10W/5W/2.5W/1W Selectable: The Radioddity GD-AT10G is a powerful handheld radio with a compact design, featuring selectable output power of 10W/5W/2.5W/1W and plenty of room for up…
Sweden’s AMSAT-SM has released a short video showing communications via the amateur radio satellite AO-73 (FunCube-1) using the popular digital mode FT4. This is a short video…
Parallel planning is under way by three entities for DXpeditions to Bouvet Island in 2021, 2022, and 2023. The remote volcanic, glacial sub-Antarctic island in…
Here how to convert your existing homebrew radio into a full-fledged SDR for less than$100. The idea of hybrid architecture was first implemented in this…
The FCC has adopted guidelines and procedures for evaluating environmental effects of RF emissions. Under the new FCC rules, some amateurs need to perform routine…
Faith Hannah Lea, KD3Z, of Palm Coast, Florida, has been selected as the 2021 Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year. Faith…
The new book More Arduino for Ham Radio by popular author and experimenter Glen Popiel, KW5GP, builds on the success of his two previous titles, Arduino for Ham…
The winning article for the July 2021 QST Cover Plaque award is “A Sensitive Field Strength Meter for Foxhunting,” by Woody White, KZ4AK. The QST Cover Plaque Award —…
Friday and Saturday, August 6 – 7, Russian cosmonauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) will transmit slow-scan television (SSTV) images from the station on…
Michael, KI7QIB, is asking a simple question “Should I replace PL-259 connectors in a feedline with N-type connectors? Antenna Buddipole vs AlexLoop Walkham November 03,…
“Chinese radios have come a long way, many have impressive feature lists, but those features seem to be stuck behind programming or poorly implemented design….
Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are planning to transmit Slow Scan TV images on 145.800 MHz FM using the SSTV mode PD-120….
Dave, KB2UBO, has two questions… One about Whether a ZS6BKW could/should be used in an inverted V? Another about Wheather to crimp or solder connectors?…
Olympic Games – JA1TOKYOOn July 16 JARL opened the special commemorative station ‘JA1 TOKYO‘ in Nishitokyo City, Tokyo, to commemorate the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and…
Jim Heath W6LG shows what happened to RG8X that had 1500 applied. Watch the subsequent episodes for more information about coax. Review How To Program…
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