“4U1UN News directly from Adrian KO8SCA, August 24, 2018 18:00z: “No one is operating from the 4U1UN Club Station at this time. Any spots of operation after…
Photo: VE6AB Hurricane ‘Lane’ is affecting Hawaii with heavy rainfall of nearly 1 meter forecast along with high tides caused by the storm surge. Combined,…
Nell’articolo vengono presentati alcuni esempi di configurazione dell’interfaccia SPI per i micro Fujitsu. Si dice che l’SPI sia una semplice comunicazione seriale tra due dispositivi digitali, tuttavia la mancanza di un formato standard…
Numerosi studi di ricerca condotti in tutto il mondo hanno dimostrato che una percentuale di gran lunga superiore di incidenti stradali si verificano durante la…
“Hawaii Emergency Management declared that emergency communications during Hurricane Lane will be conducted through amateur radio, which could spell trouble with the coming solar storm…
Xiegu G90 is a portable 20W HF amateur radio transceiver with an SDR architecture and built-in automatic antenna tuner. The display unit and the radio…
ARRL Headquarters is in monitoring mode, as powerful Hurricane Lane — a Category 5 storm — approaches Hawaii, ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager Mike Corey, KI1U,…
Radioddity have announced a new version of their popular dual band DMR handset… The Radioddity GD-77BB With specifications exactly the same as its predecessor (The…
Xiegu G1M is an entry level QRP transceiver with general receive 0.5-30 MHz and transmit capabilities on five popular amateur radio bands. Its highly portable…
The FCC Enforcement Bureau has entered into a Consent Decree with Horizon Hobby, LLC to resolve a case involving the marketing and sale of noncompliant audio/video (A/V)…
Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc., established by noted radio amateur and inventor Nathan Cohen, W1YW, continues to stretch technological boundaries of belief. In an August 15 news…
A magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit northern Venezuela August 21 at 21:32 UTC, some 12 miles north-northwest of Yaguaraparo. An emergency response net has been activated on…
Nella maggior parte dei pic è implementata una periferica seriale, che viene identificata con il termine di “UNIVERSAL SYNCRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER TRASMITTER (USART)”, nel presente articolo si fa riferimento a quella presente nel pic16f628. La USART è…
Con tutto il clamore che circonda i veicoli a guida autonoma basati sull’intelligenza artificiale (AI), sul riconoscimento delle immagini e sui sensori sofisticati, è facile…
The US Coast Guard says it’s received reports from crews, ship owners, inspectors, and other mariners regarding poor reception on VHF radiotelephone, digital selective calling…
AMSAT has announced that it has granted OSCAR designators for the Chinese DSLWP-A and DSLWP-B microsatellites, successfully launched on May 18 into a lunar transfer orbit…
UV-5RX3 is a compact, ergonomically hand fit HT, which balances cost, functionality and reliability. It provides real 5 watts in the frequency range of VHF,…
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