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CRT are quick off the mark with another new radio, the CRT SS9900V. Packed with new features and increased output power, this radio is sure…

President Washington First DX Contacts
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President Washington First DX Contacts


President George II – Programming?
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President George II – Programming?

  A video posted by Klaus Rüsseler on the President George II Facebook page appears to show the radio in programming mode with PC MODE…

WORLD FIRST CONTACT: President Washington
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WORLD FIRST CONTACT: President Washington


President Washington – DX Reception
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President Washington – DX Reception


Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2422
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Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2422

Reversible 40 Meter Moxon, Multi-Band End-Fed Antenna Design for Limited Space, FunCube Dongle HF Upconverter: Expanding Reception Range, 40 meters band beverage antenna, Reducing RFI…

425 Magazine 4/24
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425 Magazine 4/24

“Il 425 Magazine, la raccolta mensile d’informazioni DX divulgata sotto l’egida dell’A.R.I., può essere scaricato gratuitamente in formato .pdf” 425 DX Magazine Aprile 2024 Tutti…

L’Editoriale di giugno 2024
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L’Editoriale di giugno 2024

Radioamatori da 599 a PerugiaAlessio Sacchi, IZ4EFN Se non lo avessi vissuto in prima persona, non potrei credere a quanto la nostra Associazione ha realizzato…

Verbale riunione C.D.N del 22 maggio 2024
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Verbale riunione C.D.N del 22 maggio 2024

Disponibile, in area riservata ai Verbali del CDN, il Verbale della riunione C.D.N. del 22 maggio 2024

Diploma “Battaglia di Magenta” 2024
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Diploma “Battaglia di Magenta” 2024

La Sezione A.R.I. di Magenta, per commemorare la Battaglia del 4 Giugno 1859, tra le più significative della Seconda Guerra d’Indipendenza e fondamentale nel processo…

Timothy Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, Re-elected as President, Thomas Wrede, DF2OO, elected as Vice President of International Amateur Radio Union
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Timothy Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, Re-elected as President, Thomas Wrede, DF2OO, elected as Vice President of International Amateur Radio Union

For further information, please see the global IARU web at …

Nostalgia dei vecchi videogiochi? Ecco il nuovo boom del retrogaming
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Nostalgia dei vecchi videogiochi? Ecco il nuovo boom del retrogaming

Negli ultimi anni, il mondo del gaming ha subìto una trasformazione radicale. Grafica ad alta definizione, immagini nitide e ad altissima risoluzione, realtà virtuale, giochi…

DRIVER per motori DC (Puntata 2)
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DRIVER per motori DC (Puntata 2)

In questo articolo analizzeremo un sistema a microcontrollore per modulare la potenza erogabile a motori DC, lampade ad incandescenza, etc. Questa seconda puntata fa parte…

Digital Health: 5 interessanti ricerche scientifiche
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Digital Health: 5 interessanti ricerche scientifiche

Nell’era digitale in cui viviamo, i dispositivi elettromedicali hanno guadagno sempre di più il ruolo di pilastri fondamentali nel panorama della salute e del benessere…

DRIVER per motori DC (Puntata 1)
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DRIVER per motori DC (Puntata 1)

In questo articolo analizzeremo un sistema a microcontrollore per modulare la potenza erogabile a motori DC, lampade ad incandescenza, etc. Questa prima puntata fa parte…

Digital Health: tutorial per il monitoraggio del battito cardiaco con Arduino
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Digital Health: tutorial per il monitoraggio del battito cardiaco con Arduino

Nell’ultimo decennio, con l’accesso facile alla tecnologia sempre più efficiente e miniaturizzata, anche la salute è diventata una priorità sempre più importante. Con la crescente…

President Washington appears on Knights website
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President Washington appears on Knights website

  The President Washington has appeared on the Knights Electrocom website here in the UK. No price yet but it does say “Coming Soon”. The…

President Washington FIRST LOOK & New Website
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President Washington FIRST LOOK & New Website

President have launched a new look website today showcasing all their products including the new President Washington 10/11/12m radio and I must say, it looks…

Inside the Factory – How your Quansheng UV-K5 is made!
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Inside the Factory – How your Quansheng UV-K5 is made!

Video:YouTube/match999 A very interesting video from inside the factory where the Quansheng UV-K5 is made…

Video: President Washington Thoughts by Dave M0OGY
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Video: President Washington Thoughts by Dave M0OGY


President Washington Price Revealed?  …. Maybe Not!
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President Washington Price Revealed? …. Maybe Not!

  The price of the new President Washington may have been revealed on the Funktechnik Bielefeld website…. The price was listed at €498 for several…

5U5K Niger. From
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5U5K Niger. From

Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as 5U5K from Niger, 8 – 20 June 2024., 5U5K Niger. From, ,

XT2MD Burkina Faso. From
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XT2MD Burkina Faso. From

XT2MD Team will be active from Burkina Faso, 31 October – 11 November 2024., XT2MD Burkina Faso. From, ,

9K2HN Kuwait. From
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9K2HN Kuwait. From

Jim, N6TJ will be active as 9K2HN from Kuwait in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 23 – 24 November 2024., 9K2HN Kuwait. From, ,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2421
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Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2421

Build a Lightweight 15m Yagi Antenna: Simple Design for Impressive Performance, QSL Card Generator Online, UniBalun: Lightweight Balun/UnUn PCB for QRP Radios (1:1, 1:4, 1:49),…