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Just a note that our RTL-SDR Blog V3 units and antennas are now back in stock at Amazon.com with local US stock. There were a few…

Sensori di campo magnetico e loro applicazioni
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Sensori di campo magnetico e loro applicazioni

In questo articolo viene trattata un’introduzione ai sensori di campo magnetico attraverso il semplice progetto di una bussola digitale. INTRODUZIONE Un sensore di campo magnetico (o…

SteamLink e Raspberry Pi: come usare Raspberry per giocare su Steam in remoto!
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SteamLink e Raspberry Pi: come usare Raspberry per giocare su Steam in remoto!

Immagina di voler giocare con i videogiochi che hai scaricato sul tuo account Steam. Tuttavia, il computer su cui li hai installati non è a…

KG4MA Guantanamo Bay. From DXNews.com
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KG4MA Guantanamo Bay. From DXNews.com

Miguel, W1SRR will be active as KG4MA from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, IOTA NA – 015, starting mid June 2020., KG4MA Guantanamo Bay. From DXNews.com, ,

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DATE June 06-07. 2020. STARTS 10.00 UTC SATURDAY ENDS  0959 UTC SUNDAY       For amateur radio operators worldwide, social distancing is not an…

Is Transmitting On FRS, GMRS & MURS With Ham Radios (Baofeng) Legal?
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Is Transmitting On FRS, GMRS & MURS With Ham Radios (Baofeng) Legal?

“Lets untangle some of confusion over FCC Part Acceptance and radios we use as amateurs. Can a radio like a Baofeng transmit on FRS and…

Material handling nella fabbrica intelligente: sensors everywhere
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Material handling nella fabbrica intelligente: sensors everywhere

Nel precedente articolo abbiamo analizzato l’innovativo sistema di trasporto impiegato in quella che viene comunemente definita “fabbrica intelligente”, nota anche come “smart factory” che rispecchia…

First Guatemalan Satellite Deployed from the ISS
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First Guatemalan Satellite Deployed from the ISS

Guatemala’s first satellite, a CubeSat called Quetzal-1, was deployed from the International Space Station (ISS) on April 28. Its primary mission is to test a sensor…

Adding an HF Linear Amp to Your Station
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Adding an HF Linear Amp to Your Station

Antenna Why I LOVE my Antenna Wire Measuring Counter! May 02, 2020 No comments This is an amazing machine made by “Sam” in the USA….

May/June Issue of ARRL’s On the Air Magazine Now Available
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May/June Issue of ARRL’s On the Air Magazine Now Available

The May/June digital edition of ARRL’s On the Air magazine is now available. Read it and other ARRL digital publications by browsing to the ARRL Magazines page. In this…

New SSTV Software Now Available
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New SSTV Software Now Available

An update of the popular MMSSTV slow-scan television (SSTV) software is now available. Eugenio Fernández, EA1ADA, has introduced YONIQ, which he calls a modern version of MMSSTV. “We are…

Material handling nella fabbrica intelligente
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Material handling nella fabbrica intelligente

In questo primo appuntamento con il material handling, ci addentreremo in uno degli aspetti che caratterizzano la fabbrica intelligente, ovvero i sistemi automatizzati di movimentazione…

RetroPie: come rendere Raspberry Pi una console retrò
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RetroPie: come rendere Raspberry Pi una console retrò

Raspberry Pi è visto spesso e volentieri come computer con il quale realizzare progetti elettronici avanzati. Se non in questo modo, viene usato come server…

News from DARC — 50 MHz
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News from DARC — 50 MHz

The Federal Network Agency made a preliminary provisional implementation of the WRC-19 results for the 6‑m band in MItteilung 111 from Amtsblatt 08/2020. German radio amateurs have now…

Best Handheld Ham Radio 2020 |
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Best Handheld Ham Radio 2020 |

Equipment Ailunce HS2 HF VHF UHF SDR Transceiver May 05, 2020 No comments HS2 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio. Receive frequency coverage 300K~1.6GHZ….

Special Events Commemorate the End of World War II
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Special Events Commemorate the End of World War II

Several special event stations are on the air to mark 75 years since the end of World War II. In the UK, GB4VVV (“V for…

First 40MHz Contact Between Ireland and Lithuania
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First 40MHz Contact Between Ireland and Lithuania

Interesting news from the blog of EI7GL (LINK) of an FT8 contact between Ireland and Lithuania on the 8m band which is available to operators in…

I Sensori Intelligenti nei sistemi aerospaziali
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I Sensori Intelligenti nei sistemi aerospaziali

L’impiego di sistemi di Sensori Intelligenti nelle applicazioni aerospaziali è un processo tecnologico multidisciplinare che prevede l’integrazione hardware di sensori ad alta tecnologia nel complesso…

How amateur radio is connecting people during lockdown
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How amateur radio is connecting people during lockdown

By Vanessa Pearce  BBC News Photo:BILL ROWLAND Amateur radio use in the UK has seen a “significant” rise during the coronavirus lockdown as people seek…

Sensori capacitivi: applicazioni a portata di dito
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Sensori capacitivi: applicazioni a portata di dito

L’ingegnere, si dice spesso, è una persona concreta che risolve i problemi che ha di fronte “smanettando” con ciò che ha, magari assemblando qualcosa con…

RockPro 64: l’alternativa migliore a Raspberry Pi 4
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RockPro 64: l’alternativa migliore a Raspberry Pi 4

Raspberry Pi 4 è diventata la soluzione di riferimento in tutto il mondo per i computer di prototipazione. Ha potenze di tutto rispetto, tuttavia è…

L’Editoriale di Maggio
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L’Editoriale di Maggio

Anche in tempi d’emergenza, l’ARI c’èdi Vincenzo Favata, IT9IZY Questo editoriale arriverà ai lettori – se teniamo conto delle previsioni meno allarmistiche degli esperti –…

Today we’re celebrating National Weather Observers Day!
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Today we’re celebrating National Weather Observers Day!

Weather Observers, also known as SKYWARN Storm Spotters, help the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) in reporting severe weather to keep their communities safe. To learn more,…

Transmit digital television signals over Qatar Oscar 100 satellite
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Transmit digital television signals over Qatar Oscar 100 satellite

Intro Following my previous article on the transmission to the Qatar Oscar 100 satellite with SDR technology (LimeSDR, Adalm pluto) which was dedicated to the narrow-band transponder…

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Supports the most recent version of GNU Radio (v3.8). Supports 32-bit and 64-bit ARM architectures (i.e., armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a). Supports popular hardware frontends (RTL-SDR, HackRF,…