Diploma “23° Volta International Memorial Day 2021”
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Diploma “23° Volta International Memorial Day 2021”

L’Associazione Radioamatori Italiani Sezione di Como con la collaborazione dell’Associazione Radioamatori Italiani Sezione di Cinisello Balsamo organizza il “23° Diploma Volta International Memorial Day 2021”…

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VideoYouTube/GoTechnique In the French language but I’m sure you’ll get the idea even if you don’t speak French, the guys at GoTechnique take a look…

CRT Xenon CB Radio – Band Selection and Service Menu Adjustments
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CRT Xenon CB Radio – Band Selection and Service Menu Adjustments

Video:YouTube/104’s World Taking a look at the CRT Xenon CB Radio….

Introduzione a Raspberry Pi Pico
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Introduzione a Raspberry Pi Pico

Il 2021 ha portato novità in casa Raspberry Pi: l’azienda nota per i computer con lampone a scheda singola ha deciso di buttarsi nel mercato…

SCU-LAN10 with FTdx101 / FTdx10 Overview
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SCU-LAN10 with FTdx101 / FTdx10 Overview

SCU-LAN10 with FTdx101 / FTdx10 Overview Antenna The Alternative Multi-band Solution – Cobra UltraLite Antennas January 02, 2015 No comments   Covers More Bands than…

RFI NOISELOOP Portable Receive Antenna
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RFI NOISELOOP Portable Receive Antenna

RFI NOISELOOP Portable Receive Antenna Antenna 14-28 MHz Log-periodic Antenna March 02, 2015 No comments Log-periodic Antenna See all details: Read more The New Carolina…

Sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale per applicazioni in ogni settore
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Sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale per applicazioni in ogni settore

Le applicazioni nel campo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) stanno trovando sempre più strada in quasi tutti i settori e rappresentano un fattore decisivo nel progredire della…

Fast Solar Wind Coming in Waves | Solar Storm Forecast 02.04.2021
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Fast Solar Wind Coming in Waves | Solar Storm Forecast 02.04.2021

Fast Solar Wind Coming in Waves | Solar Storm Forecast 02.04.2021 Antenna VHF/UHF antenna polarization and testing April 21, 2017 No comments   Read more…

Best GMRS Handheld Radio 2021 – GMRS Radio Comparison
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Best GMRS Handheld Radio 2021 – GMRS Radio Comparison

Best GMRS Handheld Radio 2021 – GMRS Radio Comparison Antenna Reference Station Antenna Redux: MFJ-2010 OCFD for 40, 20, 10, 6m March 19, 2020 No…

Wolf River Coil Take It Along With Chameleon SS17 Ham Radio Antenna Whip
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Wolf River Coil Take It Along With Chameleon SS17 Ham Radio Antenna Whip

Lets talk about my thoughts on the Wolf River Coils Take It Along 1000 and what its like adding a Chameleon Cha-SS17 whip. Antenna Elecraft…

MPLAB®Harmony: il Framework targato Microchip
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MPLAB®Harmony: il Framework targato Microchip

In questo testo affronteremo l’ambiente di sviluppo MPLAB di Microchip, soffermandoci soprattutto sul nuovo tool di sviluppo MPLAB® Harmony Frameworks. Questo ambiente di lavoro è…

UA9BA Spitfire Collinear Arrays at UA2FW’s.. From DXNews.com
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UA9BA Spitfire Collinear Arrays at UA2FW’s.. From DXNews.com

Sergey UA2FW called me on phone one evening in late August 2020 and invited me to the group of fine operators for the CQWW CW…

IARU Receives Gift of hamradio.org Domain
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IARU Receives Gift of hamradio.org Domain

Andrew J. Wolfram, KI7RYC, has donated the hamradio.org domain to the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) for non-profit educational use to promote the amateur and amateur satellite…

New Arrival! Dual Mode Portable Repeater RT97P
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New Arrival! Dual Mode Portable Repeater RT97P

Dual Mode Portable Repeater RT97P will come. It is similar to the portable repeater RT97. Now we have the RT97 GMRS band, and this RT97P is…

Why Won’t My 80-Meter Dipole Cover the Whole Band?
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Why Won’t My 80-Meter Dipole Cover the Whole Band?

Why Won’t My 80-Meter Dipole Cover the Whole Band? Antenna 100 ft Tilting Tower January 11, 2021 No comments Raising a 100 ft tower with…

Cyber-Security e Industry 4.0: stato dell’arte e trend futuri
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Cyber-Security e Industry 4.0: stato dell’arte e trend futuri

L’evoluzione industriale è ormai in atto! Tutti i rami industriali a livello mondiale sono coinvolti per non rimanere indietro rispetto alla concorrenza del proprio settore,…

ARISS is Seeking Hosts for Ham Radio Contacts with the Space Station
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ARISS is Seeking Hosts for Ham Radio Contacts with the Space Station

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is seeking formal and informal educational institutions and organizations, individually or working together, to host amateur radio…

MARS Announces Schedule of Dates for 60-Meter Interoperability
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MARS Announces Schedule of Dates for 60-Meter Interoperability

The Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) has announced dates in 2021 during which MARS members will operate on 60 meters for interoperability with the amateur radio community. Some dates coincide with…

An Aircraft Tale That Applies to Ham Radio
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An Aircraft Tale That Applies to Ham Radio

An Aircraft Tale That Applies to Ham Radio Antenna MFJ-856 Line Noise Meter w/ 3 Element Beam April 20, 2015 No comments   Walk or…

European Union DX Contest to Debut
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European Union DX Contest to Debut

The European Union DX Contest Club (EUDXCC) has announced the debut of the European Union DX Contest February 6 – 7 and on the first…

Plans to Retrieve Titanic Wireless Equipment Put on Indefinite Hold
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Plans to Retrieve Titanic Wireless Equipment Put on Indefinite Hold

RMS Titanic, Inc., (RMST) the company that owns salvage rights to the Titanic shipwreck, has indefinitely put off its plans to retrieve the vessel’s radio equipment for…

Lidar allo stato solido: come la tecnologia laser cambierà il mondo dei rilievi, sia da terra che da drone
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Lidar allo stato solido: come la tecnologia laser cambierà il mondo dei rilievi, sia da terra che da drone

La tecnologia Lidar (acronimo di Light Detection and Ranging) è una delle metodologie oggi fondamentali per il telerilevamento della Terra. Si tratta di uno strumento di…

3W9FAR Da Nang Vietnam. From DXNews.com
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3W9FAR Da Nang Vietnam. From DXNews.com

Sebastian, SP5FAR will be active as 3W9FAR from Da Nang, Vietnam, 21 January – 21 March 2021., 3W9FAR Da Nang Vietnam. From DXNews.com, ,

Janusz Wegrzyn, SP9FIH, has won the 2019 Single-Operator Cass Award
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Janusz Wegrzyn, SP9FIH, has won the 2019 Single-Operator Cass Award

Janusz Wegrzyn, SP9FIH, has won the 2019 Single-Operator Cass Award. Sponsored by Club Log, DXLab, and the Northern California DX Club, the Cass Awards encourage DXpedition operating…

ARRL Board of Directors Confers Awards
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ARRL Board of Directors Confers Awards

During its Annual Meeting on January 14 – 15, the ARRL Board of Directors announced recipients of the ARRL Knight Distinguished Service Award and 2020…