Types of Dummy Loads
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Types of Dummy Loads

Rod, VK4EZY, is setting up a dummy load that he has constructed but he doesn’t know for sure how to cool it down, or dissipate…

Lavorare con gli sketch Arduino da remoto
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Lavorare con gli sketch Arduino da remoto

Uno strumento sicuramente di valido aiuto per tutti i makers e i progettisti elettronici è lo Sketchbook Remoto. Con lo Sketchbook Remoto (Remote Sketchbook) è…

L’Editoriale di Settembre 2021
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L’Editoriale di Settembre 2021

I radioamatori per i radioamatoriGabriele Villa, I2VGW Editoriale un po’ sui generis questo del mese di settembre. Perché quando, come ormai sapete, mi imbatto in…

N1MM+ Updates!
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N1MM+ Updates!

Version 1.0.9252 (August 31, 2021) K4 Radio Control: Increased the command pacing and slowed the radio polling to eliminate a radio configuration error in SO2V…

Ham Radio Deluxe Software Overview
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Ham Radio Deluxe Software Overview

This is an updated overview video that describes the overall features of the Ham Radio Deluxe Software suite. Ham Radio Deluxe Guides and Manuals “We…

Use a Crossband Repeater Instead
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Use a Crossband Repeater Instead

“Ken, N2DF, is having trouble with his HT because of his metal house. He is unable to connect and communicate. He is wondering if he…

Oxit e Semtech collaborano in progetti di Energia Intelligente
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Oxit e Semtech collaborano in progetti di Energia Intelligente

Semtech Corporation, fornitore leader di semiconduttori analogici e mixed-signal ad alte prestazioni e algoritmi avanzati per infrastrutture, high-end consumer e apparecchiature industriali, ha da poco annunciato…

FEMA Announces HF Interoperability Activity on 60-Meter Channels 1 and 2
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FEMA Announces HF Interoperability Activity on 60-Meter Channels 1 and 2

Channels 1 and 2 on 60 meters will be available starting on August 30 for interoperability between US government and US amateur radio stations involved…

Mini SSB receiver ATS-25 (LW/MW/SW/FM)
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Mini SSB receiver ATS-25 (LW/MW/SW/FM)

It’s small SSB/AM/FM receiver with wide band coverage – LW/MW/SW/FM. Touchscreen and simple menu makes this radio easy to use. It has 2000 mAh internal…

What size or gauge of wire should I use for an antenna
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What size or gauge of wire should I use for an antenna

“A viewer asks: What size of gauge of wire should I use for my portable End Fed Half Wave EFHW antenna. 16 gauge wire seems…

FCC Grants Temporary Waiver to Permit Higher Symbol Rate Data Transmissions for Hurricane Ida Traffic
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FCC Grants Temporary Waiver to Permit Higher Symbol Rate Data Transmissions for Hurricane Ida Traffic

The FCC has granted an ARRL emergency request for a temporary waiver intended to facilitate relief communications in the wake of Hurricane Ida. The waiver…

Lampada elettronica a LED con MSP430
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Lampada elettronica a LED con MSP430

La Texas Instruments mette a disposizione il materiale hardware e software per la realizzazione di una lampada elettronica a LED mediante l’utilizzo dei microcontrollori MSP430….

HK3JCL Colombia. From DXNews.com
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HK3JCL Colombia. From DXNews.com

Lothar, DK8LRF will be active again as HK3JCL from Colombia, 1 September 2021 – until end of May 2022., HK3JCL Colombia. From DXNews.com, ,

Nuovi sensori integrati con LoRa e LoRaWAN per l’automazione degli edifici
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Nuovi sensori integrati con LoRa e LoRaWAN per l’automazione degli edifici

Semtech Corporation, fornitore leader di semiconduttori analogici e apparecchiature industriali, ha da poco annunciato la sua collaborazione con IQnexus, fornitore di soluzioni end-to-end Internet of…

5H3MB Tanzania. From DXNews.com
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5H3MB Tanzania. From DXNews.com

5H3MB. Maurizio Buffoli, IK2GZU will be active again from Tanzania, 25 September – 20 November 2021, as 5H3MB., 5H3MB Tanzania. From DXNews.com, ,

5X3R Uganda. From DXNews.com
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5X3R Uganda. From DXNews.com

Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as 5X3R from Uganda, 13 August – 2 September 2021., 5X3R Uganda. From DXNews.com, ,

Solar Tsunami and CME
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Solar Tsunami and CME

THE STAGE IS SET FOR AURORAS: A minor CME struck Earth’s magnetic field on Aug. 27th (~0100 UT). At first the impact had little effect. Now, however, Earth…

Partnership tra Advantech ed RFD Micro Electricity per progetti di green energy
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Partnership tra Advantech ed RFD Micro Electricity per progetti di green energy

Advantech, leader globale nei settori dell’IoT industriale, sistemi intelligenti IoT e piattaforme embedded, è lieta di annunciare che Advantech Taiwan si è impegnata ad acquistare…

TL8AA TL8ZZ Central African Republic. From DXNews.com
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TL8AA TL8ZZ Central African Republic. From DXNews.com

TL8AA TL8ZZ Team will be active from Central African Republic in the Spring of 2022., TL8AA TL8ZZ Central African Republic. From DXNews.com, ,

C5C Gambia. From DXNews.com
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C5C Gambia. From DXNews.com

C5C Team will be active again from Gambia, 24 October – 19 November 2021., C5C Gambia. From DXNews.com, ,

Radio Amateurs Prepare for Potentially Catastrophic Storm this Weekend
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Radio Amateurs Prepare for Potentially Catastrophic Storm this Weekend

The National Weather Service has forecast that Hurricane Ida is expected to be a dangerous major hurricane when it reaches the US Gulf Coast on…

Quick Tip – Coiling Coax
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Quick Tip – Coiling Coax

In this video, from a few years ago, Julian Frost (N3JF), your Ham Radio Sensei, gives a quick tip on how to coil coax so…

Best Digital Scanners on the Market 2021
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Best Digital Scanners on the Market 2021

For this week’s Something for the Weekend, Johnathan M0JSX and John 2E0EZK take you through our selection of the best digital scanners available at ML&S…

Amateur Radio Operator Banned! Insulin Pump “Interference” – Was it from Ham Radio?
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Amateur Radio Operator Banned! Insulin Pump “Interference” – Was it from Ham Radio?

An interesting article in the media claims a woman’s insulin pump is being “potentially” interfered with by an amateur radio operator down the street. Was…

Proteggere gli investimenti in R&D con l’autenticazione sicura
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Proteggere gli investimenti in R&D con l’autenticazione sicura

Le soluzioni di autenticazione sicura offerte da Maxim consentono agli sviluppatori di proteggere i loro sistemi dagli inevitabili tentativi di contraffazione che prendono di mira…