Xiegu G90 HF SDR Transceiver
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Xiegu G90 HF SDR Transceiver

HF SDR Transceiver News 10-band HF SDR transceiver Minion SDR February 29, 2020 No comments SSB SDR transceiver is a shortwave, ten band, multi band….

The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna
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The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna

launching today The Air Jupiter End Fed Co-Linear Antenna! Here’s a video, 150watts, VSWR 1:3:1, Details to Follow 73’s Tom #HamRadio #SOTA #AvGeek #VHF #UHF…

MFJ-993BRT Remote 300W automatic antenna tuner installation
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MFJ-993BRT Remote 300W automatic antenna tuner installation

Remote IntelliTuner is mounted in a durable hard plastic case that measures just 9 ¼” x 3″ x 14 ¼”. Covers 1.8 to 30 MHz,…

Lo standard Ethernet nelle applicazioni automotive
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Lo standard Ethernet nelle applicazioni automotive

Negli ultimi anni il settore automotive ha subito un cambiamento radicale a seguito dell’introduzione di soluzioni tecnologiche sempre più innovative. I sistemi avanzati di assistenza…

Cellulare SENZA Batteria: come funziona il primo prototipo al mondo?
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Cellulare SENZA Batteria: come funziona il primo prototipo al mondo?

L’Università di Washington se non lo sapessi, è uno degli atenei numero uno al mondo per la ricerca sull’energy harvesting. La pratica di ottenere energia…

AR5700D   9kHz-3.7GHz, Digital Communications Receiver
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AR5700D 9kHz-3.7GHz, Digital Communications Receiver

Download AR5700D Brochure AR5700D User manual AR5700D User manual addendum Go to receiver accessories. Review Testing Grounding (Earthing) with the DLG DI120 Ground Earth Resistance…

Solar Wind Pockets & Solar Orbiter Surprise | Solar Storm Forecast 02.28.2020
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Solar Wind Pockets & Solar Orbiter Surprise | Solar Storm Forecast 02.28.2020

Solar Wind Pockets & Solar Orbiter Surprise | Solar Storm Forecast 02.28.2020 Equipment L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio February 27, 2020 No…

Testing Grounding (Earthing) with the DLG DI120 Ground Earth Resistance Tester
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Testing Grounding (Earthing) with the DLG DI120 Ground Earth Resistance Tester

USB Connection for Data Uploading with software applicable in window 2000 / window XP / window Vista / window 7 ( NOT available for window…

UK Telecoms Regulator Ends Policy of Granting Two-Letter Call Sign Suffixes
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UK Telecoms Regulator Ends Policy of Granting Two-Letter Call Sign Suffixes

UK telecommunications regulator Ofcom has said it no longer will issue two-letter suffix call signs to Full Licence holders. Since mid-2018, radio amateurs attaining the…

International Space Station Resupply Mission to Carry New ARISS Ham Radio Gear
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International Space Station Resupply Mission to Carry New ARISS Ham Radio Gear

The scheduled March 7 SpaceX CRS-20 mission to the International Space Station (ISS) will include the initial Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)…

Come l’elettronica sta cambiando l’automobilismo
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Come l’elettronica sta cambiando l’automobilismo

Non ci sono dubbi su questo. Le automobili hanno cambiato il mondo negli ultimi cento anni. Comunque, la tendenza verso modelli sempre più veloci e…

Effetto serra: l’anidride carbonica diventa roccia per salvaguardare l’ambiente
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Effetto serra: l’anidride carbonica diventa roccia per salvaguardare l’ambiente

Il cambiamento climatico è uno dei problemi più discussi ormai da anni ed al quale si cerca di trovare soluzioni tendando di contrastare tutte le…

L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio
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L3Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio

The L3Harris AN/PRC-117G delivers breakthrough wideband data speed and legacy narrowband performance in a form factor 30% smaller and 35% lighter than any other currently…

The MFJ-1669 40-10 Meter Mobile Antenna with built-in Auto Tuner
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The MFJ-1669 40-10 Meter Mobile Antenna with built-in Auto Tuner

10-BAND HF/VHF 80-2M MOBILE ANT, 200W, 3/8-24 STUB The MFJ-1669 40-10 Meter Mobile Antenna with built-in Auto Tuner A brand new product from MFJ to marvel…

HF Unity Gain Antenna Survey (#246)
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HF Unity Gain Antenna Survey (#246)

“A Necessarily Incomplete Survey of Amateur Radio HF Unity Gain Antennas–a look at the many, many antennas used in ham radio that have about the…

Raspberry Pi: quale linguaggio di programmazione usare?
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Raspberry Pi: quale linguaggio di programmazione usare?

Raspberry Pi è un computer a tutti gli effetti, motivo per cui permette di essere utilizzato per tantissimi progetti. Un aspetto che spesso non si…

Car hacking etico via interfaccia OBD-II
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Car hacking etico via interfaccia OBD-II

La seconda versione dell’interfaccia OBD (OnBoard Diagnostic), nota anche come OBD-II, è uno strumento fondamentale per monitorare lo stato di funzionamento dei veicoli, supportando il…

Frequency Charts
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Frequency Charts

Information about the US Amateur Bands is available on the Frequency Allocations page as well as the frequency bands chart. Printing the band charts Download and print…

Partially Submerged NEMO-1 WSPR Buoy Retrieved by Fishing Boat
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Partially Submerged NEMO-1 WSPR Buoy Retrieved by Fishing Boat

The NEMO-1 WSPR buy buoy launched by AMSAT-Argentina (AMSAT-LU) on January 30 was retrieved 12 days later by a fishing vessel. The buoy transmitted WSPR…

FCC Turns Down Amateur Licensee’s Appeal
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FCC Turns Down Amateur Licensee’s Appeal

In a Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O) released on February 20, the FCC turned down an appeal by William F. Crowell, W6WBJ, of Diamond Springs, California, of…

New Radio! Yaesu FTM-300DR Product Announcement – Ham Radio Q&A
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New Radio! Yaesu FTM-300DR Product Announcement – Ham Radio Q&A

Review Anytone AT-D578 vs TYT MD-9600 | DMR Mobile Radio Comparison February 21, 2020 No comments Read more WA9ZCO Wins the February QST Cover Plaque…

It’s Never Too Late to Upgrade
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It’s Never Too Late to Upgrade

George “Buck” Miner, K6RFE, of Sun City, Arizona, has been an active ham since earning his first license in 1956, upgrading to a General-class license…

Il futuro dei trasporti è negli Autonomous Driving Vehicles
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Il futuro dei trasporti è negli Autonomous Driving Vehicles

Il concept dei self driving vehicles è strettamente legato alla necessità di avere un alto livello di sicurezza nella guida, alla prevenzione degli incidenti stradali…

Sistema di segnalazione acustica per veicoli elettrici
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Sistema di segnalazione acustica per veicoli elettrici

Introduzione Anche quando viaggiano a bassa velocità, i tradizionali veicoli con motore a combustione interna emettono rumori. Solitamente, pedoni e altri utenti stradali usano la…

ARRL Opposes FCC Plan to Delete the 3.4 GHz Band
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ARRL Opposes FCC Plan to Delete the 3.4 GHz Band

ARRL has filed comments opposing an FCC proposal to delete the 3.3 – 3.5 GHz secondary amateur allocation. The comments, filed on February 21, are…