Author: iz4wnp

TX5XG Austral Islands. From
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TX5XG Austral Islands. From

Haru, JA1XGI will be active as TX5XG from Austral Islands, 2 – 9 November 2022., TX5XG Austral Islands. From, ,

Generatore di funzioni DDS fino a 10 MHz
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Generatore di funzioni DDS fino a 10 MHz

Gli integrati operanti in tecnologia DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) sono oggi facili da reperire, e semplificano enormemente la progettazione della parte analogica di un generatore…

CARS HQ to participate in the IARU HF Championship as C4HQ
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CARS HQ to participate in the IARU HF Championship as C4HQ

C4HQ After many years of inactivity, a number of CARS members will be activating the C4HQ callsign during the upcoming IARU HF Championship to be…

New PicoAPRS V4
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New PicoAPRS V4

PicoAPRS V4 VHF radio 1W TX pwr Bluetooth Wifi Microphone& speaker for voice com. USB-C on the side Color IPS screen 5 way button+PTT PicoAPRS…

Firmware 2.0 #25: Robotics-Cloud Computing
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Firmware 2.0 #25: Robotics-Cloud Computing

E’ online il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0 dedicata a Makers, Professionisti e Appassionati. Questo numero della rivista è focalizzato sul tema…

DX0NE Spratly Islands. From
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DX0NE Spratly Islands. From

DX0NE Team planning activity from Spratly Islands, IOTA AS – 051, 1 August – 31 December 2022., DX0NE Spratly Islands. From, ,

Transmit Without License During An Emergency? Save Life & Property?
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Transmit Without License During An Emergency? Save Life & Property?

Tony DeWitte AD0DQ, joins me to explain when it is legal for you to transmit outside of your radio privileges to save life or protect…

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The complete software suite to Edit, Analyze, Generate Statistics, View multiple logs simultaneously, Map QSOs, Import and Export to Cabrillo or ADIF files. Antenna…

MFJ-914 Auto Antenna Extender – Review
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MFJ-914 Auto Antenna Extender – Review

The MFJ-914 offers a way of extending the matching range of the internal ATU inside any transceiver. If your internal ATU is struggling to achieve…

PSMC – Controllore Programmabile a Commutazione
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PSMC – Controllore Programmabile a Commutazione

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

More on Grounding
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More on Grounding

Scott, N3CRS, has emailed Dave a very well organized list of questions that have to do with the subject of grounding. Lets see if Dave…

Caribbean Emergency networks activate for potential tropical cyclone.
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Caribbean Emergency networks activate for potential tropical cyclone.

Carlos CO2JC, IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Co-ordinator reports that a potential tropical cyclone is entering the Caribbean Sea on Wednesday June 29 and the…

IARU R1 SRLC at HamRadio2022
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IARU R1 SRLC at HamRadio2022

The IARU Region 1 Spectrum Regulation and Liaison Committee (SRLC) chair took part in a joint session with the R1 Political Relations Committee (PRC) during…

Il relè DC bidirezionale di OMRON per i nuovi sistemi domestici a energia rinnovabile
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Il relè DC bidirezionale di OMRON per i nuovi sistemi domestici a energia rinnovabile

OMRON, società leader in un’ampia gamma di mercati, dall’automazione industriale ai componenti elettronici, ha introdotto un relè DC bidirezionale di potenza appositamente progettato per la…

Tango Echo Net 01/07/2022
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Tango Echo Net 01/07/2022

  One of the many regular UK nets, this time we feature the Thames Estuary DX Net which takes place on Friday 1st July from…

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Perseus22 is a 4 channels, direct sampling receiver with a continuous frequency coverage from 10 KHz to 225 MHz and a typical image rejection larger than 70…

The Android SDR App That Beats Them All! Supports RTL-SDR Airspy HackRF and Many More!
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The Android SDR App That Beats Them All! Supports RTL-SDR Airspy HackRF and Many More!

Android SDR App SDR MUST be plugged in before starting SDR++ and you MUST press refresh in the SDR source you’re using before pressing play if you first plugged…

Mini SSB HF Receiver 150 kHz To 30 Mhz
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Mini SSB HF Receiver 150 kHz To 30 Mhz

SI4732 SSB 150K-30MHZ FM 64M-108MHZ Color LCD Display DSP Radio Receiver Built-in Battery Features: -Color LCD display, read data more clearly. -Built-in high-capacity lithium battery,…

LoRa Cloud Locator
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LoRa Cloud Locator

Semtech lancia LoRa Cloud Locator Cloud Service per dimostrare le prestazioni e le funzionalità di Asset Tracking di LoRa Edge. Il nuovo servizio consente ai…

Implementare l’Auto Baud su dispositivi dsPIC30F
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Implementare l’Auto Baud su dispositivi dsPIC30F

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Comet-NCG – Dayton Hamvention 2022
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Comet-NCG – Dayton Hamvention 2022

2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio trade show. Ham Radio Outlet…

West Mountain Radio – Dayton Hamvention 2022
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West Mountain Radio – Dayton Hamvention 2022

West Mountain Radio  2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio trade show….

JIANPAI 8R Four Band LED Color Screen VHF/UHF Handheld Radio
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JIANPAI 8R Four Band LED Color Screen VHF/UHF Handheld Radio

JIANPAI 8R Four Band LED Color Screen VHF/UHF Handheld Radio Antenna Tarheel Mobile HF Antennas – Model 200A-HP November 19, 2018 No comments Mobile HF…

PrepComm MMX TearDown – Keyboard CW?
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PrepComm MMX TearDown – Keyboard CW?

PrepComm MMX TearDown The MMX Multi-band Morse Code Transceiver is the evolution of the DMX-40+ Morse Code Transceiver,and includes the keyboard!  It has the same industry-leading decoder,…

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For this week’s Something for the Weekend Tony and Richard go out to the park to demonstrate the new portable antenna systems from JPC! Specification…