Author: iz4wnp

Increase in unidentified intruders
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Increase in unidentified intruders

IARUMS newsletter IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1 newsletter reports an increase in unidentified intruders in the amateur radio bands following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…

VHF+ Newsletter 89
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VHF+ Newsletter 89

The IARU Region 1 VHF+ Newsletter #89 is now available on the following link. This edition regards the coming C5 Interim Meeting in Friedrichshafen and gives…

EBV Elektronik a embedded world 2022 presenta il suo know-how nei mercati emergenti
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EBV Elektronik a embedded world 2022 presenta il suo know-how nei mercati emergenti

Al padiglione 3A, Stand 125 dell’embedded world 2022, potremo toccare con mano il know-how di EBV Elektronik nei settori chiave del mercato.  Introduzione EBV Elektronik…

SV9/OK6DJ Crete Island. From
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SV9/OK6DJ Crete Island. From

OK6DJ and OK1-36573 will be active from Crete Island, IOTA EU-015, 8 – 14 July 2022 as SV9/OK6DJ., SV9/OK6DJ Crete Island. From, ,

5K0C San Andres Island. From
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5K0C San Andres Island. From

Pablo, LU7MT will be active as 5K0C from San Andres Island, IOTA NA – 033, 16 – 25 September 2022., 5K0C San Andres Island. From…

IARUMS R1 Newsletter May 2022
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IARUMS R1 Newsletter May 2022

The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter May 2022 is now available.Click on the link to read it! …

Un sistema di riconoscimento facciale con Raspberry Pi e DeepFace
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Un sistema di riconoscimento facciale con Raspberry Pi e DeepFace

Quello dell’autenticazione non invasiva mediante tecniche biometriche è uno dei topic caldi degli ultimi anni. Infatti, il tentativo è quello di svincolare l’utente dalle tediose…

President Randy III CB radio – Adjustments
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President Randy III CB radio – Adjustments

Video:YouTube/UK FM CB radio servicing Richard takes a look at the President Randy III handheld CB Radio…..

I’m an Intern at ARRL Headquarters!
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I’m an Intern at ARRL Headquarters!

“I’m Jherica Goodgame, KI5HTA, and I’m a 2022 summer intern at ARRL HQ. Join me while I show you around some of my favorite parts…

Costruiamo un robottino in LEGO – Parte 1
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Costruiamo un robottino in LEGO – Parte 1

In questo articolo vedremo la realizzazione passo passo di un semplice robottino costruito in LEGO a cui daremo vita usando una board di Arduino. Da…

VX2I Ile aux Coudres. From
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VX2I Ile aux Coudres. From

The NA128 Contest Group will be active again this year as VX2I from Ile-aux-Coudres, Quebec, Canada (IOTA NA-128 – FN47) between July 28 and July…

10 Reasons Why GMRS is NOT Better Than Ham Radio
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10 Reasons Why GMRS is NOT Better Than Ham Radio

“This video is a response to a video I saw by @NotaRubicon Productions where he claims that GMRS is better than Ham Radio. I found…

RFI from Solar Inverter
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RFI from Solar Inverter

RFI from Solar Inverter Lee, KI5ODH, built an off grid solar system for his station. But he is having some trouble. “The inverter is putting…

Provisional Results May Subregional Contest
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Provisional Results May Subregional Contest

The provisional results of the Subregional May Contest are available on the IARU R1 VHF Contest Robot. We have collected and evaluated 2118 logs on…

Robot sulla Luna
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Robot sulla Luna

I progressi nell’Intelligenza Artificiale hanno stimolato la nascita di diverse Autonomous Things come droni, robot e veicoli adatti a svolgere operazioni in modo autonomo. Mentre…

Antenna on Sloping Ground – What happens?
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Antenna on Sloping Ground – What happens?

“Various terrain and Antennas: You can make the slope work to your advantage. I know your next question already. Hang on. I’ll make a video…

Expert Linear 1.5-FA Solid State Amplifier [ Hamvention ]
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Expert Linear 1.5-FA Solid State Amplifier [ Hamvention ]

Solid State Amplifier Powerful: 1.5 kW typ. (+/- 0.5dB) Very Light: about 10 kgs (about 22 lbs). Very Small: H 12, W 28, D 36…

ADSB Exchange Deluxe Dual SDR Feeder Kit – Aircraft Tracking
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ADSB Exchange Deluxe Dual SDR Feeder Kit – Aircraft Tracking

Here we take a look at the ADSB Exchange Deluxe Dual SDR Feeder Kit for an easy installation experience. Metal case holding a Pi 4B,…

Ricompilare il kernel di Linux
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Ricompilare il kernel di Linux

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

The Yorkshire Bash (CB Radio Meeting) 14th – 17th July 2022
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The Yorkshire Bash (CB Radio Meeting) 14th – 17th July 2022

  Information from Bryan 26LR006 about an exciting CB Radio event taking place this summer: “Hi, at last We can invite you all to the…

VK0MQ Macquarie Island. From
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VK0MQ Macquarie Island. From

Matt, VK5HZ will be active as VK0MQ from Macquarie Island, IOTA AN – 005, starting Mid June 2022., VK0MQ Macquarie Island. From, ,

Il ruolo di Phoenix Contact nell’impiego dei robot a guida autonoma
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Il ruolo di Phoenix Contact nell’impiego dei robot a guida autonoma

Sempre più fabbriche automatizzate impiegano al loro interno dispositivi a guida autonoma per efficientare i propri processi produttivi. Phoenix Contact propone una serie di soluzioni…

CB Radio Skip 11/06/2022
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CB Radio Skip 11/06/2022

Some fantastic conditions today on the CB with stations all along the South Coast of England being heard up here in the North East! It…

XIEGU GNR 1 Noise Reduction Unit – Full Review
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XIEGU GNR 1 Noise Reduction Unit – Full Review

Xiegu GNR1 digital audio noise filter is an audio processing device integrating digital noise reduction and digital filtering. It will effectively reduce the background noise, improve…

World Debut of the SHF-P1, 2.4 GHz / 5.6 GHz Concept
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World Debut of the SHF-P1, 2.4 GHz / 5.6 GHz Concept

SHF-P1 For more than half a century, Icom has created new technology for Amateur Radio. Our engineers have a new project, “Icom SHF Project –…