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Progettare con i micro XMEGA

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

TY5AF Benin. From
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TY5AF Benin. From

TY5AF will be on the air between 22 – 29. November 2022 by Finnish trio Tapani OH5BM, Pekka OH2TA and Timo OH5LLR., TY5AF Benin. From…

Updated CQ Contest Policy
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Updated CQ Contest Policy

“PLEASE NOTE: This updates and supersedes the policy discussion in the editorial of the September 2022 issue of CQ.  Sometimes, deadlines are your friends; sometimes…

I Am From the FCC. May I See Some Identification Please? You Were Too Fast In The Phonetic Lane!
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I Am From the FCC. May I See Some Identification Please? You Were Too Fast In The Phonetic Lane!

When do you have to Identify your station? Can you use phonetics? Do you have to say your callsign and location? Must you say your…

Soluzioni USB power per batterie LiPo – Seconda Parte
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Soluzioni USB power per batterie LiPo – Seconda Parte

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

YAESU FT-710 [ Video Japanese ]
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YAESU FT-710 [ Video Japanese ]

YAESU FT-710 YAESU is excited to announce a new HF/50MHz 100W SDR Transceiver – FT-710 AESS.The new FT-710 AESS is estimated September 2022. The new…

Multitasking con Arduino
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Multitasking con Arduino

Con l’aumento della capacità di elaborazione della piattaforma open source Arduino e di altre schede basate su microcontrollore, incluse le funzionalità di clock più veloci…