20th IARU HST world championship started. DAY 1 at the competition is over. Results ( live ) are available at the following link: https://rufzxp.net/hst/hst_2024_index_en.html Additionally,…
The presentation Aircraft scatter is about bouncing our VHF/UHF radio signals off high-flying aircraft; hitching a ride with someone else’s plane to extend our everyday…
The presentation Many know that during WWII radio amateurs were drafted into the military specifically for their radio skills. But what was their experience like…
The RSGB is delighted to announce the appointment of two new volunteer Youth Champion roles. Chris Aitken, MM0WIC will be the RSGB’s School Youth Champion…
Carlos, CO2JC the IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator has relayed two messages requesting clear frequencies for our colleagues responding to Hurricane Milton in the…
How does an Antenna work? – Video, The Effectiveness of Ferrites – Video, How-To Easily Measure Unwanted RF, GNU Radio Beginners Tutorials, Diplomatic Stations Schedules…
Alen Ruvic E71AR,Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator for Bosnia reports amateur radio is active in responding to severe flooding and landslides which have struck his country on…
The Radio Society of Great Britain and ARISS, in conjunction with Girlguiding Surrey West and Brooklands Museum including the Innovation Academy, have been collaborating on…
E’ online il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0. All’interno del magazine potrete leggere articoli esclusivi sulle energie rinnovabili e le tecnologie associate,…
ESPHome è un potente e versatile strumento che consente di configurare dispositivi per l’Internet of Things (IoT) basati su ESP8266 o ESP32 e perfettamente integrati…
Negli ultimi anni, il controllo remoto è diventato una delle tecnologie più influenti e trasversali, abbracciando diversi settori come la domotica, l’automazione industriale, l’agricoltura di…
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