Checking out the SunSDR2 Pro by Expert Electronics, a full DUC/DDC HF/VHF software defined radio that will please even the most demanding ham radio operator….
The GENESIS-L and GENESIS-N ham radio satellites were among several carrying amateur radio payloads lost following the failure of the Firefly Alpha rocket during its first launch…
Version 1.0.9252 (August 31, 2021) K4 Radio Control: Increased the command pacing and slowed the radio polling to eliminate a radio configuration error in SO2V…
Channels 1 and 2 on 60 meters will be available starting on August 30 for interoperability between US government and US amateur radio stations involved…
It’s small SSB/AM/FM receiver with wide band coverage – LW/MW/SW/FM. Touchscreen and simple menu makes this radio easy to use. It has 2000 mAh internal…
The FCC has granted an ARRL emergency request for a temporary waiver intended to facilitate relief communications in the wake of Hurricane Ida. The waiver…
THE STAGE IS SET FOR AURORAS: A minor CME struck Earth’s magnetic field on Aug. 27th (~0100 UT). At first the impact had little effect. Now, however, Earth…
For this week’s Something for the Weekend, Johnathan M0JSX and John 2E0EZK take you through our selection of the best digital scanners available at ML&S…
An interesting article in the media claims a woman’s insulin pump is being “potentially” interfered with by an amateur radio operator down the street. Was…
This informal forecast was made by and for patrons of Patreon. Without their generosity this forecast would not be possible. Antenna ALL ABOUT ANTENNAS Part…
In this video Mike Harwood compares 4 different active mag loop antenna at various frequencies up to 52MHz using two SDRplay RSPduos which allowed simultaneous…
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