Radio Amateurs in Western Pennsylvania to Commemorate KDKA Broadcasting Centennial
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Radio Amateurs in Western Pennsylvania to Commemorate KDKA Broadcasting Centennial

  Pittsburgh radio station KDKA will celebrate 100 years of radio broadcasting in November, and Pennsylvania radio amateurs will honor that milestone in a multi-station…

A Super-Duper Tiny 3D-Printed HF Radio Antenna.
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A Super-Duper Tiny 3D-Printed HF Radio Antenna.

A Super-Duper Tiny 3D-Printed HF Radio Antenna. Antenna Sky Ham Radio End Fed Antenna , Resonant 40 – 20 – 10 December 30, 2014 No…

New Zealand Radio Amateurs Lose Access to 60 Meters
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New Zealand Radio Amateurs Lose Access to 60 Meters

Radio amateurs in New Zealand no longer have access to 60 meters, effective on October 24. Use of the band by radio amateurs in New…

ARRL urges members to strongly oppose FCC’s aplication fees proposal
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ARRL urges members to strongly oppose FCC’s aplication fees proposal

In a special edition of the ARRL Letter issued October 27 the League is urging its members to oppose the FCC proposal to charge a…

Sensore di temperatura stabile in Packaging Wearable-Ready
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Sensore di temperatura stabile in Packaging Wearable-Ready

Gli smartphone e i monitor indossabili di oggi, come smartwatch e cinturini per il fitness, consentono alle persone di acquisire sempre più dati che riguardano…

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The receiver works according to the double superhet principle and is designed for the frequency range from 40 kHz to 30 MHz. It is characterized…

CQ WW SSB/CW 2020 Online Scoring Trophy program
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CQ WW SSB/CW 2020 Online Scoring Trophy program and our sponsor Icom America Inc.  are establishing a special award program to encourage the use of scoreboards during international contests. We are currently announcing four…

VisAir QRP
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VisAir QRP

VisAir QRP Antenna Fixing a brand new Cushcraft A3S beam antenna December 15, 2018 No comments Cushcraft A3S  Three Element Beam – 10, 15 &…

The Classic Astatic D-104 Microphone
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The Classic Astatic D-104 Microphone

Let’s take a quick look at the classic Astatic D-104 microphone! Antenna QST Antenna Design Competition Submission Deadline Looms August 01, 2018 No comments The…

A Snake-like Filament Erupts while a Solar Storm Rages | Space Weather News
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A Snake-like Filament Erupts while a Solar Storm Rages | Space Weather News

This week our Sun continues its upward climb in activity with multiple new bright regions on the Earth-facing disk, including a new sunspot region (region…

Scopriamo la Spresense Extension Board della SONY
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Scopriamo la Spresense Extension Board della SONY

Dopo aver dato uno sguardo d’insieme alla Spresense Main Board della Sony, in questo articolo andiamo a scoprire le potenzialità della relativa Extension Board. Si…

RSGB Radio Communication Handbook
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RSGB Radio Communication Handbook

14th Edition Edited by Mike Browne, G3DIH This new edition of the RSGB Radio Communication Handbook has as always been updated and re-written so that…

How to Solder a Wire
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How to Solder a Wire

How to Solder a Wire Antenna AIM 4170D Antenna / Lab RF Analyzer December 08, 2014 No comments   The AIM 4170D antenna analyzer measures…

Grounding and Bonding Redux
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Grounding and Bonding Redux

Grounding and Bonding Redux Antenna 2 Meter & 70 Centimeter Mobile Halo Antenna Project January 13, 2015 No comments “I have wanted to try 2…

My portable RV antenna farm
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My portable RV antenna farm

My portable RV antenna farm Antenna 3 Element Yagi Antenna with 30/40 Loop Dipole Adder – SteppIR December 28, 2019 No comments 16 ft boom;…

Convertire i segnali al giusto livello analogico
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Convertire i segnali al giusto livello analogico

Uno degli ostacoli più frequenti che si incontrano durante la progettazione è la necessità di adattare il livello logico di segnali digitali. Quando si tratta di convertire segnali da…

Build a Homebrew Gainmaster (Again)
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Build a Homebrew Gainmaster (Again)

Video:YouTube/Mike-M0MSN Ever fancied making your very own Gainmaster CB/10m antenna? Well take a look at this excellent video from Mike, M0MSN….

Convertitori a basso rumore Texas Instruments per progetti ad alta precisione
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Convertitori a basso rumore Texas Instruments per progetti ad alta precisione

Texas Instruments ha presentato una nuova famiglia di regolatori switching DC/DC a basso rumore con compensazione a nucleo di ferrite integrata, che garantiscono ai progettisti…

8Q7CQ Maldive Islands. From
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8Q7CQ Maldive Islands. From

Nobby, G0VJG will be active again as 8Q7CQ from Reethi Faru, Filaidhoo Island, Maldive Islands, IOTA AS – 013, 14 – 29 January 2021., 8Q7CQ…

I nuovi MB95F430 di Fujitsu
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I nuovi MB95F430 di Fujitsu

La nuova serie di microprocessori Fujitsu MB95F430 a 8 bit appartiene alla famiglia F2MC-8FX, concepita per impieghi generali. Lo scorso anno Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe (FSEU)…

Lavorare nell’elettronica: come farsi trovare?
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Lavorare nell’elettronica: come farsi trovare?

Trovare lavoro, soprattutto in periodi difficili come quello attuale, non solo è di per sé già un lavoro ma richiede anche l’uso degli strumenti giusti….

Georgia 4L0A. From
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Georgia 4L0A. From

Gia, 4L4WW will be active from Georgia in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 24 – 25 October 2020, as 4L0A., Georgia 4L0A. From, ,

2021 Hamvention Award Nominations Open on November 1
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2021 Hamvention Award Nominations Open on November 1

Nominations for the 2021 Hamvention Awards will open on November 1. Hamvention will grant awards in the categories of technical achievement, special achievement, amateur radio operator of…

39 Years of Legal CB!
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39 Years of Legal CB!

Video:YouTube/104’s World Gary looks forward to the anniversary of legal CB radio in the UK on 2nd November 2020…

HPA100: un amplificatore HiFi controllato tramite smartphone
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HPA100: un amplificatore HiFi controllato tramite smartphone

In questo articolo viene presentato un amplificatore stereo HiFi senza i classici controlli sul pannello frontale perché gestito completamente mediante uno smartphone. Un’App dedicata, sviluppata con…