Reduce Common Mode Current (CMC) with a Easy to Build Choke
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Reduce Common Mode Current (CMC) with a Easy to Build Choke

Common Mode Current can really mess with RFI and cause interference in the shack. In addition, you could also be receiving unwanted interference on the…

[Progetto DIY] Costruire un barometro con Arduino
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[Progetto DIY] Costruire un barometro con Arduino

Questo progetto consiste nella realizzazione di un barometro fai-da-te utilizzando la nota scheda Arduino, il dispositivo di prototipazione più conosciuto e apprezzato tra i makers…

Firmware 2.0 #17 – LED/Optoelectronics-Smart Lighting
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Firmware 2.0 #17 – LED/Optoelectronics-Smart Lighting

Cari lettori, oggi esce un nuovo numero di Firmware 2.0 ricco di contenuti esclusivi per MAKERS e PROFESSIONISTI e tanti articoli tecnici sull’elettronica e le…

Icom IC-705 on 11m CB Radio
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Icom IC-705 on 11m CB Radio

Video: YouTube/andy kirby An interesting video from Andy who shows us how his Icom IC-705 and magnetic loop works on 11m….

8Q7KX North Male Atoll Maldives. From
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8Q7KX North Male Atoll Maldives. From

Tommy, DL8KX will be active as 8Q7KX from North Male Atoll, Maldives, IOTA AS – 013, 30 September – 11 October 2021., 8Q7KX North Male…

3B8/G0VJG Mauritius. From
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3B8/G0VJG Mauritius. From

Nobby, 3B8/G0VJG will be active from Mauritius, IOTA AF – 049, 2 – 16 October 2021., 3B8/G0VJG Mauritius. From, ,

SHARI Pi HAT – ALLSTAR SA818 Radio Module For Raspberry Pi
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SHARI Pi HAT – ALLSTAR SA818 Radio Module For Raspberry Pi

Here we take a look at the SHARI PiHatU from Ham Projects. This Pi Hat contains an SA818 Radio module to allow RF to the…

An X-Flare Player Grows & A Solar Storm Heads for Earth
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An X-Flare Player Grows & A Solar Storm Heads for Earth

This Space Weather News forecast sponsored in part by Millersville University Antenna Coil-loaded 40/80 Meter Inverted V Dipole Antenna by KG0ZZ September 11, 2015 No…

Best Handheld Ham Radio 2021
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Best Handheld Ham Radio 2021

Today I go through my top 15 Handheld Ham Radios for 2021 – as an update to my Best Handheld of 2020 video, this is…

Deaf Pupils Set to Speak with ISS Crew Member in a World-First Event
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Deaf Pupils Set to Speak with ISS Crew Member in a World-First Event

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will offer a group of pupils at the Mary Hare School for deaf children in England an opportunity to…

Supercondensatori ibridi: l’alternativa alle batterie agli ioni di litio
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Supercondensatori ibridi: l’alternativa alle batterie agli ioni di litio

Le batterie al litio sono oggi la soluzione di accumulo di energia più utilizzata in ambito automotive. I supercondensatori, sebbene più affidabili, efficienti e duraturi…

NEW RADIO – Yaesu FTM-6000E
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NEW RADIO – Yaesu FTM-6000E

  Yaesu have announced a new mobile analogue dual band radio, the FTM-6000E Price: Around £239 Information From Yaesu: Features: 50W Stable High-Power with Heavy Duty…

II3PALP – Diploma “Ponte degli Alpini”
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II3PALP – Diploma “Ponte degli Alpini”

Il Direttivo del Comitato Regionale del Veneto è lieto di segnalare un evento organizzato dai soci Gruppo Radioamatori Alpini dell’Alto Vicentino. Per conseguire il Diploma…

L’Editoriale di Ottobre 2021
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L’Editoriale di Ottobre 2021

Quel che ci fa decollare verso nuovi orizzontidi Vincenzo Favata, IT9IZY Non si ottiene la perfezione, se non si è disposti a sbagliare ed ogni…

Amateur Radio Volunteers Assist in Major US Cycling Event
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Amateur Radio Volunteers Assist in Major US Cycling Event

On September 11, some 115 amateur radio volunteers from five states provided communication support for LoToJa, the longest single-day USA Cycling (USAC)-sanctioned bicycle event in the…

Yaesu REVEALS the FTM-6000R Dual Band Mobile Ham Radio
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Yaesu REVEALS the FTM-6000R Dual Band Mobile Ham Radio

Brand new from YAesu, dropping in October of 2021, is a new dual band Ham Radio, the FTM-6000r. This was announced today, so I wanted…

YAESU announces new Dual Band (2m/70cm) FM Mobile Transceiver! FTM-6000E
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YAESU announces new Dual Band (2m/70cm) FM Mobile Transceiver! FTM-6000E

FTM-6000E – 50W transmitting power – Reception range from 108 to 999.995 MHz – New “E2O-III” user interface – Removable control panel AND Yaesu new…

Tech-out of the Xiegu XPA125B Auto Tuner + Amplifier
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Tech-out of the Xiegu XPA125B Auto Tuner + Amplifier

Today we take a look at the Xiegu XPA125B QRP Amplifier and Auto Tuner hooked up to the Icom IC-705. This amp will work with…

Japanese radio amateurs ask for reports of Z-Sat
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Japanese radio amateurs ask for reports of Z-Sat

Yasutaka Narusawa JR2XEA of the Komaki Amateur SATCOM Club reports the satellite Z-Sat is planned to launch on an Epsilon rocket at 0048-0059 GMT on October…

Sistemi di comunicazione in fibra
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Sistemi di comunicazione in fibra

Il campo delle comunicazioni con fibre ottiche è esploso negli ultimi due decenni. Nei moderni sistemi di comunicazione, vengono utilizzate fibre sottili come capelli costituite…

“Global Engineer Survey 2021” di Tektronix: ecco i risultati per il settore T&M
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“Global Engineer Survey 2021” di Tektronix: ecco i risultati per il settore T&M

Dal sondaggio globale “Global Engineer Survey 2021” condotto da Tektronix, che ha coinvolto circa 1.300 tra ingegneri, professionisti e progettisti del settore Test&Measurements, sono emersi…

How To Power Your Ham Radio Station, Power Supplies, Batteries, Mobile
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How To Power Your Ham Radio Station, Power Supplies, Batteries, Mobile

An important first step in ham radio is figuring out how you want to power your radio station. Reagrdless if it being at home or…

Building the BuddiHex Hexbeam | Best Portable Ham Radio Antenna
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Building the BuddiHex Hexbeam | Best Portable Ham Radio Antenna

Today I go through all of the steps and pieces for building the BuddiHex Hexbeam antenna from Buddpole. This might be the best portable ham…

YAESU M-90D Desktop Microphone: UNBOXING
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YAESU M-90D Desktop Microphone: UNBOXING

Yaesu M-90D Desktop Microphones utilize a finely tuned dynamic element to deliver rich low to mid frequency response, desirable for a clear and concise conversational…

Sensori in fibra ottica: i reticoli di Bragg
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Sensori in fibra ottica: i reticoli di Bragg

Percepire l’ambiente che ci circonda è un requisito fondamentale per un qualunque sistema decisionale. Difatti, qualunque sia l’azione di controllo da intraprendere, è necessario conoscere…