Il ruolo dello storage a livello industriale per trainare l’IIOT e i settori dell’automotive
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Il ruolo dello storage a livello industriale per trainare l’IIOT e i settori dell’automotive

La Trasformazione Digitale è in corso a livello globale e in quasi tutti i settori. Le aziende cercano di impiegare le proprie risorse nel migliore…

Dayton Hamvention Cancels 2021 Show
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Dayton Hamvention Cancels 2021 Show

Dayton Hamvention® will not take place for the second year. “Unfortunately, several setbacks in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic make necessary the difficult decision…

AMSAT/Vanderbilt RadFXSat-2/Fox 1E Set to Launch
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AMSAT/Vanderbilt RadFXSat-2/Fox 1E Set to Launch

Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne is a go for launch on Wednesday, January 13, at 1500 UTC, carrying the AMSAT/Vanderbilt RadFXSat-2/Fox-1E CubeSat into space. The LauncherOne vehicle…

New Amateur VLF Transatlantic Record Set
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New Amateur VLF Transatlantic Record Set

Very low frequency (VLF) enthusiast Joe Craig, VO1NA, reports that Stefan Schaefer, DK7FC, copied his 50-character message transmitted from Newfoundland on 8.271 kHz, with a…

Giant Magnetoresistance: storia, teoria e applicazioni
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Giant Magnetoresistance: storia, teoria e applicazioni

Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR), in italiano magnetoresistenza gigante, è un effetto fisico di tipo magnetoresistivo che oggigiorno viene utilizzato in una vasta gamma di applicazioni. Pensate…

3A/F5RBB 3A/F4FRL Monaco. From
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3A/F5RBB 3A/F4FRL Monaco. From

Patrice 3A/F5RBB and his wife Mireille 3A/F4FRL will be active from Monaco, 24 January – 2 March 2021., 3A/F5RBB 3A/F4FRL Monaco. From, ,

3W9OK Vietnam. From
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3W9OK Vietnam. From

Brian, AA5H will be active as 3W9OK from Vietnam in March – April 2021., 3W9OK Vietnam. From, ,

100 ft Tilting Tower
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100 ft Tilting Tower

Raising a 100 ft tower with a winch on a 35 ft pole. Antenna Do Dipoles Have to be Straight? [ The Doctor is In…

ARRL Life Member Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, is 2021 Carole Perry Educator of the Year
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ARRL Life Member Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, is 2021 Carole Perry Educator of the Year

Orlando HamCation® has announced that ARRL Life Member Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, of Bloomington, Indiana, is the 2021 recipient of the Carole Perry Educator of the Year Award….

Explaining Ham Radio Antenna Baluns, UNUNs and Toroids
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Explaining Ham Radio Antenna Baluns, UNUNs and Toroids

Explaining Ham Radio Antenna Baluns, UNUNs and Toroids Antenna AIM 4170D Antenna / Lab RF Analyzer December 08, 2014 No comments   The AIM 4170D…

I Found & Eliminated My QRM / RFI (Radio Frequency Interference)!
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I Found & Eliminated My QRM / RFI (Radio Frequency Interference)!

This is the third in a series of videos following my efforts to track down a source of local QRM / Radio Interference. Following the…

Solar Storm Graze & Red Planet Rendezvous
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Solar Storm Graze & Red Planet Rendezvous

Solar Storm Graze & Red Planet Rendezvous Antenna 8 EL. DELTA LOOP 144 MHz (144DL8) – SMARTECH December 06, 2016 No comments   DELTA LOOP:…

Implementazione di un PWM a 16 bit con un 8051
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Implementazione di un PWM a 16 bit con un 8051

Questo articolo descrive l’implementazione di un generatore PWM a 16 bit utilizzando la periferica Programmable Counter Array in modalità “High-Speed Output” del microcontrollore C8051F000 della…

Video Voice of Victory. From
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Video Voice of Victory. From

How radio equipment helped to win World War II., Video Voice of Victory. From, ,

JW/LB2PG Bear Island. From
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JW/LB2PG Bear Island. From

Erling, JW/LB2PG will be active again from Bear Island, IOTA EU – 027, until 1 June 2021., JW/LB2PG Bear Island. From, ,

TO°BE Watch: il nuovo smartwatch amico della salute
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TO°BE Watch: il nuovo smartwatch amico della salute

TO°BE Watch è il nuovo smartwatch che consente la misurazione della temperatura corporea, pressione sanguigna, saturazione e frequenza cardiaca, un dispositivo che rappresenta una soluzione…

Implementazione del bootloader
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Implementazione del bootloader

Il bootloader è uno strumento fondamentale e indispensabile per l’aggiornamento del codice applicativo di un microcontrollore. Questo articolo, basato su un Application Note di Microchip,…

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Team
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QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Team

“The first QSO Today Expo was a great success with over 16,000 attendees and the March 13-14, 2021 event is anticipated to be even larger….

FTDX10 – Top 5 Features
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FTDX10 – Top 5 Features

– Hybrid SDR Configuration Like the FTDX101 series, the new FTDX10 utilizes the Yaesu Hybrid SDR configuration – Narrow Band SDR and Direct Sampling SDR….

2021 AM Rally Set for First Weekend in February
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2021 AM Rally Set for First Weekend in February

The 2021 running of the AM Rally will take place from 0000 UTC on Saturday, February 6 to 0700 UTC on Monday, February 8. The annual AM…

FCC Invites Comments on Expanding the Number of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators
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FCC Invites Comments on Expanding the Number of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators

In a January 5 Public Notice, the FCC requested comments on whether the current 14 Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs) are sufficient to facilitate the efforts of…

Caratterizzazione di una camera CCD
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Caratterizzazione di una camera CCD

L’acquisto di una camera CCD ad alte prestazioni è spesso un processo difficile e confuso; due strumenti con specifiche apparentemente identiche possono rivelare prestazioni completamente…

Civility in Ham Radio: The Amateur’s Code
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Civility in Ham Radio: The Amateur’s Code

The Amateur’s Code was written in 1928 and very much applies today. Let’s take a look at the Code and how it can improve civility…

Sistemi operativi real time: quale scegliere?
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Sistemi operativi real time: quale scegliere?

In questo articolo vedremo quali sono le ragioni che inducono alla scelta di un sistema real time ed i criteri di scelta del giusto prodotto….

Does Off-Grid Solar Energy Interfere With Ham Radio?
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Does Off-Grid Solar Energy Interfere With Ham Radio?

“A lot of viewers asked to see how bad the interference was on my receive when my RV is running off-grid with solar only. In…