IOTA: come pubblicare transazioni sul Tangle con il Raspberry Pi
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IOTA: come pubblicare transazioni sul Tangle con il Raspberry Pi

IOTA, nata espressamente per supportare le applicazioni di Internet of Things (IoT), è una criptovaluta a cui su questo sito è stato dedicato un ampio…

Log4OM has been released
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Log4OM has been released

New version address some changes in the SOTA summits file and optimize many small things on external searches (qsl manager side). Features Here a brief…

Review of the new RSPdx SDR receiver by SDRplay
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Review of the new RSPdx SDR receiver by SDRplay

This new model has a metal case, three antenna connectors and several circuitry upgrades that make it the performance leader in the SDRplay line-up. Antenna…

La tecnologia blockchain
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La tecnologia blockchain

La tecnologia blockchain sta assumendo con il passare del tempo un interesse sempre più crescente. Ciò è dovuto al fatto che le applicazioni basate su…

Pi-Hole: come trasformare Raspberry in un filtro anti pubblicità GRATIS!
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Pi-Hole: come trasformare Raspberry in un filtro anti pubblicità GRATIS!

Diciamocelo, a volte un’eccessiva pubblicità può non solo crearci un gran disturbo, ma rallentare la nostra navigazione web. Ad-Blocker viene subito intercettato da migliaia di…

AMC Leap of Faith Net – 29/02/2020
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AMC Leap of Faith Net – 29/02/2020

Video:YouTube/1837 Out & About Some of the action from the ‘Leap Of Faith’ AM Net here in the UK which took place on Leap Day,…

9J2LA Zambia. From
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9J2LA Zambia. From

9J2LA Team will be active from Zambia, 4 – 15 March 2020., 9J2LA Zambia. From, ,

Motorola Wins Multimillion Dollar Theft of Trade Secrets Case against Hytera
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Motorola Wins Multimillion Dollar Theft of Trade Secrets Case against Hytera

A jury for the US District Court of the Northern District of Illinois has awarded Motorola Solutions damages of $764.6 million in its theft of trade secrets…

New Foldable Solar Panel, Ham Radio Go-Kit, Portable Power
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New Foldable Solar Panel, Ham Radio Go-Kit, Portable Power

Incorporating solid state thin-film Power-FLEX TM solar cells, the Global Solar 62 Watt Desert Camo Foldable Solar Panel (P3-62) provides an excellent choice for excursions…

Firmware 2.0 #01 – Automotive
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Firmware 2.0 #01 – Automotive

E’ uscito il secondo numero di Firmware 2.0. Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore Automotive. All’interno troverete articoli tecnici su car hacking,…

Advanced debugging su MSP430
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Advanced debugging su MSP430

La famiglia MSP430 di Texas Instruments fa parte di una generazione di microcontrollori con prestazioni e caratteristiche molto elevate. In questo articolo affronteremo le tematiche riguardanti il debugging avanzato…

Does the ICOM IC-7610 equal two IC-7300?
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Does the ICOM IC-7610 equal two IC-7300?

Does the ICOM IC-7610 equal two IC-7300? Recent Posts Does the ICOM IC-7610 equal two IC-7300? March 01, 2020 No comments Does the ICOM IC-7610…

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Comet HFJ-350M 9-Band Telescopic Antenna , HF Portable
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Comet HFJ-350M 9-Band Telescopic Antenna , HF Portable

“First look and use of this ultra portable antenna. I think I will be adding it to my Go-Kit because it is so compact. I…

New QO-100 band plan
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New QO-100 band plan

QO-100 band plan Just in time for the 1-year anniversary of the successful commissioning of the two transponders of Qatar-OSCAR 100, an encore is pending:…

Hi-Z Antennas Shack Switch 2 SS2
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Hi-Z Antennas Shack Switch 2 SS2

Hi-Z Antennas Shack Switch 2 is a modern array direction selection console with an easy to use, large manually operated knob with a continuous rotation…

Bioprinting 3D: la stampa tridimensionale di tessuti biologici e organi
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Bioprinting 3D: la stampa tridimensionale di tessuti biologici e organi

Negli ultimi anni diversi gruppi di ricerca hanno dimostrato come la tecnologia della stampa 3D possa essere applicata anche nella realizzazione di tessuti biologici e…

Costruiamo un indicatore per la raccolta dei rifiuti con ESP8266
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Costruiamo un indicatore per la raccolta dei rifiuti con ESP8266

In questo articolo scoprirai che l’elettronica ci viene in aiuto anche nella vita di tutti i giorni per affrontare al meglio le nostre azioni quotidiane….

AMC Leap Of Faith Net
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AMC Leap Of Faith Net

Happening tonight (29/02/2020) from 10pm UK time, is the AMC ‘Leap Of Faith’ Net. Making the most of the extra day this year on channel 14…

Tuesday LSB Net 25/02/2020
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Tuesday LSB Net 25/02/2020

Video:YouTube/AMC Dougie Fresh! Here’s some of the action from a recent LSB net here in the UK…

Tuesday AM Net 25/02/2020
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Tuesday AM Net 25/02/2020

Video:YouTube/AMC Dougie Fresh! This time it’s action on AM with the Tuesday night AM net here in the UK….

Thunderpole T-3000 – Unboxing & Test
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Thunderpole T-3000 – Unboxing & Test

Video:YouTube/Paul McGee M0WNU Paul takes a look at the new Thunderpole T-3000 CB Radio in his own inimitable style….

KH7M Hawaiian Islands. From
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KH7M Hawaiian Islands. From

Jim, N6TJ will be active from Hawaiian Islands in CQ WW WPX SSB and CW Contests, as KH7M., KH7M Hawaiian Islands. From, ,

NP2P US Virgin Islands. From
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NP2P US Virgin Islands. From

Yuriy, N2TTA will be active from US Virgin Islands, in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 7 – 8 March 2020, as NP2P., NP2P US Virgin Islands….

10-band HF SDR transceiver Minion SDR
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10-band HF SDR transceiver Minion SDR

SSB SDR transceiver is a shortwave, ten band, multi band. QRPver Minion-SDR. This is a compact ten-band shortwave QRP SDR transceiver (1.8, 3.5, 5, 7,…