TX5N Raivavae Island. From DXNews.com
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TX5N Raivavae Island. From DXNews.com

TX5N Team will be active from Raivavae Island, IOTA OC – 114, Austral Islands, 16 – 28 April 2022., TX5N Raivavae Island. From DXNews.com, ,

L’Editoriale di Gennaio 2022
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L’Editoriale di Gennaio 2022

2022, anno pieno di prospettive di Vincenzo Favata, IT9IZY Dalle statistiche emerge che maggior parte dei soci ARI – compreso lo scrivente – ha un…

Xmas Activity 2021
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Xmas Activity 2021

Il Gruppo CW QRS Telegram presenta la Xmas Activity 2021 Obiettivi: favorire l’uso e la diffusione della telegrafia radioamatoriale. Favorire l’incontro tra operatori radio con…

ARRL RTTY Roundup (  RTTY, PSK, FT8/FT4, ASCII, AMTOR, and Packet )
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ARRL RTTY Roundup ( RTTY, PSK, FT8/FT4, ASCII, AMTOR, and Packet )

Photo: LO5D ( LU9ESD Manu ) Contest Objective: Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using digital modes (Baudot RTTY, PSK, FT8/FT4, ASCII,…

Installed a HUGE 90m (300 feet) Receive Loop
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Installed a HUGE 90m (300 feet) Receive Loop

Amazing 90m loop with 4:1 balun. How does it compare to the smaller Loop On Ground? Antenna Hunting Noise with Loop Antenna August 21, 2021…

Farnell & Torex Semiconductor: partnership strategica nel settore del Power
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Farnell & Torex Semiconductor: partnership strategica nel settore del Power

Farnell, società tecnologica del Gruppo Avnet e distributore di soluzioni, componenti e prodotti elettronici a livello mondiale, ha firmato un nuovo accordo di franchising globale…

JW0X JW100QO Svalbard. From DXNews.com
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JW0X JW100QO Svalbard. From DXNews.com

JW0X Team will be active from Svalbard, IOTA EU – 026, 19 – 26 April 2022., JW0X JW100QO Svalbard. From DXNews.com, ,

La criptovaluta IOTA (ed un FPGA per l’RPi) – Parte 2: PiDiver – una scheda FPGA per calcoli rapidi
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La criptovaluta IOTA (ed un FPGA per l’RPi) – Parte 2: PiDiver – una scheda FPGA per calcoli rapidi

Nella parte precedente dell’articolo “La criptovaluta IOTA (ed un FPGA per l’RPi)” vi abbiamo presentato IOTA, la criptovaluta che permette ai nodi IoT di pagare…

VP5P VP5/AF3K VP5/W2TT Turks and Caicos Islands. From DXNews.com
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VP5P VP5/AF3K VP5/W2TT Turks and Caicos Islands. From DXNews.com

VP5/W2TT and VP5/AF3K will be active from Turks and Caicos Islands, IOTA NA – 002, 23 – 31 March 2022., VP5P VP5/AF3K VP5/W2TT Turks and…

EX0DX Kyrgyzstan. From DXNews.com
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EX0DX Kyrgyzstan. From DXNews.com

Andrea, HB9DUR will be active again as EX0DX from Kyrgyzstan, until 10 January 2022., EX0DX Kyrgyzstan. From DXNews.com, ,

Ermak SDR Transceiver
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Ermak SDR Transceiver

Ermak SDR Transceiver https://sdr-ermak.com/ Review Kenwood TH-D74 VS Icom ID 51A [ Video ] June 02, 2017 No comments Read more Does the ICOM IC-7610…

Kids Day is January 1, 2022
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Kids Day is January 1, 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022, is Kids Day. The event gets under way at 1800 UTC and concludes at 2359 UTC. Sponsored by the Boring (Oregon) Amateur…

La criptovaluta IOTA (ed un FPGA per l’RPi) – Parte 1: Macchine che pagano macchine
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La criptovaluta IOTA (ed un FPGA per l’RPi) – Parte 1: Macchine che pagano macchine

Grazie al progresso tecnologico, i device appartenenti all’ecosistema dell’Internet of Things (IoT) diventano sempre più piccoli e compatti, economici ed efficienti in termini di consumi…

JT4RR Mongolia. From DXNews.com
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JT4RR Mongolia. From DXNews.com

Mats, SM6LRR will be active as JT4RR from Mongolia., JT4RR Mongolia. From DXNews.com, ,

PJ5/W5JON Sint Eustatius. From DXNews.com
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PJ5/W5JON Sint Eustatius. From DXNews.com

PJ5/W5JON will be active from Sint Eustatius Island, IOTA NA – 145, 26 April – 4 May 2022., PJ5/W5JON Sint Eustatius. From DXNews.com, ,

Visualizing the effect of a low pass filter on harmonics
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Visualizing the effect of a low pass filter on harmonics

I thought I’d share this little experiment, I found it quite interesting. Antenna DX Commander Part 2 – HF Vertical November 22, 2021 No comments…

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Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

Measuring Balun Ratios
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Measuring Balun Ratios

I have been asked how to measure the ratios of a Balun or an Unun. So if you’re someone who has that same question this…

Resonant Frequency of Antennas
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Resonant Frequency of Antennas

“The feedline to an antenna will perform better if the antenna has the same impedance. Jim Heath W6LG uses the RigExpert AA-2000 to measure a…

RX Antenna – I Installed a Loop On Ground (LOG) for Ham Radio
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RX Antenna – I Installed a Loop On Ground (LOG) for Ham Radio

“I have never tried a Loop RX antenna actually on the Ground! So today I tried it out for my Ham Radio station. This is…

Una proposta TI per i convertitori DC-DC
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Una proposta TI per i convertitori DC-DC

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

New London Town LSB CB Radio Net
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New London Town LSB CB Radio Net

Video:YouTube/Fred In The Shed A video from ‘Fred In The Shed’ promoting the new London Town LSB Weekly Net which takes place every Monday evening…

USA – CB Radio Skip 28/12/2021
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USA – CB Radio Skip 28/12/2021

Some brilliant conditions on the CB bands today. I was out mobile and was really pleased to hear so many American stations on AM and…

Criptovalute: possono essere considerate asset finanziari?
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Criptovalute: possono essere considerate asset finanziari?

Sia le criptovalute che la blockchain hanno rivoluzionato i metodi di pagamento di tutto il mondo e di certo questa tecnologia può essere inserita tra…

Straight Key Night is January 1, 2022 (UTC)
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Straight Key Night is January 1, 2022 (UTC)

The annual ARRL Straight Key Night (SKN) returns on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, January 1, 0000 – 2359 UTC. Many hams look…