L’articolo illustra la realizzazione di un cronometro, utilizzando il microcontrollore Pic. Pratica e didattica per lavorare al meglio con il compilatore mikroBASIC PRO. Quando i microcontrollori non erano così alla portata di mano,…
Antenna Omnidirectional Biquad Antenna for 2.4GHz ( WI-FI ) June 18, 2016 No comments Directional antennas do have their strengths such as power over distance…
The University of Washington’s HuskySat-1 3U CubeSat, launched November 2, 2019, is set to deploy on January 31 after the vehicle that carried it to the International…
In a recent ceremony, two Winlink development team members were awarded the Military Department of Tennessee Adjutant General’s Distinguished Patriot Medal. Steve Waterman, K4CJX, was awarded “for his distinguished…
Tecsun H-501 SSB Full Band Receiver Dual Speakers portable with radio music player Bluetooth sound Product Name: Tecsun H-501 Brand: Tecsun / Desheng Origin: Mainland…
FilterLab è un CAD di Microchip che qualunque appassionato di elettronica può utilizzare per progettare e dimensionare filtri analogici attivi basati su celle ad operazionali. In questo articolo ne illustriamo le…
Review Does Snow Affect Vertical Antenna Performance – Ham Radio Q&A January 24, 2020 No comments Read more Radioddity GA-510 10-Watt Handheld Review January 24,…
Internet pullula di siti che affermano di aver trovato le prove del “complotto lunare”: lo sbarco dell’uomo sulla Luna, il più grande inganno di tutti…
“Hello again folks. New active region 2757 belonging to cycle 24 continues to evolve and is currently producing very minor B-Flares. In more interesting news,…
The winning article for the January 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “Untangling the Decibel Dilemma” by H. Ward Silver, NØAX. The QST Cover Plaque Award — given to the…
On Friday, January 24, 2020, the President signed into law: H.R. 583, the “Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act” or the “PIRATE Act,” which…
MHS130 Floating Handheld VHF Marine Radio Built with safety in mind! 6 Watt “Boost Key”… ensure max transmit power when necessary. Simple UI with soft…
Sistema basato su Arduino UNO WiFi per il controllo locale e remoto fino ad un massimo di 5 apparecchiature. (luci, riscaldamento, ecc.) con rilevamento di temperatura…
Two upcoming Space Station contacts are planned for next week: An educational radio contact is planned with Agrupamento de Escolas Serafim Leite, São João da…
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