Author: iz4wnp

FO5QS Hiva Oa Island Marquesas Islands. From
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FO5QS Hiva Oa Island Marquesas Islands. From

After his activity Huahine Island, Patric FO5QS, will be mooving to Hiva Oa Island, IOTA OC – 027, Marquesas Islands and will be active as…

Soluzioni avanzate di edge Machine Learning grazie alla nuova suite di sensori Bosch Sensortec
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Soluzioni avanzate di edge Machine Learning grazie alla nuova suite di sensori Bosch Sensortec

Edge Impulse consente ora di sviluppare soluzioni avanzate di edge Machine Learning utilizzando la nuova suite di sensori avanzati Bosch Sensortec implementata sulla scheda Arduino…

VarAC – HF/FM Digital Chat Reinvented
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VarAC – HF/FM Digital Chat Reinvented

VarAC What is VarAC? VarAC is a FREE, modern HF P2P real-time chatting application for the amateur radio operator that leverages the glorious VARA protocol Calling VarAC QRGs…

Is 222 MHz really a “forgotten” frequency band?
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Is 222 MHz really a “forgotten” frequency band?

According to this month’s ON THE AIR podcast, 222MHz is considered the “forgotten” frequency band. A benefit to this band is that it’s relatively quiet…

New Triband Antenna 30,40 AND 80M [ DIEX ]
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New Triband Antenna 30,40 AND 80M [ DIEX ]

DIEX Antenna The D348 model also comes out in 10m and can come out in 6m if the K6 kit is added (optional) , so I would…

Acom 2020S Automatic HF Linear Amplifiers
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Acom 2020S Automatic HF Linear Amplifiers

Acom 2020S Amplifier, HF+50 MHz Legal Limit Solid State Linear, 160-6 meters, Output 1,500 W All Modes, 240 Vac NEMA 6-15P Plug Installed, Each Acom…

Best Handheld Ham Radio for 2022 – Top 16 HT
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Best Handheld Ham Radio for 2022 – Top 16 HT

Best Handheld Ham Radio Best Handheld Ham Radio for 2022 – my pick of the Top 16 HT Radios, Handie Talkie, Handheld Transceivers, in the…

L’università di Cambridge presenta il suo prototipo di E-Textiles
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L’università di Cambridge presenta il suo prototipo di E-Textiles

Gli E-Textiles o smart Textiles sono una gamma di dispositivi costruiti a partire da fibre tessili o incorporati in esse, che possono essere applicati in…

‘Direct To Full Syllabus’ – RSGB
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‘Direct To Full Syllabus’ – RSGB

  Breaking News from the RSGB: We are pleased to announce the publication of the new Direct to Full examination syllabus. Enrolments for the Direct to…

SX5P Rhodes Island. From
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SX5P Rhodes Island. From

SX5P Team will be active from Rhodes Island, IOTA EU – 001 in RSGB IOTA Contest, 30 – 31 July 2022., SX5P Rhodes Island. From…

Amateur Contact Log 7.0.6 is Now Available! [ N3FJP ]
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Amateur Contact Log 7.0.6 is Now Available! [ N3FJP ]

“Hi All, Chris, Kimberly and I are excited to let you know that… Amateur Contact Log 7.0.6 is Now Available! We’ve upgraded AC Log 7.0.6…

I test a military antenna: Chameleon Tactical Dipole 2.0 Review
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I test a military antenna: Chameleon Tactical Dipole 2.0 Review

The Chameleon Tactical Dipole 2.0 is a multi band broad coverage HF antenna with a range of 1.8 to 54 MHz. Design is based on…

On July 21, 2022, ten satellites are expected to be launched from the ISS under the Radioskaf program
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On July 21, 2022, ten satellites are expected to be launched from the ISS under the Radioskaf program

Radioskaf On July 21, 2022, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev and European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti are expected to deploy ten small spacecraft (SVSU-55 No….

Progetto di un misuratore di corrente elettrica basato sul sensore ad effetto Hall ACS712 – Parte 3
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Progetto di un misuratore di corrente elettrica basato sul sensore ad effetto Hall ACS712 – Parte 3

Nel precedente articolo “Progetto di un misuratore di corrente elettrica basato sul sensore ad effetto Hall ACS712 – Parte 2” abbiamo descritto il funzionamento e…

Ecco i risultati della consultazione referendaria in seno all’ARI
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Ecco i risultati della consultazione referendaria in seno all’ARI

Verbale elezioni 2022 Tabulato integrale dei risultati  

Cardiff dice no a Marconi, Sasso chiede di ripensarci
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Cardiff dice no a Marconi, Sasso chiede di ripensarci

Il progetto di una scultura in onore di Guglielmo Marconi nella baia di Cardiff (Galles) potrebbe essere abbandonata dopo che i consiglieri hanno appreso del…

Contributo 5 per mille
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Contributo 5 per mille

Ai sensi della Legge 4 agosto 2017, n. 124, comma da 125 a 129 dell’articolo 1, legge denominata “legge annuale per il mercato e la…

In orbita con l'”Award Oscar 100″
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In orbita con l'”Award Oscar 100″

“OSCAR 100 AWARD” è un diploma radioamatoriale internazionale organizzato dalla Sezione A.R.I. di Fidenza ( al fine di promuovere, diffondere ed incentivare le attività di…

43° anniversario missione Vietnam
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43° anniversario missione Vietnam

Per il regolamento completo cliccare sull’immagine Fonte: ARMI

Hot Air Balloon – ON6ZT/AM
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Hot Air Balloon – ON6ZT/AM

On Wednesday, August 10, 2022, radio club Zottegem ON6ZT / UBA section ZTM plans the Friends Round Flemish Ardennes from a warm air balloon. ON8VC…

Satellites to monitor Ionosphere : DARPA
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Satellites to monitor Ionosphere : DARPA

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA, USA) has issued the first call for proposals for its Ouija programme, which aims to use sensors on “near-Earth…

Micro EFM32: alte prestazioni con consumi ridotti
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Micro EFM32: alte prestazioni con consumi ridotti

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

5R8LH Madagascar. From
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5R8LH Madagascar. From

Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as 5R8LH from Madagascar, IOTA AF – 013, 1 August – 9 September 2022., 5R8LH Madagascar. From, ,

Ham-Friendly Homes For Sale
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Ham-Friendly Homes For Sale

Current Ham-Friendly Homes For Sale Brooksville, FloridaSuperstation For Sale 24 acres of land, just 30 minutes north of Tampa. Custom-built, open floor plan home w/4…

The POTA SOTA CW Killer Ham Radio DMX-40 Review + Real American Heroes
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The POTA SOTA CW Killer Ham Radio DMX-40 Review + Real American Heroes

This is a long term review of The Preppcom DMX-40 QRP CW transceiver. Also a big shout out to some real American heroes. Antenna Yagi…