Elecraft KX1 & AX1: Dodging the rain at Lake James State Park
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Elecraft KX1 & AX1: Dodging the rain at Lake James State Park

Dodging the rain at Lake James State Park Antenna Finding Annoying Power Line Noise – Ham Radio March 04, 2020 No comments Power Line Noise…

QDX digital transceiver
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QDX digital transceiver

I brief description of a construction problem, symptoms and solution regarding the QDX digital transceiver from QRP Labs. The “QCX+” (QRP Labs Xcvr +): a feature-packed, high performance,…

Progettare con la MCU ESP32
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Progettare con la MCU ESP32

La maggior parte dei nuovi progetti digitali necessita della presenza di connettività wireless per poter dar vita a dispositivi interconnessi e capaci di scambiare informazioni…

Protective Frame for the Icom IC-705
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Protective Frame for the Icom IC-705

This sturdy frame protects the front panel of the IC-705, and also provide a convenient carry handle.The base is tilted back 14 degrees to provide…

The Ultimate Portable Ham Radio Computer
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The Ultimate Portable Ham Radio Computer

Hello Operators. In this episode of the OH8STN ham radio, we are discussing replacing the raspberry pi field computer build, with the Microsoft Surface as…

Get Started with FT8 – An Introduction for Beginners
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Get Started with FT8 – An Introduction for Beginners

FT8 is a mode in the WSJT-X software developed by Dr Joe Taylor K1JT. In this video I show how to get started and make…

Happy 40th Birthday CB Radio
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Happy 40th Birthday CB Radio

Video:YouTube/M0OGY Dave, M0OGY, takes a look back at 40 years of legal CB Radio and takes part in the Anniversary Net.

Gli errori più comuni che commettono i firmwaristi
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Gli errori più comuni che commettono i firmwaristi

Le insidie della programmazione sono centinaia se non migliaia. Ogni volta che scriviamo una riga di codice dobbiamo possedere elevate capacità di autocritica per comprendere…

Comet-NCG – HRO at Pacificon 2021
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Comet-NCG – HRO at Pacificon 2021

In this video from Pacificon 2021, Mick Stwertnik, KB6JVT, talks about the products on display at the Comet-NCG booth Antenna Low Cost Magnetic Loop Antenna…

The 2022 ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications is Now Available
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The 2022 ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications is Now Available

The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications for 2022 is a must-have for every radio amateur’s bookshelf. Whether you’re an experienced ham or new to the hobby, you’ll…

Yaesu FTM 6000 Why Are People Upset?
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Yaesu FTM 6000 Why Are People Upset?

The Yaesu FTM-6000 was released at the end of October 2021. It is the spiritual successor to the FTM-2900 Its a listed as a basic…

Dynamis PRC e Vicor Corporation risolvono le sfide nel passaggio ai prototipi di auto elettriche
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Dynamis PRC e Vicor Corporation risolvono le sfide nel passaggio ai prototipi di auto elettriche

Dynamis PRC, il principale team italiano di corse automobilistiche studentesche, in collaborazione con Vicor Corporation affronta le sfide legate al peso e alla potenza dei…

9N7AA Nepal. From DXNews.com
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9N7AA Nepal. From DXNews.com

Robert, S53R start his activity as 9N7AA from Kathmandu, Nepal., 9N7AA Nepal. From DXNews.com, ,

5Z4/HB9DSP Kenya. From DXNews.com
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5Z4/HB9DSP Kenya. From DXNews.com

Ferdy, 5Z4/HB9DSP will be active from Kenya, 2 – 16 December 2021., 5Z4/HB9DSP Kenya. From DXNews.com, ,

Yaesu FT5D FAQ
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Yaesu FT5D FAQ

During the release of the FT5D from Yaesu, I interviewed John Kruk from Yaesu to talk about the new FT5D. Here are some of the…

Enthusiastic Steve – CB Radio Nostalgia
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Enthusiastic Steve – CB Radio Nostalgia

Video:YouTube/Stephen Legg Stephen takes a look back over 40+ years of CB radio in the UK. On 2nd November 2021 a nationwide net will take place…

Firmware 2.0 #18 – Power/Motor-Power Management
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Firmware 2.0 #18 – Power/Motor-Power Management

Cari lettori, oggi esce un nuovo numero di Firmware 2.0, ricco di contenuti esclusivi per MAKERS e PROFESSIONISTI dell’elettronica, con all’interno tanti articoli tecnici sull’elettronica…

Radials or Not?
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Radials or Not?

Joe, NE1JT, has a vertical dipole antenna and has a very simple question about it, and antennas in general. “Should ground radials be added?” Antenna…

Safely using a coax switch to connect multiple rigs to a single antenna system
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Safely using a coax switch to connect multiple rigs to a single antenna system

This video answers the question – “Can an antenna switch be used in reverse, to switch multiple radios into a single antenna system and, is…

Should I change my callsign?
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Should I change my callsign?

A viewer suggests that I shorten my callsign from KB9VBR to K9VBR. Joe and I talk about this and how call signs become your identity….

3-Band antenna 15m 10m 6m
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3-Band antenna 15m 10m 6m

Three Band Yagi Antenna for 21 MHz, 28 MHz and 50 MHz PA212850-21-12HD – 15 meter, 10 meter and 6 meter band. Antenna covers full 15…

Addio DDR, Benvenuta Memoria Seriale!
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Addio DDR, Benvenuta Memoria Seriale!

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. La DDR4 è l’ultima delle più diffuse linee di memorie DDR, usate praticamente da…

L’Editoriale di Novembre 2021
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L’Editoriale di Novembre 2021

Considerazioni di fine annodi Vincenzo Favata, IT9IZY Un gruppo di giovani che si riunisce per liberare la propria creatività e la propria solidarietà, un edificio…

ARI-Pordenone racconta il DMR
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ARI-Pordenone racconta il DMR

Sono davvero tanti i Radioamatori italiani che da molto tempo utilizzano le radio digitali per comunicare; tra questi apparati radio troviamo quelli che utilizzano il…

[Progetto DIY] Zucca di Halloween con Arduino
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[Progetto DIY] Zucca di Halloween con Arduino

In occasione della festa di Halloween, anche le Community dei Makers di tutto il mondo e degli appassionati di elettronica Fai-Da-Te si adoperano per realizzare…