6O1OO Somalia. From DXNews.com
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6O1OO Somalia. From DXNews.com

Ali, EP3CQ will be active as 6O1OO from Somalia, 15 November 2020 – 15 January 2021., 6O1OO Somalia. From DXNews.com, ,

AU2JCB India. From DXNews.com
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AU2JCB India. From DXNews.com

AU2JCB is a special event call-sign to commemorate the birth date (30 NOV) and to pay homage and to tell about the great INDIAN scientist…

Sunspot region 2782
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Sunspot region 2782

Sunspot region 2782 which is located near the south-east limb produced a long duration C2.6 solar flare which peaked today at 19:11 UTC. C-class solar…

QCX-mini is coming soon!
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QCX-mini is coming soon!

QCX-mini is a response to quite a few comments on the new QCX+ kit, from people who want to take it out portable for SOTA operations…

Yaesu 817 QRP KIt
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Yaesu 817 QRP KIt

Yaesu 817 QRP KIt Antenna Multiband Delta Antenna – M0PLK May 04, 2015 No comments   Multiband Delta Antenna Closed loop antennas are always less…

Watch This Before Buying A Xiegu GSOC
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Watch This Before Buying A Xiegu GSOC

Watch This Before Buying A Xiegu GSOC Antenna Homemade 4M (70MHz) Delta Loop Antenna June 10, 2020 No comments Read more How To Use An…

Il linguaggio D: fondamenti (Parte 1)
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Il linguaggio D: fondamenti (Parte 1)

Questo è il primo di due articoli che tratteranno la programmazione in linguaggio D. E’ un linguaggio di programmazione generico tipizzato, con accesso a livello…

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Very sad news just received from the daughter of John, ON4UN It is with sadness, but also gratitude and pride, I have to let you…

Doublet vs Dipole vs End Fed Antennas – Which is Best for You?
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Doublet vs Dipole vs End Fed Antennas – Which is Best for You?

Doublet vs Dipole vs End Fed Antennas – Which is Best for You? Antenna FX771 MetroPWR Overview September 14, 2017 No comments  Technical Features METER…

Baofeng BF-F8+ III Tri Band HT Radio | Tri Band Ham Radio Handheld
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Baofeng BF-F8+ III Tri Band HT Radio | Tri Band Ham Radio Handheld

The BF-F8+ is the first UV-5R radio to get a full internal upgrade.It has the updated internal components of the GT-3 but also full backward compatibility…

39 Years of Legal CB – Amstrad 901
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39 Years of Legal CB – Amstrad 901

Video:YouTube/104’s World Another cracking video from Gary as he celebrates 39 years of legal UK CB Radio on 2nd November 2020…. 

PCI Express
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PCI Express

L’evoluzione tecnologica richiede, con sempre, maggiore incisività, strumenti che possano garantire un aumento delle prestazioni. Per questa ragione il Bus PCI non ha potuto esimersi…

Radioddity PAX100 Amp and LPFX7 Low Pass Filter for Xiegu G-90 and X5105
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Radioddity PAX100 Amp and LPFX7 Low Pass Filter for Xiegu G-90 and X5105

This video goes over the Radioddity PAX100 Amp and LPFX7 Low Pass Filter for Xiegu G-90 and X5105. The PAX100 is a 100 watt amp…

Israel special event
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Israel special event

Israel special event During the week of Chanukah celebrations, special Israeli radio amateur stations will be active on the air with a special callsigns ending…

Android per sistemi embedded Real-Time (Prima Parte)
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Android per sistemi embedded Real-Time (Prima Parte)

Android, fin dall’inizio, ha catalizzato l’interesse di aziende e sviluppatori. Infatti, da sempre questa piattaforma software è stata costantemente migliorata sia in termini di caratteristiche…

Il nuovo computer desktop Raspberry Pi 400
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Il nuovo computer desktop Raspberry Pi 400

Una novità assoluta nel settore dell’elettronica embedded: il nuovo computer desktop Raspberry Pi 400, che offre prestazioni leader del settore ed un elevato livello di…

Dynamic DNS script
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Dynamic DNS script

Il servizio di DNS dinamico è comodo in tutti i casi in cui si vuole raggiungere un proprio dispositivo della rete privata attraverso Internet e…

OS Writing [3]: Per non essere fuori dal mondo
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OS Writing [3]: Per non essere fuori dal mondo

Un computer nasce, sostanzialmente, per fare conti. Quali conti e a cosa servano è una questione relativa, che al processore non interessa minimamente. Passategli dei…

Giochiamo con Arduino: strumento musicale ad ultrasuoni “no touch”
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Giochiamo con Arduino: strumento musicale ad ultrasuoni “no touch”

Questo semplice progetto è nato durante un corso sull’utilizzo di Arduino con i miei alunni ed ha preso spunto dall’uso dei sensori ad ultrasuoni per…

NASA reestablishes contact with 43-year-old Voyager 2 which is 11.6 BILLION miles from Earth after repairs to antenna in Australia left spacecraft flying solo for seven months
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NASA reestablishes contact with 43-year-old Voyager 2 which is 11.6 BILLION miles from Earth after repairs to antenna in Australia left spacecraft flying solo for seven months

NASA has reestablished contact with its Voyager 2  spacecraft as it travels more than 1.6 billion miles from Earth – after the probe was left flying…

KM4ACK End Fed Half Wave Antenna Build And Review
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KM4ACK End Fed Half Wave Antenna Build And Review

KM4ACK End Fed Half Wave Antenna Build And Review Kit includes everything you need to build a 49:1 end fed half wave antenna. Antenna works…

Xiegu GSOC First Look! Feature Walkthrough
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Xiegu GSOC First Look! Feature Walkthrough

Xiegu GSOC First Look! Feature Walkthrough Antenna Buddistick Antenna – 40m – 6m – In Depth Review February 05, 2020 No comments Read more Simple…

ARRL Comments on FCC Draft World Radiocommunication Conference Recommendations
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ARRL Comments on FCC Draft World Radiocommunication Conference Recommendations

ARRL has submitted comments on two draft recommendations approved in October by the FCC’s World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee (WAC). The comments focus on draft…

NEW – President Andy II FCC
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NEW – President Andy II FCC

  Looks like President have another radio in the pipeline for their American customers… The President Andy II FCC 4 Watts AM  26.965 – 27.405…

Il nuovo microcontrollore ESP32-S2
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Il nuovo microcontrollore ESP32-S2

La Espressif, la società che ha creato i famosi microcontrollori di successo ESP8266 ed ESP32, ha annunciato il rilascio di ESP32-S2. Si tratta di un…