Noise Canceling Methods
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Noise Canceling Methods

Dave Mitchell, AJ5F, asks about the MFJ-1025/1026 Noise Canceling Signal Enhancer to help remove the noise created by his well pump. Dave will help show…

Antenna Traps You Can Make – Simple Construction Project
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Antenna Traps You Can Make – Simple Construction Project

Here is a simple construction project that you can carry out. Antenna AIM 4170D Antenna / Lab RF Analyzer December 08, 2014 No comments  …

ICOM IC 7300 Ham Radio Go Box, It’s Final Form?
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ICOM IC 7300 Ham Radio Go Box, It’s Final Form?

“The go box is portable operation ready. How did I do on the wire mangement? What is its final config? Check it out and tell…

Creiamo il nostro sistema di videosorveglianza con Android e Raspberry Pi
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Creiamo il nostro sistema di videosorveglianza con Android e Raspberry Pi

Il nostro fido Raspberry Pi è uno strumento estremamente versatile, che può essere utilizzato per creare qualsiasi tipo di applicazione. In questo articolo vedremo come,…

I nuovi integrati ClockWorks
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I nuovi integrati ClockWorks

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload analizzeremo MX85xxx e SM803xxx, due famiglie di integrati ClockWorksTM della Micrel, come soluzioni clock/timing. Introduzione La Micrel Inc….

FO/F1SMB French Polynesia. From
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FO/F1SMB French Polynesia. From

Yan, FO/F1SMB will be active from French Polynesia, 2 – 23 August 2021., FO/F1SMB French Polynesia. From, ,

RV VHF Antenna Tips | Diamond X30N
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RV VHF Antenna Tips | Diamond X30N

I show how I erect a simple VHF antenna on my RV. Antenna End-Fed Antennas – The Doctor Will See You Now! ARRL April 27,…

CB Radio Anniversary – Kent On The Air
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CB Radio Anniversary – Kent On The Air

Video:YouTube/British CB Radio Highlights from a special activation celebrating 7 years of legal AM and SSB from the Kent On The Air team….   

Raspberry Pi: come iniziare
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Raspberry Pi: come iniziare

Ti piacerebbe usare Raspberry Pi, ma parti da zero. In questo articolo ho il piacere di guidarti nei tuoi primi passi con Raspberry Pi e…

Che cos’è un segnale PWM
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Che cos’è un segnale PWM

Che cos’è un segnale PWM? Per quale motivo sono così utilizzati e amati? In questo articolo scopriremo un passo per volta assieme ad un esempio…

Video RI0Q Bolshoi Begichev Island. From
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Video RI0Q Bolshoi Begichev Island. From

Video RI0Q IOTA DX Pedition to Bolshoi Begichev Island, IOTA AS – 152, 2021., Video RI0Q Bolshoi Begichev Island. From, ,

D4SAL Sal Island Cabo Verde. From
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D4SAL Sal Island Cabo Verde. From

Paco, EA7KNT will be active as D4SAL from Porto Antiguo, Santa Maria, Sal Island, IOTA AF – 086, Cape Verde, Cabo Verde, 23 August –…

Bob Heil, K9EID – Manufacturers Showcase
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Bob Heil, K9EID – Manufacturers Showcase

“We are with Bob Heil, K9EID with Heil Sound on this weeks episode of the Manufacturers Showcase” Antenna SIGMA GT3: SUPER STEALTHY 20M / 15M…

BTECH GMRS-V1 Review, Power Output Test | GMRS Repeater Capable Handheld Radio
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BTECH GMRS-V1 Review, Power Output Test | GMRS Repeater Capable Handheld Radio

Today I get to talk to you about the GMRS-V1 HT (handie talkie) handheld radio for the GMRS band and GMRS users. Some people have…

Hurricane Watch Net Activates for Hurricane Elsa
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Hurricane Watch Net Activates for Hurricane Elsa

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) is currently active on 14.325 MHz for Hurricane Elsa. “Elsa surprised us all by strengthening overnight into a Category 1…

Firmware 2.0 #15 – Open Source IoT/Blockchain
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Firmware 2.0 #15 – Open Source IoT/Blockchain

Cari lettori, vi presentiamo oggi il nuovo numero della rivista tecnica digitale Firmware 2.0. Il topic di questo mese è dedicato all’ambito Open Source IoT/Blockchain….

20M Vertical Dipole – Amazing Performance – T2LT Design
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20M Vertical Dipole – Amazing Performance – T2LT Design

Here we take a look at building a simple 20M Vertical Dipole purely from RG58 Coax. Antenna Why dipole antennas are a half wave long…

Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 3
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Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 3

Come abbiamo visto nel precedente articolo “Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 2”, il codice dello sketch “CameraWebServerPermanent” registra i volti permanentemente…

VP5MA Providenciales Island Turks and Caicos. From
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VP5MA Providenciales Island Turks and Caicos. From

Mario, VP5MA ex VP5VMA will be active from Providenciales Island, IOTA NA – 002, Turks and Caicos Islands., VP5MA Providenciales Island Turks and Caicos. From…

FCC Reaffirms Nearly  Million Fine for Marketing Unauthorized Drone Transmitters
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FCC Reaffirms Nearly $3 Million Fine for Marketing Unauthorized Drone Transmitters

In a Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O) released June 17, the FCC denied a Petition for Reconsideration filed by HobbyKing of a $2,861,128 fine for marketing noncompliant RF equipment…

A Visit to the World’s Largest Heathkit Collection
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A Visit to the World’s Largest Heathkit Collection

“Through my own collecting efforts involving and restoring vintage Heathkit test equipment, I first heard about, and then made contact with, a gentleman who had…

InnovAntennas announce DX Engineering
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InnovAntennas announce DX Engineering

InnovAntennas announce DX Engineering to be the exclusive North American reseller. Not long now and you will be able to buy our LFA-Qs direct! Antenna…

DISCOVERY TX-500 Arrives in UK. HF-6m 10W Transceiver
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DISCOVERY TX-500 Arrives in UK. HF-6m 10W Transceiver

“It’s an exciting new HF radio that packs a lot into a very small space and also packs a punch on the air. Peter G3OJV,…

Schede SIM per IoT: quali usare?
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Schede SIM per IoT: quali usare?

Ti stai chiedendo quali SIM per l’IoT usare? Ci sono diverse opzioni offerte dal mercato attuale e in questo articolo andremo a scoprire assieme quali…

Best Ham Radio HF Antenna on eBay
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Best Ham Radio HF Antenna on eBay

What is the Best Ham Radio Antenna you can get on eBay? Antenna MFJ-226 1-230 MHZ ANTENNA EXPECT TIMES GRAPHIC ANALYZER April 02, 2015 No…