Soluzioni di accesso al veicolo
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Soluzioni di accesso al veicolo

Oggetto di questo articolo della rubrica Firmware Reload, saranno microcontrollori, transceiver e transponder per applicazioni RKE, Passive Entry/Go e immobilizer. Quasi tutti i modelli di…

Protezione da sovratensione
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Protezione da sovratensione

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la rubrica Firmware Reload. Analizziamo in questo articolo alcuni dispositivi di protezione contro i picchi di tensione, che garantiscono…

5T5PA Mauritania. From
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5T5PA Mauritania. From

Johannes, PA5X will be active as 5T5PA from Mauritania, starting 17 February 2019 for coming 6 month., 5T5PA Mauritania. From, ,

Hurricane Watch Net Announces Tentative Mid-Week Activation for Laura
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Hurricane Watch Net Announces Tentative Mid-Week Activation for Laura

One down, one to go. The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) says that a vastly weaker Tropical Storm Marco made landfall near the mouth of the…

SunSDR2 DX HF Transceiver Setup and Demo
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SunSDR2 DX HF Transceiver Setup and Demo

Expert Electronics SunSDR2 DX HF 100W, 6M 50W, VHF 8W Transceiver with Direct Digitization and Direct Signal Synthesis The SunSDR2 DX transceiver based on the…

ADC nei Microcontrollori Kinetis Freescale (NXP)
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ADC nei Microcontrollori Kinetis Freescale (NXP)

In questo articolo analizzeremo i Microcontrollori Kinetis Freescale (NXP), in particolare le tecniche di conversione analogico-digitale (ADC). Per sviluppare il nuovo dispositivo di recupero di…

5R8AP Madagascar. From
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5R8AP Madagascar. From

Alessandro, IU3EDK is receive 5R8AP call sign and will be active from Madagascar Island, IOTA AF – 013, when COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted., 5R8AP…

As Marco Weakens, Attention Turns to Laura, Which May Become a Category 2 Hurricane
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As Marco Weakens, Attention Turns to Laura, Which May Become a Category 2 Hurricane

With now-Tropical Storm Marco continuing to weaken, the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) canceled plans to reactivate on Monday morning. Although no longer a hurricane, Marco…

Portable QRP Ham Radio & PowerFilm Lightsaver Max
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Portable QRP Ham Radio & PowerFilm Lightsaver Max

Antenna SteppIR UrbanBeam, “Step by Step” Assembly and Installation October 03, 2018 No comments SteppIR Antenna This video shows the SteppIR UrbanBeam’s step-by-step assembly and…

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Antenna The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna February 29, 2020 No comments launching today The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna! Here’s a video,…

Coronavirus in the UK: Meet the child radio enthusiast making friends thousands of miles away during lockdown
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Coronavirus in the UK: Meet the child radio enthusiast making friends thousands of miles away during lockdown

By Rhiannon Williams William, 10, has been discovering the joy of chatting with people across the world over radio waves – and he’s far from the…

2020 CQ WW Rules Updated
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2020 CQ WW Rules Updated

Effective with the 2020 contest, there have been some modifications to the CQ WW rules that have been developed and approved by the WW contest…

Southern SSB Net – Winter Hill
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Southern SSB Net – Winter Hill

Video:YouTube/26CTX2500 An interesting video from Paul, 26CTX2500 talking to the guys of the Southern Net on 20th August 2020.

La famiglia dsPIC33GJ06
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La famiglia dsPIC33GJ06

I PIC sono microcontrollori a 8 bit tra i più diffusi al mondo. Da qualche tempo Microchip ha introdotto una nuova famiglia di microcontrollori: i dsPIC. Questi presentano importanti differenze con i…

Rilevare il COVID-19 attraverso il suono della voce
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Rilevare il COVID-19 attraverso il suono della voce

Un’app potrebbe aiutare a rilevare il COVID-19 analizzando il discorso di una persona. L’app utilizza l’elaborazione del segnale e gli algoritmi di Intelligenza Artificiale opportunamente…

5R8UX Madagascar. From
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5R8UX Madagascar. From

Francesco, IK0FUX is receive 5R8UX call and will be active from Madagascar when COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted., 5R8UX Madagascar. From, ,

R.T.C.C. con PIC16F1827
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R.T.C.C. con PIC16F1827

I microcontrollori PIC 16 dispongono di un timer e di un dispositivo di comunicazione I2C verso l’esterno. L’articolo descrive l’implementazione di un R.T.C.C. software che può sostituire quelli hardware o essere…

P42WW Aruba. From
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P42WW Aruba. From

P42WW Team will be active from Aruba Island, IOTA SA – 036, 2 – 30 September 2020, commemorating 75th anniversary end of Second World War.,…

Quando la potenza è gratis
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Quando la potenza è gratis

Sono certo che molti di noi ricordano la canzone dei Dire Straits che fa: “Money for nothing and …” ma quanti avrebbero pensato che un…

Technology and Technique Making Ham Radio Testing Possible During Pandemic
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Technology and Technique Making Ham Radio Testing Possible During Pandemic

Amateur radio license testing continues during the pandemic, with a combination of remote Volunteer Examiner (VE) test sessions and careful in-person session planning. In Hawaii, VE Team…

Enthusiasm Undimmed for International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
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Enthusiasm Undimmed for International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend

The 23rd International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW) takes place this weekend. The 2-day event begins at 0001 UTC on August 22 and continues until 2400…

How To Use A Ham Radio Manual Antenna Tuner
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How To Use A Ham Radio Manual Antenna Tuner

How To Use A Ham Radio Manual Antenna Tuner Antenna Lesson 6.1 Antenna Basics December 19, 2014 No comments Antenna Basics “General Class Ham Radio…

K6OIK Wins the August QST Cover Plaque Award
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K6OIK Wins the August QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the August 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “Antenna Performance in a Forest of Trees” by Steve Stearns, K6OIK. The QST Cover Plaque Award —…

Extend SDR Transmit Range – LimeSDR – HackRF – Adalm Pluto Amplifier
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Extend SDR Transmit Range – LimeSDR – HackRF – Adalm Pluto Amplifier

Antenna A powerful analyzer KC901S RF Multimeter with vector antenna analysis function April 24, 2015 No comments   KC901S is a “RF multimeter”. It supports…

Due semplici spettrometri audio a 7 bande
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Due semplici spettrometri audio a 7 bande

L’articolo presenta due versioni di spettrometri audio, realizzati con un microcontrollore, un equalizzatore grafico e pochi altri componenti. Lo strumento copre alcune bande nello spettro…