Categoria: Etere Blog (

RadFxSat (Fox-1B) FM Satellite Set to Launch in November
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RadFxSat (Fox-1B) FM Satellite Set to Launch in November

The next AMSAT Fox-1 satellite, RadFxSat (Fox-1B), is scheduled to launch on November 10 at 0947 UTC. RadFxSat (Fox-1B), which will carry a 435/145 MHz…

Radioastronomi a Gorga
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Radioastronomi a Gorga

Il XIII° Congresso Nazionale di Radioastronomia Amatoriale cambia ancora location e per la prima volta sarà ospitato nel Lazio. Un altro tassello della nostra magnifica…

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2086 for Friday, October 20, 2017
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2086 for Friday, October 20, 2017


California Fire Situation Improves
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California Fire Situation Improves

San Francisco Section District Emergency Coordinator Len Gwinn, WA6KLK, in the Redwood Valley told ARRL this week that Amateur Radio volunteers in Mendocino and Lake…

Focus on Emergency Communication at Pacificon 2017
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Focus on Emergency Communication at Pacificon 2017

Emergency communication will be a prominent part of the program at Pacificon 2017, the ARRL Pacific Division Convention, October 20-22 in San Ramon, California, sponsored…

Missaglia: trenta iscritti per il corso base di Protezione civile – Casateonline
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Missaglia: trenta iscritti per il corso base di Protezione civile – Casateonline

Casateonline Missaglia: trenta iscritti per il corso base di Protezione civileCasateonlineSeguiranno gli interventi, alle prossime lezioni dei dottori Guido Villa del’AREU 118, Mario Modica comandante…

“Force of 50” Volunteers’ Puerto Rico Hurricane Recovery Mission Ends
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“Force of 50” Volunteers’ Puerto Rico Hurricane Recovery Mission Ends

The 22 “Force of 50” radio amateurs who deployed to Puerto Rico earlier this month as American Red Cross volunteers have ended their mission and…

SDRuno v1.2 BETA Sneak Peek
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SDRuno v1.2 BETA Sneak Peek

SDRplay is a UK company. The RSP SDR receivers are made in the UK and can be purchased for worldwide delivery directly from  Antenna…

Si inaugura la 35esima edizione della Mostra Mercato del radioamatore, elettronica e computer – OsservatorioOggi
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Si inaugura la 35esima edizione della Mostra Mercato del radioamatore, elettronica e computer – OsservatorioOggi

OsservatorioOggi Si inaugura la 35esima edizione della Mostra Mercato del radioamatore, elettronica e computerOsservatorioOggiFASANO – Si rinnova l’appuntamento, per tutti gli appassionati di radiantismo, elettronica…

Download the IC-7610 HF/50MHz SDR Transceiver User Manual
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Download the IC-7610 HF/50MHz SDR Transceiver User Manual

  Antenna The X7 Triband Yagi – Cushcraft December 22, 2014 No comments   X7 BIG THUNDER TRIBANDER YAGIThe X7 Triband Yagi is geared to…

ARRL Section Manager Evacuates When Fire Comes Within Two Blocks
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ARRL Section Manager Evacuates When Fire Comes Within Two Blocks

ARRL San Francisco Section Manager Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV, says the message he stresses during the weekly Sonoma County Radio Amateurs (SCRA) ARES net is this:…

A Fasano weekend con la fiera del radioamatore – RD Notizie
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A Fasano weekend con la fiera del radioamatore – RD Notizie

RD Notizie A Fasano weekend con la fiera del radioamatoreRD NotizieCome di consueto sarà il primo piano del Centro Commerciale Conforama ad ospitare la XXXV…

CW from Catalonia, Stanag-4285 from Turkey Make IARU Monitoring System Intruder List.
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CW from Catalonia, Stanag-4285 from Turkey Make IARU Monitoring System Intruder List.

An unknown station transmitted “Freedom for Catalonia” in a CW loop on September 26 (1710 UTC) at 14.001 MHz, the International Amateur Radio Union Region…

ARRL 2018 Puerto Rico State Convention Cancelled
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ARRL 2018 Puerto Rico State Convention Cancelled

The Organizing Committee for the 2018 ARRL Puerto Rico State Convention has announced the cancellation of the 2018 convention, set for January 26-28, 2018, in…

Gus Browning Memorial DXpedition Offers Opportunity to Work Bhutan on Top Band
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Gus Browning Memorial DXpedition Offers Opportunity to Work Bhutan on Top Band

If you have not already worked Bhutan on 160 meters, the Gus Browning Memorial DXpedition starting this weekend (and again briefly later this month) may…

How students in a ham radio club are helping Puerto Rico
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How students in a ham radio club are helping Puerto Rico

Most of Puerto Rico is still without power, making communication difficult. In Queens, New York, a group of students in a ham radio club are…

ARRL and Local Volunteers in Puerto Rico Working Together in Storm Recovery
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ARRL and Local Volunteers in Puerto Rico Working Together in Storm Recovery

Nearly 2 dozen ARRL volunteers from the mainland and five local radio amateurs have been working in concert to do what needs to be done…

E2X   op. E24XUR 9 year old
0 44

E2X op. E24XUR 9 year old

E2X during All Asian Contest SSB 2017 Review Icom ID-51A review on AmateurLogic.TV December 25, 2014 No comments Icom ID-51A review on AmateurLogic.TV Read more…

Hurricane Watch Net Stands Down from Nate Activation
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Hurricane Watch Net Stands Down from Nate Activation

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) formally secured operations for Hurricane Nate today, October 8, at 0900 UTC. The net uses 14.265 and 7.268 MHz. The…

Fldigi v4.0.10 now available
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Fldigi v4.0.10 now available

Within the past few days the hard-working development team led by W1HKJ have announced the release of Fldigi v4.0.10.  This release of Fldigi are maintenance releases with a…