Farnell dispone del nuovo modulo Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy di Panasonic
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Farnell dispone del nuovo modulo Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy di Panasonic

Farnell dispone del modulo Bluetooth a bassa energia serie PAN1780 con sensibilità del ricevitore di -95dBm ideale per dispositivi IIoT e applicazioni Smart Home. Farnell…

VR2XAN Peng Chau Island Hong Kong. From DXNews.com
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VR2XAN Peng Chau Island Hong Kong. From DXNews.com

Alberto, IV3TAN will be active as VR2XAN from Peng Chau Island, Hong Kong, IOTA AS – 006, in WAE DC SSB Contest, 12 – 13…

Monitoraggio della corrente USB per evitare sovraccarichi
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Monitoraggio della corrente USB per evitare sovraccarichi

Ecco una protezione intelligente per porte USB, per evitare problemi di sovraccarico. L’idea di questo progetto è nata durante la sperimentazione di alcuni circuiti alimentati…

Tips And Guidance For New Amateur Radio Licencees
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Tips And Guidance For New Amateur Radio Licencees

Video:YouTube/Ham Radio VLOG by M0XMX New to the world of Amateur Radio? Well here’s a brilliant video from Mike (M0XMX) with some very helpful tips…

CB Radio Handheld Comparison
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CB Radio Handheld Comparison

Video:YouTube/Paul McGee M0WNU A nice comparison video between 3 CB radio handhelds…..

Altimetro barometrico: fondamenti di progettazione
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Altimetro barometrico: fondamenti di progettazione

L’altimetro è uno strumento che gli appassionati di aviazione, gli escursionisti e gli amanti della tecnologia in generale conoscono molto bene. L’altimetro consente, infatti, di…

Brazil Proposes to End Amateur Radio Exams
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Brazil Proposes to End Amateur Radio Exams

The Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) has proposed to end amateur radio certificate exams for all classes, replacing the current system with free access to the initial…

University in Poland will Launch Balloon with VLF Transmitter On Board
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University in Poland will Launch Balloon with VLF Transmitter On Board

A balloon experiment by Warsaw University of Technology is planned to lift off on September 12, carrying a unique very-low-frequency (VLF) 210-meter long fully-airborne antenna…

RigExpert Stick 230 Antenna Analyzer Review & Operation
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RigExpert Stick 230 Antenna Analyzer Review & Operation

Antenna Analyzer Antenna VK5SFA Wins the April QST Cover Plaque Award April 09, 2019 No comments The winning article for the April 2019 QST Cover Plaque award…

Preparations Continue for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023
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Preparations Continue for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023

As preparations for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) go forward, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) continues its efforts to protect amateur and amateur-satellite allocations….

Ham Radio Wireless Network Camera Detects Washington Wildfire
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Ham Radio Wireless Network Camera Detects Washington Wildfire

Nigel Vander Houwen, K7NVH, reported on September 8 that some HamWAN users in the Puget Sound region of Washington who were viewing the network’s camera feeds, spotted…

CanOpen Bus
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CanOpen Bus

Sviluppato in origine per i sistemi integrati delle automobili, il bus CAN (Controller Area Network) è oggi utilizzato in numerosi settori come trasporto, apparecchiature mobili,…

39 Years Of Legal UK CB Radio
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39 Years Of Legal UK CB Radio

  It’s nearly that time of the year again! The CB Radio Anniversary Net takes place on 2nd November 2020, celebrating 39 YEARS of legal…

4V5H Haiti. From DXNews.com
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4V5H Haiti. From DXNews.com

4V5H Team will be active from Haiti, IOTA NA – 096, 9 – 15 May 2020., 4V5H Haiti. From DXNews.com, ,

The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter August 2020
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The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter August 2020

From 7 – 9 September, IARU participated in the first online meeting of Project Team A (PTA) of the WRC-23 CEPT Conference Preparatory Group. PTA has a mandate to prepare the CEPT brief on scientific and regulatory WRC-23 agenda items. IARU was…

8 Places To Take Your Ham Radio License Test TODAY
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8 Places To Take Your Ham Radio License Test TODAY

8 Places To Take Your Ham Radio License Test TODAY Antenna XR3: Compact 6 Element 20m/15m/10m Multi-Mono Contest Yagi December 02, 2014 No comments  …

Comparing The ICOM IC-705 HF QRP & ICOM IC-7300 Transceivers
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Comparing The ICOM IC-705 HF QRP & ICOM IC-7300 Transceivers

Comparing The ICOM IC-705 HF QRP & ICOM IC-7300 Transceivers Antenna SteppIR CrankIR First Tests + News and Update September 02, 2019 No comments  …

International Space Station Amateur Radio Repeater
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International Space Station Amateur Radio Repeater

A short video clip of the newly installed Amateur Radio repeater which is now operational on-board the International Space Station. 

Utilizzare il reload timer
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Utilizzare il reload timer

Nella maggior parte dei casi i timer dispongono di logica di comparazione e capacità di reload che consentono di implementare, così, la generazione di forme…

Portable Carbon Fiber Telescopic Antenna Mast With Premium Tripod, Review/Demo
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Portable Carbon Fiber Telescopic Antenna Mast With Premium Tripod, Review/Demo

Portable Carbon Fiber Telescopic Antenna Mast With Premium Tripod, Review/Demo Antenna LOOP RX 160/80/40 September 23, 2015 No comments LOOP RX 160/80/40 Technical specifications 160m…

La gestione delle date con il linguaggio Harbour
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La gestione delle date con il linguaggio Harbour

Lo scopo di questo articolo è scoprire le potenzialità del linguaggio Harbour per la gestione delle date. Gli esempi che seguono sono assimilabili a un…

IC-SAT100 Operation Guide
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IC-SAT100 Operation Guide

Antenna HF RX SWL Antenna For Small Spaces And Apartments RTL SDR March 14, 2020 No comments This antenna has internal loaded wire traps to…

The CAT Tool for WebSDRs
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The CAT Tool for WebSDRs

CATSync allows you to syncronize public WebSDR receivers with your real rig connected via CAT control to your computer. It supports the classical WebSDR as…

Sviluppare con MB89201
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Sviluppare con MB89201

Questo articolo fornisce le basi per iniziare a sviluppare con il microcontrollore MB89201 della famiglia F2MC-8L di Fujitsu. Si approfondiranno gli strumenti attraverso i quali lo sviluppo viene agevolato, ovvero l’emulatore, le…

6^ Ed. Mostra Scambio Radioamatoriale a Vimercate (MB)
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6^ Ed. Mostra Scambio Radioamatoriale a Vimercate (MB)