Good news from Austria and Germany  ( DL and OE )
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Good news from Austria and Germany ( DL and OE )

Thanks to the constant efforts on the part of the ÖVSV, the Austrian telecommunications authority has announced clearance for the 630 m band and for the 60…

Bob Fontana, AK3Y, Wins the December 2020 QST Cover Plaque Award
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Bob Fontana, AK3Y, Wins the December 2020 QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the December 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “The Tuna Tin S — A Bare-Bones Synthesized QRPp Transmitter,” by Bob Fontana, AK3Y.  The QST Cover Plaque…

Best Ham Radio Brands for 2021
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Best Ham Radio Brands for 2021

If you are a beginner in Ham Radio, you might be wondering what the Best Brands are for Ham Radio in 2021. In this video…

La rivoluzione delle reti LoRaWAN nelle applicazioni IoT Industriali (IIoT)
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La rivoluzione delle reti LoRaWAN nelle applicazioni IoT Industriali (IIoT)

Il protocollo LoRaWAN è una specifica LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) derivata dalla tecnologia LoRa e standardizzata a cura della LoRa Alliance. Recentemente emersa…

5H3UU Tanzania. From
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5H3UU Tanzania. From

Sergey, UT8UU will be active as 5H3UU from Tanzania, during first half of August 2021., 5H3UU Tanzania. From, ,

Super LY4A
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Super LY4A

LY4A View to dream land 3el 80m Fullsize yagi 27m boom, 160m 1/4 GP 42m height, 6el 20m yagi 21m boom 4el 20m fixed to…

“A Day At MFJ.” How Their Products Are Made And How Quality Is Job
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“A Day At MFJ.” How Their Products Are Made And How Quality Is Job

“A Day At MFJ.” How Their Products Are Made And How Quality Is Job Antenna HexBeam SP7IDX Technology assembly April 15, 2020 No comments Read…

ISS Slow Scan TV event 145.800 MHz FM
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ISS Slow Scan TV event 145.800 MHz FM

An ARISS Slow Scan TV (SSTV) event is scheduled from the International Space Station (ISS) for December 24-31. This will be a special SSTV event…

New portable antenna from Comet Japan
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New portable antenna from Comet Japan

We are pleased to announce the release of a new portable Antenna system from Comet Japan covering 1.8 to 50 MHz – ideal for the…

SAQ Alexanderson Alternator Christmas Eve Transmission Cancelled
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SAQ Alexanderson Alternator Christmas Eve Transmission Cancelled

There will be no Christmas Eve transmission from SAQ, the Alexanderson Alternator transmitting station in Sweden. The Grimeton World Heritage Foundation and Alexander GVV Friends…

Progettare con i micro Stellaris di TI
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Progettare con i micro Stellaris di TI

Analizziamo in questo articolo alcune semplici linee guida per l’utilizzo di questi microcontrollori, evitando i problemi più comuni. Introduzione Stellaris (Figura 1) è la famiglia…

3D2AG/P Rotuma Island. From
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3D2AG/P Rotuma Island. From

Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt, 3D2AG will be active again as 3D2AG/P from Rotuma Island, IOTA OC – 060, from end of December 2020 – Mid…

Hosting HamNation & FreeDV Digital Voice Over HF!
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Hosting HamNation & FreeDV Digital Voice Over HF!

Hosting HamNation & FreeDV Digital Voice Over HF! Antenna Indoor Antennas That Work! – Ham Nation 460 July 02, 2020 No comments Read more MFJ-1846…

Germany: Temporary licence for 160m ham radio band extended
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Germany: Temporary licence for 160m ham radio band extended

IARU Region 1 reports Germany’s temporary license for the amateur radio 160m band has been extended until the end of 2021 The IARU-R1 site says:…

Microcontrollori RA4M3 per applicazioni industriali e IoT
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Microcontrollori RA4M3 per applicazioni industriali e IoT

Renesas Electronics Corporation, leader globale nei microcontrollori, nell’innovazione delle soluzioni embedded nonché fornitore di soluzioni avanzate basate su dispositivi a semiconduttori, ha presentato una espansione…

Se il provider non provvede tocca scusarci anche se non abbiamo colpa….
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Se il provider non provvede tocca scusarci anche se non abbiamo colpa….

Cari Soci, c’è un provider che non provvede e c’è un cloud che vorrebbe tanto ospitarci ma che, se il provider non provvede, non può…

How To Make a Doublet Antenna for Ham Radio – No Talking – ASMR style
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How To Make a Doublet Antenna for Ham Radio – No Talking – ASMR style

How To Make a Doublet Antenna for Ham Radio – No Talking – ASMR style Antenna Navassa 5 Elements [ K7AGE ] – : Part…

Spy Radio & Indoor Antennas – If they can do it, so can you!
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Spy Radio & Indoor Antennas – If they can do it, so can you!

Spy Radio & Indoor Antennas – If they can do it, so can you! Antenna Build your own Roll Up Slim Jim Antenna for the…

What is QSK? And How Do I Use It?
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What is QSK? And How Do I Use It?


La tecnologia Deeply Depleted Channel di SuVolta
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La tecnologia Deeply Depleted Channel di SuVolta

Abbiamo incontrato a Milano Jeff Lewis, Senior VP Marketing & Business Development di SuVolta, dove ci ha presentato, in concomitanza con l’IEDM 2011, la tecnologia Deeply…

Ottimizzare la memoria su MSP430 e μC/OS-II
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Ottimizzare la memoria su MSP430 e μC/OS-II

Questo articolo mostra come utilizzare un Micrium C/OS-II real-time kernel su MSP430 soltanto con un piccolo consumo supplementare di memoria. Vedremo alcuni suggerimenti sull’utilizzo delle…

Yaesu FT-991A and FTDX10 Size Comparison
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Yaesu FT-991A and FTDX10 Size Comparison

  A photo showing the size of the new Yaesu FTDX10 in relation the existing FT-991A has been posted by John Kruk or Yaesu USA….

SSTV Event to Help ARISS Mark 20 Years of Continuous Ham Radio Operation in Space
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SSTV Event to Help ARISS Mark 20 Years of Continuous Ham Radio Operation in Space

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will continue its year-long 20th anniversary celebration of continuous ham radio operation from the ISS this month,…

Yaesu FT DX10 Unboxing, First Impressions and Visual Comparison to the Icom IC-7300 / FTDX10 FT-DX10
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Yaesu FT DX10 Unboxing, First Impressions and Visual Comparison to the Icom IC-7300 / FTDX10 FT-DX10

Yaesu FT DX10 Unboxing, First Impressions and Visual Comparison to the Icom IC-7300 / FTDX10 FT-DX10 Antenna Four-square eight directions antenna system, with dummy load…

Contest University to Host Propagation Summit
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Contest University to Host Propagation Summit

Several radio propagation experts will share their knowledge during a Propagation Summit via Zoom, sponsored by Contest University (CTU). The event is scheduled for January…