Author: iz4wnp

FCC Amateur Radio Application Fee: Good, Bad, and Ugly
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FCC Amateur Radio Application Fee: Good, Bad, and Ugly

The FCC application fee for amateur radio licenses takes effect on Tuesday April 19, 2022 Antenna Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 Portable Ham Radio Antenna System October…

What is an Octopus Antenna?
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What is an Octopus Antenna?

This is another question from Charles. What is an Octopus Antenna? Antenna Elecraft AX1 Multi-Band Whip Antenna October 07, 2018 No comments Elecraft AX1 – Portable…

YOTA Summer Camp Croatia 2022
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YOTA Summer Camp Croatia 2022

Call for Applications Today it is our big pleasure to announce that we finally continue with our 10th edition of YOTA Summer Camps this August….

L’energia wireless è fantascienza?
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L’energia wireless è fantascienza?

L’idea di trasmettere energia elettrica attraverso l’aria era già alla base di esperimenti condotti dall’inventore, fisico e ingegnere Nikola Tesla a metà dell’Ottocento. La bobina…

JX/LB4MI Olonkin Jan Mayen. From
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JX/LB4MI Olonkin Jan Mayen. From

Helge, JX/LB4MI will be active from Olonkin, Jan Mayen Island, IOTA EU – 022, until October 2022., JX/LB4MI Olonkin Jan Mayen. From, ,

End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna Kit | Part One: BUILD
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End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna Kit | Part One: BUILD

Get radio active! In this video, you’re guided STEP-BY-STEP by ARRL member Rob Zielfelder, Jr., N1NUG, to build an End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna Kit! The easy-to-build…

CountyComm GP-7 SSB ( GEN 4 ) General Purpose Radio – Organic Gray
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CountyComm GP-7 SSB ( GEN 4 ) General Purpose Radio – Organic Gray

The new GP-7 SSB radio is made based on a continued request for an excellent quality general purpose information radio. These radios are re-modified for a specific…

Final Scores + Awards of YOTA Contest 2021
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Final Scores + Awards of YOTA Contest 2021

Press Releaseby International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 – Youth Working Group Nicosia, Cyprus — Tuesday, 05.04.2022 We are happy to announce the final results…

Dopo aver raggiunto i 100.000 cicli P/E, gli SSD 3D NAND di Apacer offrono la massima durata disponibile
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Dopo aver raggiunto i 100.000 cicli P/E, gli SSD 3D NAND di Apacer offrono la massima durata disponibile

Apacer ha portato l’ottimizzazione 3D NAND Flash a nuovi livelli. Oggi annuncia il rilascio degli SSD industriali SLC-liteX in grado di fornire il numero incredibile…

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Node-RED (NR) è un ambiente di sviluppo visuale basato sulla gestione del flusso dati (Flow-Based Programming). Partiamo dal concetto di flusso dati. La programmazione si…

Controllo IoT dell’illuminazione con Alexa e il microcontrollore Wi-Fi ESP8266 – Parte 1
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Controllo IoT dell’illuminazione con Alexa e il microcontrollore Wi-Fi ESP8266 – Parte 1

La domotica si sta sempre più diffondendo grazie ai numerosi vantaggi che ne derivano. Attualmente, il sistema domotico è maggiormente gestito da e-mail, SMS o…

ISS SSTV April 7-8
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ISS SSTV April 7-8

Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are planning to transmit Slow Scan TV (SSTV) images on 145.800 MHz FM probably using the SSTV…

Low Power Capacitive Sensing
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Low Power Capacitive Sensing

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Yaesu FTDX10 vs Kenwood TS590SG on weak signal RX
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Yaesu FTDX10 vs Kenwood TS590SG on weak signal RX

“You decide. Not scientific, but just a video showing the similarities in these 2 rigs on weaker signals on 15M CW as the band was…

ICOM IC-T10 – Released April 2022. What are its Main Features
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ICOM IC-T10 – Released April 2022. What are its Main Features

A first look at the new Icom IC-T10. Dual Band Transceiver ICOM IC-10 PDF File Antenna Antennas and Connectors! July 27, 2021 No comments…

UBA excluded Russian and Belarus
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UBA excluded Russian and Belarus

“Decision on the participation of stations of the Russian Federation and Belarus in the activities organized by UBA. With regard to participation in activities of…

La tecnologia RF di Analog Devices all’European Microwave Week
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La tecnologia RF di Analog Devices all’European Microwave Week

Analog Devices partecipa all’European Microwave Week che si terrà presso l’EXCEL London Exhibition and Conference Centre.  In occasione dell’European Microwave Week, Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI),…

Firmware 2.0 #22: Mems/Sensors-Self Driving
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Firmware 2.0 #22: Mems/Sensors-Self Driving

Oggi esce il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0 dedicata a Makers, Professionisti e Appassionati. In questo numero troverete contenuti esclusivi sull’elettronica embedded…

HK0/PY8WW San Andres Island. From
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HK0/PY8WW San Andres Island. From

Ren, HK0/PY8WW will be active from San Andres Island, IOTA NA – 033, 7 – 12 May 2022., HK0/PY8WW San Andres Island. From, ,

ARRL International Digital Contest Log 1.0 is Now Available! [ N3FJP LOG]
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ARRL International Digital Contest Log 1.0 is Now Available! [ N3FJP LOG]

“Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that…ARRL International Digital Contest Log 1.0 is Now Available!We just completed a brand new addition…

Survival Radio & Emergency Communications Ukraine
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Survival Radio & Emergency Communications Ukraine

“With ham radio suspended in Ukraine, we take a broader look at emergency survival radio preps & top strategies for decentralized communications. Disaster preparedness and…

EA RTTY Contest Rules
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EA RTTY Contest Rules

– Click here to announce your participation in this contest – Organized by: Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE); delegated in EB4Z. To participate in this contest,…

JIANPAI FT-UV78 [ Review ]
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JIANPAI FT-UV78 [ Review ]

Here we take a look at the JIANPAI FT-UV78 Dual Band Radio with Airband Receive And Fluorescent Screen. Antenna How To Make a Doublet Antenna…

Raggi Cosmici e Circuiti Integrati
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Raggi Cosmici e Circuiti Integrati

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Not being heard at 100 Watts 
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Not being heard at 100 Watts 

Dan, KG5WQN, doesn’t know what to do. He has a well set up antenna and should be able to use the ham bands, but even…