Virus 2019 n-CoV: un pericolo per l’umanità?
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Virus 2019 n-CoV: un pericolo per l’umanità?

Un’emergenza globale si sta affacciando alle soglie del 2020 da poco iniziato: il 2019-nCoV, più comunemente conosciuto come nuovo coronavirus, la cui diffusione è iniziata…

Invenzioni bizzarre (quasi) geniali: presente e passato
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Invenzioni bizzarre (quasi) geniali: presente e passato

Quante volte sarà capitato durante una semplice passeggiata tra i negozi di trovare oggetti, alle volte anche dalla funzione incomprensibile, per poi scoprire la loro…

Transceiver RFI Kit – 5 Noise Reduction Filters
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Transceiver RFI Kit – 5 Noise Reduction Filters

MPN: RFI-ICOM-7300 Type: NEW Country/Region of Manufacture: United States Filter Power Rating (PEP watts): = Cable Rating RFI Suppression Range (MHz): 1-300 MHz # Ferrite Filters: 5 Enclosure Size (inches): n/a Typical…

Icom IC-705 Interview with Ray Novak from Orlando Hamcation 2020
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Icom IC-705 Interview with Ray Novak from Orlando Hamcation 2020

Icom IC-705 Recent Posts Transceiver RFI Kit – 5 Noise Reduction Filters February 08, 2020 No comments MPN: RFI-ICOM-7300 Type: NEW Country/Region of Manufacture: United States Filter Power…

Thingy:52 – il minuscolo kit per realizzare progetti IoT
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Thingy:52 – il minuscolo kit per realizzare progetti IoT

Questo è Thingy:52, la minuscola piattaforma per realizzare progetti IoT della Nordic. Immagina di avere una piattaforma dotata di sensori, processore ARM, interfacce wireless pronta…

Thunderpole T3000 On The Air Test FM & AM
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Thunderpole T3000 On The Air Test FM & AM

Video:YouTube/UK CB radio servicing It looks like Thunderpole have a winner on their hands with the T3000….

I migliori tools gratuiti per realizzare il layout di un PCB
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I migliori tools gratuiti per realizzare il layout di un PCB

Recentemente sul mercato sono apparsi nuovi strumenti che consentono di realizzare il layout di una scheda elettronica in maniera sempre più agevole. Quello che fino a…

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— WIDEBAND DIRECT SAMPLING RECEIVER —- JAN 2020 SPECIFICATIONS 2 switchable HF Antenna inputs direct sampling 1 VHF Antenna input direct sampling Works with FDM-SW2…

Orlando Hamcation 2020, Day 1
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Orlando Hamcation 2020, Day 1

VHF 2020 Summer VHF/UHF Field Day Contest January 25, 2020 No comments “The 2020 VK Summer VHF/UHF Field Day, a ham radio contest was held…

The March Issue of Digital QST is Now Available!
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The March Issue of Digital QST is Now Available!

The March issue of Digital QST is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to view the issue. It is also available for reading on…

Omega 900 – 10 band (160-10m include 5MHz) QRP transceiver
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Omega 900 – 10 band (160-10m include 5MHz) QRP transceiver

Omega 900 is the successor to the well-known and warmly received Omega+ model. It’s a 10-band (including 60m/5MHz band) QRP transceiver with a minimum power…

Max Gain Systems 32 ft. push up mast, quick look.
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Max Gain Systems 32 ft. push up mast, quick look. Specifications Maximum Usable Length (Height): 32 feet Length when sleeved: 7 feet and 3 inches Minimum overlap of tubes: 8 inches Length of Tubes: 6 feet Outer Diameter…

Usiamo le nostre balance board in sicurezza
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Usiamo le nostre balance board in sicurezza

Se da un lato siamo ormai alle porte dell’era della Smart Mobility, sempre più green e sempre più connessa e soprattutto sempre meno dipendente dalle…

So you think you need an antenna analyzer?
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So you think you need an antenna analyzer?

“A discussion came up on the HRCC facebook page over if an antenna analyzer was needed to setup an amateur radio antenna properlly. The answer…

One Storm Down, One to Go: Solar Storm Forecast 02-05-2020
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One Storm Down, One to Go: Solar Storm Forecast 02-05-2020

Antenna New Versa Beam Lite Version [ Japan ] November 08, 2016 No comments Versa Beam The Kohjinsha was developed over the course of two…

TyQSL – Online Logbook
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TyQSL – Online Logbook

A modern Logbook by Hams, for Hams Share your QSO Statistics and even your whole Logbook with others A Place for other hams to take…

ArduinoDroid: come programmare Arduino tramite dispositivi Android
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ArduinoDroid: come programmare Arduino tramite dispositivi Android

Arduino Droid è l’applicazione numero uno per i dispositivi Android con una versione superiore alla 4.4.2 per programmare Arduino direttamente dal tuo cellulare o tablet….

Standard OBD II
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Standard OBD II

La diagnostica a bordo, dall’inglese On-Board Diagnostics, OBD o OBD-II, in un contesto automobilistico o motoristico in generale, è un termine generico che si riferisce alla capacità di autodiagnosi e segnalazione di…

Utilizzo nel settore automobilistico delle bobine prodotte dalla KEMET della serie SC per alte temperature
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Utilizzo nel settore automobilistico delle bobine prodotte dalla KEMET della serie SC per alte temperature

Sono sempre più numerose le aziende automobilistiche che decidono di utilizzare i dispositivi ad alta tensione, al fine di migliorare il comfort di guida o…

Buddistick Antenna – 40m – 6m – In Depth Review
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Buddistick Antenna – 40m – 6m – In Depth Review

App – Mobile Learn Morse Code in Minutes A Day [ APP ] December 18, 2019 No comments – Learn Morse Code with different modes…

Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, Elected AMSAT President
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Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, Elected AMSAT President

At a special meeting held via teleconference, the AMSAT Board of Directors elected Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, President. Coleman previously served as a member of the…

Anytone AT-D578UV Pro Quick Review with Katie WY7YL
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Anytone AT-D578UV Pro Quick Review with Katie WY7YL

“The Anytone AT-D578UV Pro is a mobile, dual-band, analog and DMR radio. With tons of features in a nice compact build, it’s sure to be…

Digital Modes and the CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest
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Digital Modes and the CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest

Photo: ED1R VHF 2020 Summer VHF/UHF Field Day Contest January 25, 2020 No comments “The 2020 VK Summer VHF/UHF Field Day, a ham radio contest…

Ham Radio Deluxe release
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Ham Radio Deluxe release

This release completes the work related to the callsign lookup re-write, slow QRZ lookups, and an “Encountered an unspecified error” in DM-780. QSOs with stations…

Tecnologie per l’e-mobility
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Tecnologie per l’e-mobility

La crescita esponenziale di veicoli a propulsione elettrica e ibrida è fortemente legata ai progressi tecnologici nel power management e all’implementazione di materiali innovativi adattabili…