Author: iz4wnp

CatMeters for new Yaesu transceivers
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CatMeters for new Yaesu transceivers

CatMeters for new Yaesu transceivers For FT-450, FT-950, FT-991, FT-2000, FT-DX10, FT-DX101,FT-DX1200, FT-DX3000, FT-DX5000, FT-DX9000 Instantly see settings 6 easy to read analog meters Easy to…

The Amazing Delta Loop Antenna
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The Amazing Delta Loop Antenna

“Let’s have a play with Delta Loops. Horizontal, Vertical and Sky-Loop style. Fascinating stuff. Callum” Antenna 7 courtyard or balcony HF antenna ideas for small…

Italab – HF amplifier + 6 meters –  2KW
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Italab – HF amplifier + 6 meters – 2KW

New HF amplifier 1,8 – 30 MHz -50-54 MHz, output power 2000 W (1800 to 50 MHz) Large TOUCH SCREEN display (7 “), 3 individually…

(tr)uSDX: Tiny QRP Radio, Some Issues, Let’s Build It Pt.1
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(tr)uSDX: Tiny QRP Radio, Some Issues, Let’s Build It Pt.1

The (Tr)uSDX is a multi-band QRP radio that covers SSB, CW, AM and FM in a package not much bigger than the Mountain Topper Three…

Ham Radio and GMRS Fees Changing TODAY!
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Ham Radio and GMRS Fees Changing TODAY!

“Today, April 19, Ham Radio license fees go from $0 to $35 for a 10-year license. Also GMRS license fees drop from $70 to $35…

5G: i casi d’uso e le sfide associate
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5G: i casi d’uso e le sfide associate

La quinta generazione (5G) di tecnologia wireless per le comunicazioni sta trasformando l’industria delle telecomunicazioni. L’evoluzione delle applicazioni wireless e la crescente popolarità dei dispositivi…

Provisional results IARU R1 VHF — UHF & Up ContestsProvisional results IARU R1
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Provisional results IARU R1 VHF — UHF & Up ContestsProvisional results IARU R1

Provisional results for the last 2021 IARU R1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot. We have received a total…

Celebrating World Amateur Radio Day, a Q&A session with Youth Working Group Chair Philipp DK6SP by ITU News
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Celebrating World Amateur Radio Day, a Q&A session with Youth Working Group Chair Philipp DK6SP by ITU News

To celebrate World Amateur Radio Day, ITU News caught up with Philipp DK6SP, Chair of the IARU R1 Youth Working Group.Read here the full Q&A…

Controllo IoT dell’illuminazione con Alexa e il microcontrollore Wi-Fi ESP8266 – Parte 3
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Controllo IoT dell’illuminazione con Alexa e il microcontrollore Wi-Fi ESP8266 – Parte 3

Il precedente articolo “Controllo IoT dell’illuminazione con Alexa e il microcontrollore Wi-Fi ESP8266 – Parte 2” è stato dedicato completamente alla descrizione dei componenti del…

Il Wi-Fi 6E
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Il Wi-Fi 6E

Nonostante siano da poco arrivati sul mercato i primi dispositivi Wi-Fi 6, già si parla di Wi-Fi 6E e (forse) anche di Wi-Fi 7. In…

Uniden PC78LTXFM – First Photos Internal + External
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Uniden PC78LTXFM – First Photos Internal + External

  So as featured here back at the start of February we now have the first real photos, of the new Uniden PC78LTXFM CB Radio,…

VU4W Andaman Islands. From
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VU4W Andaman Islands. From

VU4W Team will be active from Andaman Islands, IOTA AS – 001, 3 – 16 May 2022., VU4W Andaman Islands. From, ,

2022 World Amateur Radio Day is April 18
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2022 World Amateur Radio Day is April 18

What: 2022 World Amateur Radio Day Who: All amateur radio operators worldwide When: Monday, April 18, 2022 at 0000 UTC until Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 0000 UTC…

“Low Cost Controllerless” con PIC32
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“Low Cost Controllerless” con PIC32

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Nuovi chip analogici grazie all’accordo di distribuzione tra EBV Elektronik e SG Micro
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Nuovi chip analogici grazie all’accordo di distribuzione tra EBV Elektronik e SG Micro

Grazie ad un accordo di distribuzione con SG Micro, EBV Elektronik, società del gruppo Avnet, aggiunge una nuova fonte di chip analogici al suo portfolio…

NEW – President Bill II FCC AM/FM
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NEW – President Bill II FCC AM/FM

      (Mock-Up Image) Yet another FM CB radio is on it’s way from President for the USA market.  The President Bill II FCC…

J28MD Djibouti. From
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J28MD Djibouti. From

J28MD Team will be active from Djibouti, 29 October – 7 November 2022., J28MD Djibouti. From, ,

Work the DX from ANYWHERE! SDR-Control App for Icom Radios
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Work the DX from ANYWHERE! SDR-Control App for Icom Radios

SDR-Control is an iPad app developed by Marcus Roskosch DL8MRE SDR-Control is a full featured iPad App to operate your Icom Transceiver at home or…

Progetto di un sistema di comunicazioni Wireless Long-Range con LoRa32 – Parte 1
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Progetto di un sistema di comunicazioni Wireless Long-Range con LoRa32 – Parte 1

In questo progetto/tutorial vedremo come inviare e ricevere a lunga distanza pacchetti di dati tra due dispositivi LoRa32 “TTGO ESP32-Paxcounter OLED” mediante un sistema di…

Military intruders in ham radio bands
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Military intruders in ham radio bands

IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1 newsletter reports during March, likely as a consequence of the current military situation, they noticed an increase of transmissions in…

Migliorare i collegamenti dati RF per i veicoli senza pilota
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Migliorare i collegamenti dati RF per i veicoli senza pilota

Il bisogno di maggiore capacità di canale continua ad aumentare per i sistemi di comunicazione wireless. Sempre più persone ed organizzazioni richiedono velocità dati sempre…

What to use to learn Morse Code?
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What to use to learn Morse Code?

Richard, VK2IRS, asks “Has the format for teaching Morse Code changed? For example are the Koch or Farnsworth techiques still used?” Dave “I don’t know…

Tuning SparkPlug and CAHRtenna Antennas for POTA & SOTA
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Tuning SparkPlug and CAHRtenna Antennas for POTA & SOTA

In this video we tune up the Sparkplug and CAHRtenna antennas. Two great antennas for getting out and playing Portable Ham Radio such as Parks…

ICOM IC-705 FULL POWER With The ANKER 521 Power Station
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ICOM IC-705 FULL POWER With The ANKER 521 Power Station

ICOM IC-705 FULL POWER With The ANKER 521 Power Station Check out Anker 521 Portable Power Station Antenna Another great choice to boost your Radio…

LibreVNA Overview, Firmware Update, and Calibration
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LibreVNA Overview, Firmware Update, and Calibration

LibreVNA In this video, we take an introductory look at a newer Vector Network Analyzer, the LibreVNA. This particular model was sent to me free…