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15th IARU HST world championship is officially open!
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15th IARU HST world championship is officially open!

The event center is hotel Ibis in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. The host of the championship is KFRR, Kazakhstan federation of radiosport and radioamateurs….

Huntsville HamFest 2018 [ Video ]
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Huntsville HamFest 2018 [ Video ]

This is an overview of the Huntsville Hamfest 2018 News Huntsville HamFest 2018 [ Video ] August 25, 2018 No comments This is an overview…

Icom IC-7610 Real Time FT8 Diversity Reception
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Icom IC-7610 Real Time FT8 Diversity Reception

“Jarrad VK3BL demonstrates how to use Dual Watch and 2 instances of WSJT-X (the primary can TX as we will show in another video) to…

New Icom Amateur Products Including the IC-9700 to be Shown at Tokyo Hamfair 2018
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New Icom Amateur Products Including the IC-9700 to be Shown at Tokyo Hamfair 2018

IC-9700 As well as have three working demonstration units of the forthcoming IC-9700 VHF/UHF/1.2GHz transceiver, Icom Inc. will be unveiling other product innovations at the…

FCC Grants Temporary Waiver for Hurricane Lane Relief Efforts
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FCC Grants Temporary Waiver for Hurricane Lane Relief Efforts

The FCC has granted FEMA, working in conjunction with ARRL, a request to waive current Amateur Radio rules to permit data transmissions at a higher…

4 New Bands in Brazil (PY) approved !
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4 New Bands in Brazil (PY) approved !

“Future regulation will bring new tracks for the Amateur Radio Service in line with ITU and IARU guidelines. The Board of Directors of Anatel approved…

4U1UN News directly from Adrian KO8SCA
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4U1UN News directly from Adrian KO8SCA

“4U1UN News directly from Adrian KO8SCA, August 24, 2018 18:00z: “No one is operating from the 4U1UN Club Station at this time. Any spots of operation after…

Hawaii Hurricane ‘Lane’ and event updates
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Hawaii Hurricane ‘Lane’ and event updates

Photo: VE6AB Hurricane ‘Lane’ is affecting Hawaii with heavy rainfall of nearly 1 meter forecast along with high tides caused by the storm surge. Combined,…

SDRplay releases ExtIO plugin for the RSPduo
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SDRplay releases ExtIO plugin for the RSPduo

“We are pleased to announce the release of the ExtIO plugin for the RSPduo. This release uses the latest API (v3.01) which is also being…

Hurricane Lane & Solar Storm Alley: Solar Storm Shortie 08-23-2018
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Hurricane Lane & Solar Storm Alley: Solar Storm Shortie 08-23-2018

“Hawaii Emergency Management declared that emergency communications during Hurricane Lane will be conducted through amateur radio, which could spell trouble with the coming solar storm…

Xiegu G90 HF 20W SDR Transceiver
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Xiegu G90 HF 20W SDR Transceiver

Xiegu G90 is a portable 20W HF amateur radio transceiver with an SDR architecture and built-in automatic antenna tuner. The display unit and the radio…

ARRL Headquarters Monitoring Progress of Hurricane Lane, Radio Gear Available to Deploy
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ARRL Headquarters Monitoring Progress of Hurricane Lane, Radio Gear Available to Deploy

ARRL Headquarters is in monitoring mode, as powerful Hurricane Lane — a Category 5 storm — approaches Hawaii, ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey, KI1U,…

Xiegu G1M QRP 5-Band HF Transceiver
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Xiegu G1M QRP 5-Band HF Transceiver

Xiegu G1M is an entry level QRP transceiver with general receive 0.5-30 MHz and transmit capabilities on five popular amateur radio bands. Its highly portable…

Consent Decree Settles FCC Noncompliant Drone Transmitters Marketing Case
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Consent Decree Settles FCC Noncompliant Drone Transmitters Marketing Case

The FCC Enforcement Bureau has entered into a Consent Decree with Horizon Hobby, LLC to resolve a case involving the marketing and sale of noncompliant audio/video (A/V)…

Company Established by Inventor Nathan Cohen, W1YW, Advances Cloaking Technology
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Company Established by Inventor Nathan Cohen, W1YW, Advances Cloaking Technology

Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc., established by noted radio amateur and inventor Nathan Cohen, W1YW, continues to stretch technological boundaries of belief. In an August 15 news…

Earthquake Hits Venezuela, Net Active on 7.088 MHz
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Earthquake Hits Venezuela, Net Active on 7.088 MHz

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit northern Venezuela August 21 at 21:32 UTC, some 12 miles north-northwest of Yaguaraparo. An emergency response net has been activated on…

Concern Rising within Amateur Radio Community over WWV-WWVH Shut Down Proposal
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Concern Rising within Amateur Radio Community over WWV-WWVH Shut Down Proposal

ARRL members and Amateur Radio clubs are expressing increased concern over the inclusion of WWV and WWVH on a list of proposed cuts in the…

US Coast Guard Warns of LED Lighting Interference to Marine Radios, AIS Reception
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US Coast Guard Warns of LED Lighting Interference to Marine Radios, AIS Reception

The US Coast Guard says it’s received reports from crews, ship owners, inspectors, and other mariners regarding poor reception on VHF radiotelephone, digital selective calling…

Chinese Amateur Radio Satellites Receive OSCAR Designations
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Chinese Amateur Radio Satellites Receive OSCAR Designations

AMSAT has announced that it has granted OSCAR designators for the Chinese DSLWP-A and DSLWP-B microsatellites, successfully launched on May 18 into a lunar transfer orbit…

Baofeng UV-5RX3 Handheld Triband Radio
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Baofeng UV-5RX3 Handheld Triband Radio

UV-5RX3 is a compact, ergonomically hand fit HT, which balances cost, functionality and reliability. It provides real 5 watts in the frequency range of VHF,…

Norway gets 1kW on 6m and other bands
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Norway gets 1kW on 6m and other bands

On 8 August 2018, Norway got an updated amateur licence, allowing all Norwegian amateurs access to 50 to 52MHz with a power of 1kW. Other…

2 Meter VHF Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna – Ham Radio Q&A
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2 Meter VHF Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna – Ham Radio Q&A

“Are you looking for a fun and easy antenna project? The 1/4 ground plane might be just the ticket. This particular ground plane is constructed…

RUMlogNG2Go for iOS version 3.5.2 now available
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RUMlogNG2Go for iOS version 3.5.2 now available

Thomas Lindner, DL2RUM, is happy to announce the availability of version 3.5.2 of his RUMlogNG2Go logger for the iPhone and iPad.  RUMlogNG2Go can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes store.  More information…

4-Square installation in Eastport, Maine [ W2RE ]
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4-Square installation in Eastport, Maine [ W2RE ]

Ray is installing a Four-Square system using four of the DX Engineering DXE-7580FS-VA-2 Vertical antennas at the Eastport, Maine site. Brand:DX Engineering Manufacturer’s Part Number:DXE-7580FS-VA-2…

SAQ in Sweden Receives More than 300 Reports on Alexanderson Day, July 1
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SAQ in Sweden Receives More than 300 Reports on Alexanderson Day, July 1

SAQ, the old Alexanderson alternator transmitter at the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station in Sweden, received 321 listener reports in response to its three 17.2…