Standard USB4 e che significato ha per il vostro progetto
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Standard USB4 e che significato ha per il vostro progetto

Di recente, potreste aver notato che USB4 inizia a comparire in articoli tecnici o post sui social media e avrete pensato: “oh, fantastico, un’altra nuova…

OH0Z Aland Islands. From
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OH0Z Aland Islands. From

OH0Z Team will be active from from Aland Islands, IOTA EU – 002, in CQ WW WPX CW Contest, 29 – 30 May 2020., OH0Z…

Comet ATLAS Crosses Solar Orbiter & A Virgin SWAN | Space Weather News 05.26.2020
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Comet ATLAS Crosses Solar Orbiter & A Virgin SWAN | Space Weather News 05.26.2020

Antenna All-Band 80-10 Meter End-Fed Half-wave Antennas – MFJ 1982,1984 April 03, 2017 No comments Cover all HF bands with one single wire and no…

Connettività 4G Raspberry Pi: Cellular IoT Application Shield
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Connettività 4G Raspberry Pi: Cellular IoT Application Shield

Raspberry Pi, essendo un computer a tutti gli effetti, possiamo connetterlo a Internet tramite l’uso del Wi-Fi. Se le reti wireless non bastassero, possiamo usare…

I sensori capacitivi
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I sensori capacitivi

Volessimo fare un viaggio nel vasto e rigoglioso mondo dei sensori, incontreremmo animali di tutti i tipi. Troveremmo molti dispositivi integrati che fanno ciò che…

ZM1A New Zealand. From
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ZM1A New Zealand. From

Jacky, ZL3CW will be active as ZM1A from Tauranga, New Zealand in CQ WW WPX CW Contest, 30 – 31 May 2020., ZM1A New Zealand….

CY0C Sable Island. From
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CY0C Sable Island. From

CY0C Team will be active from Sable Island, IOTA NA – 063, 19 – 28 October 2020., CY0C Sable Island. From, ,

3V8SS Tunisia. From
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3V8SS Tunisia. From

Ashraf, KF5EYY will be active as 3V8SS from Tunisia in CQ WW WPX CW Contest, 30 – 31 May 2020., 3V8SS Tunisia. From, ,

K5KUA Galveston Island. From
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K5KUA Galveston Island. From

K5KUA will be active again from Galveston Island, IOTA NA-143, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 25 – 26 July 2020, as K5KUA., K5KUA Galveston Island. From…

HF Mini Whip Active Antenna 10Khz – 30 MHz
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HF Mini Whip Active Antenna 10Khz – 30 MHz

News Ailunce HS2 SDR Transceiver APP Control CW Transmit via Bluethooth May 25, 2020 No comments HS2 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio. Receive…

WSJT-X 2.2.0-rc2 – Candidate release
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WSJT-X 2.2.0-rc2 – Candidate release

Release: WSJT-X 2.2.0-rc2 May 25, 2020 ————————- WSJT-X 2.2.0-rc2 is a release candidate for WSJT-X 2.2.0. The following bugs present in the -rc1 version have…

Latest on the Icom IC-705 From Ray Novak | Youtubers Hamfest
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Latest on the Icom IC-705 From Ray Novak | Youtubers Hamfest

VHF 2 Meter Sideband (SSB) at Rib Mountain State Park May 25, 2020 No comments Read more News from DARC — 50 MHz May 06, 2020 No…

2 Meter Sideband (SSB) at Rib Mountain State Park
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2 Meter Sideband (SSB) at Rib Mountain State Park

Equipment HF Mini Whip Active Antenna 10Khz – 30 MHz May 25, 2020 No comments Read more Rotator Genius – 4O3A May 24, 2020 No…

Ailunce HS2 SDR Transceiver APP Control CW Transmit via Bluethooth
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Ailunce HS2 SDR Transceiver APP Control CW Transmit via Bluethooth

HS2 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio. Receive frequency coverage 300K~1.6GHZ. The built-in network port can realize remote operation and remote firmware upgrade. The…

Sensori di temperatura miniaturizzati
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Sensori di temperatura miniaturizzati

In questo articolo analizziamo caratteristiche e prestazioni dei sensori True Therm di National per circuiti integrati in tecnologia sub-micron. I continui progressi tecnologici nel settore…

Rotator Genius – 4O3A
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Rotator Genius – 4O3A

Rotator Genius is a smart rotator controller that uses a magnetic sensor for reading azimuth. It can be controlled by a Windows or Android app….

AO-27 returns from the dead
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AO-27 returns from the dead

A number of amateurs have reported that the FM repeater of AO-27 has been active for brief intervals in recent weeks. When commanded on by control operators,…

Schedule released for E2STAYHOME satellite operation
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Schedule released for E2STAYHOME satellite operation

Thailand’s regulator, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), has issued the special callsign, E2STAYHOME, to the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand under the Royal…

Ten-year-old HAM
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Ten-year-old HAM

Jacob interviews Joe Wright KJ7JWW (Our Elmer). (Submitted photo) I am not talking about out of date smoked pork here …I am talking about an…

Emissioni di CO2: facciamo il punto della situazione
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Emissioni di CO2: facciamo il punto della situazione

Le emissioni globali di CO2 sono state stabili durante lo scorso anno, questo mostra che l’aumento delle emissioni di anidride carbonica si sta livellando, ma…

Video UA0ZY/P Kambalny Island. From
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Video UA0ZY/P Kambalny Island. From

Video UA0ZY/P 1999 IOTA Expedition to Kambalny Island, IOTA AS – 042., Video UA0ZY/P Kambalny Island. From, ,

New Raspberry Pi SD card image for RSPdx
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New Raspberry Pi SD card image for RSPdx

SDRplay has released a new downloadable Raspberry Pi SD card image which adds support for the RSPdx and simultaneous use of both the tuners in…

URE makes June magazine PDF available [ FREE ]
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URE makes June magazine PDF available [ FREE ]

Spain’s URE makes June magazine PDF available In response to the ongoing Coronvirus situation Spain’s national amateur radio society URE is allowing everyone to download the PDF…

Elecraft K4 Update
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Elecraft K4 Update

by Eric Swartz May 19, 2020 Hi Everyone, At Elecraft, like many of you, we are in our 9th week of shelter in place. This…

I robot sudano: sistemi di raffreddamento innovativi per robot
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I robot sudano: sistemi di raffreddamento innovativi per robot

Nel mondo dell’elettronica esistono differenti sistemi di dissipazione: attivi, passivi, a liquido. Eppure, a seguito di alcune ricerche, ne esisterebbe uno che prende spunto dalla…