Author: iz4wnp

Iridium Command Center Explanation – ICOM
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Iridium Command Center Explanation – ICOM

Icom’s satellite radios utilize Iridium’s constellation of Low Earth Orbit satellites. With this network, you can set up to 2,250,000 square kilometers of satellite coverage…

IARUMS R1 Newsletter March 2022
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IARUMS R1 Newsletter March 2022

The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter March 2022 is now available.Click on the link to read it! …

Provisional results IARU R1 VHF — UHF & Up Contests
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Provisional results IARU R1 VHF — UHF & Up Contests

Provisional results for the last 2021 IARU R1 VHF and UHF & Up Contests are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot….

Dall’interferometro di Michelson alla misurazione delle onde gravitazionali
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Dall’interferometro di Michelson alla misurazione delle onde gravitazionali

L’interferometro è definito lo strumento utilizzato per misurare distanze, basato sulle proprietà di interferenza delle onde luminose. Quello realizzato da Albert A. Michelson è considerato…

European Commission Solar Energy Strategy
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European Commission Solar Energy Strategy

IARU R1 PRC in conjunction with the Region’s EMC Committee has submitted a paper to a recent European Commission Call for Evidence with respect to…

Progetto di un Data Logger con microSD e microcontrollore ESP32 – Parte 3
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Progetto di un Data Logger con microSD e microcontrollore ESP32 – Parte 3

In questa terza parte del progetto di un Data Logger descriveremo dettagliatamente il codice del progetto e lo caricheremo nell’ESP32. Realizzeremo il prototipo e ne…

FO/W1XGI Austral Islands. From
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FO/W1XGI Austral Islands. From

Haru, JA1XGI will be active as FO/W1XGI from Austral Islands, 2 – 9 November 2022., FO/W1XGI Austral Islands. From, ,

Marconi Speed Contest 2022
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Marconi Speed Contest 2022

Per scaricare il regolamento in PDF cliccare sull’immagine

2° Diploma Euroflora 2022
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2° Diploma Euroflora 2022

In occasione della 12° edizione della mostra internazionale di floricoltura che si tiene a cadenza quinquennale nel capoluogo ligure, l’ARI Sezione di Genova indice il…

Controllo IoT dell’illuminazione con Alexa e il microcontrollore Wi-Fi ESP8266 – Parte 2
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Controllo IoT dell’illuminazione con Alexa e il microcontrollore Wi-Fi ESP8266 – Parte 2

Nel precedente articolo “Controllo IoT dell’illuminazione con Alexa e il microcontrollore Wi-Fi ESP8266 – Parte 1” abbiamo introdotto il progetto di un sistema di controllo…

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This is the best all round wideband desktop scanner antenna on the current market. Keeping within the famous discone design but smaller for internal use…

Diamond V2000A Antenna for 6m-2m-70cm
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Diamond V2000A Antenna for 6m-2m-70cm

The V2000A is the U.S. version of the V2000 Tri-Band Antenna. This antenna has been optimized for the U.S. FM Bands. The V2000A utilizes a…

Microcontrollori a basso consumo
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Microcontrollori a basso consumo

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

XT2MAX Burkina Faso. From
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XT2MAX Burkina Faso. From

Directly from Max XT2MAX/DK1MAX has now reached more than 3000 QSOs, XT2MAX Burkina Faso. From, ,

3D2RRR Rotuma Island. From
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3D2RRR Rotuma Island. From

3D2RRR Team will be active from Rotuma Island, IOTA OC – 060., 3D2RRR Rotuma Island. From, ,

How to get 9 ham bands from one 17′ extendable antenna whip and how to set it up FAST!
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How to get 9 ham bands from one 17′ extendable antenna whip and how to set it up FAST!

“In this Video I show how to make an antenna stake that will be fast and strong for portable Ham Radio work. The stake has…

TÜV NORD Mobilität certifica il wireless BMS di Analog Devices
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TÜV NORD Mobilität certifica il wireless BMS di Analog Devices

Il wireless Battery Management System (wBMS) di Analog Devices ottiene la certificazione di cybersecurity per il settore automotive.  Analog Devices ha da poco annunciato che…

xCluster: A Mac DXCluster Map App
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xCluster: A Mac DXCluster Map App

xCluster is a visual display of dx cluster activity. DX spots are received via telnet or web services and displayed in a tabular form and…

Malachite V4 SDR DSP Radio Receiver 50KHz – 2GHZ
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Malachite V4 SDR DSP Radio Receiver 50KHz – 2GHZ

50KHz-2GHZ V4 Malachite SDR DSP SDR Radio Receiver AM/SSB/NFM/WFM Shortwave Radio with Speaker Expansion Module “Here we take a look at another iteration of the…

Monitor Station Lextel MS-2000
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Monitor Station Lextel MS-2000

Lextel MS-2000 is an RF Transmitter Station Monitor which analyzes auxiliary devices and antenna characteristics as well as the source that powers the radio station’s…

Japan International DX Contest
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Japan International DX Contest

==== New Category Multi 2TX (2021-03) We will have the “MULTI-OPERATOR 2-TX” category in 2021. (CQ-WW Two-TX QSY rule will be applied) The exact rules…

CQ DX Marathon updates
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CQ DX Marathon updates

Photo: PY5EG In 2005, W9KNI and CQ Magazine asked me if I was interested in managing a new contest for CQ Magazine – the CQ DX…

Il modulo IoT multisensore wireless SmartBug per applicazioni di monitoraggio intelligente – Parte 1
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Il modulo IoT multisensore wireless SmartBug per applicazioni di monitoraggio intelligente – Parte 1

In questo articolo presentiamo il modulo multisensore wireless InvenSense SmartBug della TDK, un prodotto multisensoriale wireless compatto e pronto all’uso, progettato appositamente per le applicazioni…

Progetto DIY: autoradio FM digitale con Raspberry Pi
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Progetto DIY: autoradio FM digitale con Raspberry Pi

Questo articolo, dal carattere prettamente pratico, ha lo scopo di guidare il lettore nella realizzazione di un sintonizzatore FM digitale dalle prestazioni di assoluto rilievo….

ARCO Cross Controlled Rotators
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ARCO Cross Controlled Rotators

Demonstration of ARCO feature to control another rotator physically connected to different ARCO controller. ARCO is a completely self-contained stand alone rotator controller not requiring…