CAIG DeoxIT Contact Cleaners
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CAIG DeoxIT Contact Cleaners

CAIG DeoxIT Contact Cleaners CAIG Laboratories DeoxIT contact cleaners improve the performance and reliability of ALL electronic equipment and parts! DeoxIT cleans contacts, relays, connectors,…

Do Lightning Rods make Antennas Impossible?
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Do Lightning Rods make Antennas Impossible?

Joe, AD2AH, has been asked if lightning rods would present a halo and degate the radiation pattern or a Endfed Antenna? He doesn’t think it…

Attesta le tue competenze nell’Elettronica con la Certificazione Ufficiale Arduino
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Attesta le tue competenze nell’Elettronica con la Certificazione Ufficiale Arduino

Arduino Education offre la possibilità di ottenere la Certificazione Ufficiale di Arduino. La Certificazione è rivolta a tutti coloro i quali, operando nella didattica delle…

Z22O Z21A Zimbabwe. From
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Z22O Z21A Zimbabwe. From

DL7BO and DJ6TF will be active as Z22O and Z21A from Zimbabwe, 2 – 15 December 2021., Z22O Z21A Zimbabwe. From, ,

Progettiamo con Arduino IoT Cloud
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Progettiamo con Arduino IoT Cloud

L’Internet delle Cose (IoT) è la disciplina che maggiormente stimola l’innovazione nel settore dell’elettronica di consumo e del DIY (Do It Yourself, equivalente dell’italiano Fai-Da-Te)…

EMF D-Day For UK Amateur Radio
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EMF D-Day For UK Amateur Radio

  The UK Amateur Licence now requires amateurs to check compliance with EMF exposure limits. Compliance is required from 18th November 2021 for frequencies above…

ICOM America – HRO at Pacificon 2021
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ICOM America – HRO at Pacificon 2021

In this video from Pacificon 2021, Will Jourdain (AA4WJ) talks about all the fun gear at the ICOM America booth. Antenna An Unusual Jpole Antenna…

ARRL Handbook – Assembling a (Ham Radio) Station!
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ARRL Handbook – Assembling a (Ham Radio) Station!

“I’ve been mentioning your years that the ARRL Handbook is a fantastic resource for most amateur radio operations. Today I will be talking about one…

Reviewing the Radioddity GD-AT10G Handheld
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Reviewing the Radioddity GD-AT10G Handheld

Review for the Radioddity GD-AT10G! Radioddity GD-AT10G 10W DMR Radio Featuring 10W high power output, powerful 3100mAh battery, GPS & APRS functionality, supporting both analog…

ARRL 2022 Handbook – Battery Selection for Portable Operation
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ARRL 2022 Handbook – Battery Selection for Portable Operation

In this video, we take a look at the new 2022 Handbook from the ARRL. Specifically, we look at a new chapter on selecting a…

VHF & up Bandplanning 2021
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VHF & up Bandplanning 2021

You can find here the official IARU Region 1 bandplans currently valid from 50 MHz until 250 GHz.Only carefully considered modifications and/or additions have been made during the tri‑annual IARU Region…

Progetto con ESP32- Termostato connesso – Conserva il tuo vino alla giusta temperatura!
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Progetto con ESP32- Termostato connesso – Conserva il tuo vino alla giusta temperatura!

Per assicurarsi un adeguato invecchiamento del vino è importante conservarlo in un luogo fresco e poco illuminato. Nonostante molti specialisti si trovino in disaccordo su…

Implementare il protocollo MQTT con Arduino UNO e l’ESP8266
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Implementare il protocollo MQTT con Arduino UNO e l’ESP8266

MQTT è un protocollo di comunicazione che nel corso degli anni si è dimostrato particolarmente adatto per interconnettere i dispositivi IoT. Il protocollo MQTT si…

Regolatori Buck DC-DC con Architettura Zero-Voltage Switching
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Regolatori Buck DC-DC con Architettura Zero-Voltage Switching

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog troverete articoli tecnici della vecchia rivista…

Una radio centenaria con Arduino
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Una radio centenaria con Arduino

Una radio centenaria con Arduino: in questo articolo scopriremo assieme un progetto nostalgico che ricorda le prime radio del ventesimo secolo, realizzato con Arduino, legno…

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It was early October of 2021 when I thoroughly considered my plans for the upcoming SSB contest., UA9BA CQ WW SSB 2021 SOAB QRP. A…

XT2AW Burkina Faso. From
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XT2AW Burkina Faso. From

Harald, DF2WO will be active again as XT2AW from Burkina Faso, 3 – 20 December 2021., XT2AW Burkina Faso. From, ,

Blokdots: programmare Arduino senza scrivere una riga di codice
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Blokdots: programmare Arduino senza scrivere una riga di codice

Blokdots è un software di facile utilizzo per realizzare prototipi hardware interattivi senza scrivere una riga di codice. L’idea nasce da una tesi di laurea…

C92R Mozambique. From
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C92R Mozambique. From

Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as C92R from Mozambique, 13 – 30 November 2021., C92R Mozambique. From, ,

FH/K6ZO Mayotte. From
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FH/K6ZO Mayotte. From

Don, FH/K6ZO will be active from Mayotte Islands, IOTA AF – 027, 15 – 22 November 2021., FH/K6ZO Mayotte. From, ,

Gli strumenti portatili di Fluke nell’ultima serie di podcast “The Innovation Experts”
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Gli strumenti portatili di Fluke nell’ultima serie di podcast “The Innovation Experts”

Farnell e Fluke presentano apparecchiature portatili all’avanguardia nell’ultima puntata della serie di podcast “The Innovation Experts”. Fluke si unisce a Farnell per esaminare strumenti portatili…

President Thomas FCC – First US FM CB Radio Announced
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President Thomas FCC – First US FM CB Radio Announced

  Documents seen on the FCC website suggest that President will be the first to offer a new legal CB with FM alongside the usual…

JI3DST/5 JS6RRR/5 Shodo Island. From
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JI3DST/5 JS6RRR/5 Shodo Island. From

JI3DST/5 and JS6RRR/5 will be active from Shodo Island, IOTA AS – 200, 26 November – 2 December 2021., JI3DST/5 JS6RRR/5 Shodo Island. From,…

A Goodbye Kiss from A Big Flare Player
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A Goodbye Kiss from A Big Flare Player

This Space Weather News forecast sponsored in part by Millersville University Antenna Indoor Antennas That Work! – Ham Nation 460 July 02, 2020 No comments…

Project E.L.F. – The history of communicating with submarines underwater
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Project E.L.F. – The history of communicating with submarines underwater

“Nestled deep in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest in Northwest Wisconsin is the small town of Clam Lake. Clam Lake is best known for the excellent…