Bluetooth vs. BLE: differenze, pro e contro
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Bluetooth vs. BLE: differenze, pro e contro

Bluetooth Low Energy. Negli ultimi anni si è intensificata la necessità di trovare un sistema che fosse meno esoso in termini di energia rispetto al…

Compressione dati con l’algoritmo di HUFFMAN
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Compressione dati con l’algoritmo di HUFFMAN

Nulla si crea e nulla si distrugge; in effetti, per trasferire contenuti di tipo multimediale si fa riferimento a politiche di compressione al fine di ottimizzare l’enorme…

Upcoming Space Station Contact
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Upcoming Space Station Contact

An educational radio contact is planned with Ontario Science Centre, Toronto, Canada via telebridge IK1SLD Ground Station located in Casale Monferrato (AL), Italy. The ISS…

PROPAGATION ALERT: Massive High Pressure Over UK
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PROPAGATION ALERT: Massive High Pressure Over UK

If the guys at the Met Office have their calculations correct it looks like the UK and Europe are set for a very intense area…

Reducing the noise from my camper’s LED lights
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Reducing the noise from my camper’s LED lights

App – Mobile Learn Morse Code in Minutes A Day [ APP ] December 18, 2019 No comments – Learn Morse Code with different modes…

Microchip semplifica la sicurezza IoT hardware-based con soluzioni di pre-provisioning
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Microchip semplifica la sicurezza IoT hardware-based con soluzioni di pre-provisioning

Con il proliferare del numero e dei tipi di dispositivi connessi, la frammentazione del mercato e le vulnerabilità in termini di sicurezza presenti nell’Internet of…

Belka-DSP radio receive
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Belka-DSP radio receive

The Belka-DSP radio receiver is designed to receive radio stations with amplitude, frequency and single-band modulation, as well as telegraph signals at short waves in…

Solid Delta loop for 20m band
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Solid Delta loop for 20m band

Delta loop Antenna Boom length: about 7m, projection on the ground 4m per arm Mounts on mast from 40 to 50mm, 60mm optional. suggested height…

High Speed Telegraphy Competitions Set
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High Speed Telegraphy Competitions Set

The 17th International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) High Speed Telegraphy (HST) World Championship will take place August 20 – 24 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.   Europe’s…

ARRL’s newest podcast!
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ARRL’s newest podcast!

ARRL’s newest podcast! The first issue of On the Air magazine has been released and Becky Schoenfeld, W1BXY, provides an overview of what’s inside. The…

Log4OM V2
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Log4OM V2

Log4OM V2 Here a brief list of Log4OM v2 features. Software capabilities can fully be discovered only using it during your daily activity. Accurate call sign…

Smart Contract: Cosa sono?
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Smart Contract: Cosa sono?

Immaginate di prendere il treno per un appuntamento importante. Durante il viaggio però, avete la sfortuna di accumulare ritardo. Immaginate di ricevere un rimborso immediato, non contestabile,…

Convertitore DC/DC con TPS62204
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Convertitore DC/DC con TPS62204

La progettazione di un convertitore DC/DC da utilizzare in un dispositivo portatile richiede uno studio molto accurato per massimizzare l’efficienza e allungare cosi la vita delle batterie. La maggior…

Puerto Rico Earthquake Relief Effort Continues, with Help from Ham Radio
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Puerto Rico Earthquake Relief Effort Continues, with Help from Ham Radio

In Puerto Rico, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers continue to operate from the American Red Cross distribution center in Yauco — one of the…

ARRL On the Air Podcast Premieres on January 16
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ARRL On the Air Podcast Premieres on January 16

ARRL’s new On the Air podcast for those just getting started on their amateur radio journey, will debut this Thursday, January 16, with a new podcast posted…

0 Spectrum Analyzer with the SDRPlay
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$100 Spectrum Analyzer with the SDRPlay

Antenna 6M-F Magnetic Loop December 28, 2019 No comments A 50~54 mHz high performance,  CNC manufactured, all aluminum magnetic loop antenna. At only 18 inches,…

Eliminate Interference with the MFJ-1026 Noise Canceller
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Eliminate Interference with the MFJ-1026 Noise Canceller

Wipe out noise and interference before it gets into your receiver with a 60 dB null! Eliminate all types of noise — severe power line…

IoT è chi IoT lo fa: comprendiamo gli strumenti
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IoT è chi IoT lo fa: comprendiamo gli strumenti

Nello scorso appuntamento ci siamo occupati di comprendere cosa voglia dire iniziare la prototipazione in ambito IoT. Inquadrare le specifiche tecniche e progettare in maniera…

Germany Special Event Recognizes Anniversary of SDR Development
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Germany Special Event Recognizes Anniversary of SDR Development

The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) this year is honoring 35 years of software-defined radio (SDR) technology with special call sign and special DOK. “In…

Tragic Drowning Cuts Short DXpedition to Rotuma – 3D2AG
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Tragic Drowning Cuts Short DXpedition to Rotuma – 3D2AG

DXer Antoine “Tony” N’Yeurt, 3D2AG, reported over the weekend that his 11-year-old son had died in an accidental drowning in Rotuma. 3D2AG had been active…

Guida Autonoma: Come funziona?
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Guida Autonoma: Come funziona?

Se tornassimo indietro di trent’anni, la guida autonoma sarebbe vista come fantascienza. Eppure, grazie alle tecnologie presenti è diventata una realtà. La guida autonoma non è…

Linear Amplifier Design con LT1991/95/96
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Linear Amplifier Design con LT1991/95/96

Gli amplificatori integrati LT1991, LT1995 ed LT1996 di Linear Technology integrano, al loro interno, una serie di resistori che consentono di configurarne la topologia (differenziale, invertente o non invertente) ed il guadagno attraverso opportune connessioni…

Satellites Charge as Fast Solar Wind Approaches | Space Weather News 01.13.2020
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Satellites Charge as Fast Solar Wind Approaches | Space Weather News 01.13.2020

VHF 432 MHz world tropo record extended even further to 4,644 kms January 05, 2020 No comments  ” On Saturday the 28th of December 2019, Ian GM3SEK in…

Amateur Radio volunteers are helping to support the American Red Cross’ efforts following the recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico
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Amateur Radio volunteers are helping to support the American Red Cross’ efforts following the recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Section Manager Oscar Resto, KP4RF, reports that several Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) volunteers have been deployed to earthquake-ravaged regions of the island…

Applicazioni video low power con le FPGA lgloo
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Applicazioni video low power con le FPGA lgloo

Come usare le FPGA lgloo per l’acquisizione ed elaborazione di immagini e per il controllo di display LCD. I continui progressi tecnologici hanno determinato una rapida…