Best DMR Mobile 2020
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Best DMR Mobile 2020

App – Mobile SatSat for IOS version 1.4.11 has been released May 22, 2020 No comments SatSat, by Fabrice Aneche is a satellite tracking software,…

Raspberry Pi FUNcube satellite telemetry decoder now available
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Raspberry Pi FUNcube satellite telemetry decoder now available

The FUNcube Team has announced the availability of FUNcube CubeSat satellite telemetry decoder software for the popular Raspberry Pi computer board. The original FUNcube telemetry…

About correspondence of amateur radio products due to revision of radio law (IC7100,IC7300,IC7610,IC7851)
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About correspondence of amateur radio products due to revision of radio law (IC7100,IC7300,IC7610,IC7851)

With the revision of the Radio Law, amateur radio communication now allows SSB operation in the 1.9MHz band. Since we have started the procedure to…

Come costruire il vostro primo quadricottero: assemblaggio
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Come costruire il vostro primo quadricottero: assemblaggio

Eccoci arrivati alla seconda parte del tutorial relativo alla costruzione di un mini quadricottero. Nella prima parte abbiamo visto i criteri e i consigli da…

Biggest Ever PMR446 Net – 40 Stations Worked!
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Biggest Ever PMR446 Net – 40 Stations Worked!

Video:YouTube/Ringway Manchester PMR446 radio has proved to be very popular during lock-down here in the UK. In this video we see Lewis making 40 contacts…

Z81D South Sudan. From
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Z81D South Sudan. From

Diya, YI1DZ will be active as Z81D from South Sudan, 22 June – 10 October 2019., Z81D South Sudan. From, ,

Antenna Genius 8×1 – 4O3A
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Antenna Genius 8×1 – 4O3A

Antenna Genius is a smart antenna switch that features 8 antennas to 1 radio. Designed for less demanding applications. LAN/WAN capability was a core design…

FT8DMC 3rd Anniversary-Activity Days 2020
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FT8DMC 3rd Anniversary-Activity Days 2020

To commemorate our 3rd anniversary, special event stations will be on air during the FT8DMC Activity Days from 1. to 31. July 2020. All stations…

There is a new release of Win4IcomSuite
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There is a new release of Win4IcomSuite

There is a new release of Win4IcomSuite. This release now supports the SDRPlay RSPDX and has an IQ Output with the SDRPlay for feeding into…

Arduino semi-automatic antenna tuner
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Arduino semi-automatic antenna tuner

VHF Low cost 10Ghz EME Rx System June 12, 2020 No comments   1 – Low cost 10Ghz EME Rx – The LNBF 2 –…

5 Watts, Xiegu X5105, Chameleon MPAS 2.0, VHF Contest, 50MHz
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5 Watts, Xiegu X5105, Chameleon MPAS 2.0, VHF Contest, 50MHz

Antenna Unboxing the MyAntennas EFHW-80-10 End Fed Antenna June 15, 2020 No comments EFHW-8010-1K Multi-Band End Fed Half Wave Antenna  This is an End-Fed Half-Wave…

Motore trifase e controllo FOC: soluzione a portata di micro
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Motore trifase e controllo FOC: soluzione a portata di micro

Il controllo e l’azionamento delle parti in movimento è da sempre stata una delle branche più accattivanti a cui un appassionato di elettronica possa avvicinarsi….

HD8R San Cristobal Island Galapagos Islands. From
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HD8R San Cristobal Island Galapagos Islands. From

HD8R DX Friends Team planning to be active from San Cristobal Island, Galapagos Islands, IOTA SA – 004., HD8R San Cristobal Island Galapagos Islands. From…

Serata Live QO-100 Es’hail-2 for beginners
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Serata Live QO-100 Es’hail-2 for beginners

Continuano le nostre serate LIVE dedicate al mondo dei satelliti. Venerdì 19 giugno alle ore 21 potrete seguire in diretta streaming una serata in collaborazione…

Conoscere i satelliti amatoriali
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Conoscere i satelliti amatoriali

Questo riferimento definitivo è stato scritto per il nuovo operatore satellitare da Gould Smith, WA4SXM, ma include discussioni per l’operatore esperto che desidera rivedere le…

Ecco la radio da..carta di credito
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Ecco la radio da..carta di credito

È possibile creare una radio che non ha bisogno di elettricità. Questo concetto si conosce come radio a cristalli, o radio a galena, per il…

Tris di Sezioni per Dante
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Tris di Sezioni per Dante

La Sezione ARI Firenze si è unita nella gestione del diploma alla Sezione di Ravenna, che ne è la promotrice, oltre alla Sezione di Verona,…

Super Antenna MP1
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Super Antenna MP1

Software The 2020 Software Defined Radio Academy will be held online June 14, 2020 No comments This year’s Software Defined Radio Academy is taking place…

The 2020 Software Defined Radio Academy will be held online
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The 2020 Software Defined Radio Academy will be held online

This year’s Software Defined Radio Academy is taking place as an online conference. Because of the great number of contributions, we are spanning the conference…

Indian radio amateur starts petition for licence change
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Indian radio amateur starts petition for licence change

Rohit Bokade VU3OIR has started a petition requesting a change to the Amateur Radio licence in India to permit all grades of licence to use the amateur radio…

EV High Power Density da Swindon Powertrain
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EV High Power Density da Swindon Powertrain

Swindon Powertrain, azienda fondata nel 1971 e leader nella progettazione e produzione di motori ad alte prestazioni e componenti stradali e da corsa, ha annunciato…

Computer Vision 1.01 – Filtraggi
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Computer Vision 1.01 – Filtraggi

I robot sono tra noi e questa è la realtà già da un pò di tempo a questa parte. Tuttavia, per chi è cresciuto con…

Yaesu Reveals the FTM-300DR Dual Band Mobile Radio
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Yaesu Reveals the FTM-300DR Dual Band Mobile Radio

    The new FTM-300DR provides stable and reliable 50W RF power output. As in recent YAESU mobile transceivers, the FTM-300DR is also equipped with…

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In a post to the WSJT-X email group today, Joe Taylor K1JT hinted at some ongoing experimentation of a new digital mode with sub-modes. His…

Low cost 10Ghz EME Rx System
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Low cost 10Ghz EME Rx System

  1 – Low cost 10Ghz EME Rx – The LNBF 2 – Modifying the LNBF 3 – Tuning the LNBF 4 – Pictures and…